Goals of this Session:  Allow networking between existing users for them to learn from each other and understand each other’s environments  Preview newest.


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Presentation transcript:

Goals of this Session:  Allow networking between existing users for them to learn from each other and understand each other’s environments  Preview newest features  Talk about challenges  Blueprint features necessary for continued advancement of this module  Allow Q and A from districts who are not currently using for them to gain confidence and have a chance to know more about workshops and how/why you would want to implement! Workshops

 Who is using?  Delta (Hearing Testing Only)  Fort McMurray  Seven Oaks  River East Transcona  Brandon  The Winnipeg School Division  Success Statements/Discussion  Eliminate tons of work in registering, preparing class lists, marking completions  Facilitators love it  More convenient for employee?  All workshop completions automatically recorded in history  Easier reconciliation with time worked and time absent  ONLY works for your own staff AND for facilitator use, must be employee Workshops

 WORKSHOPS July 2011 – June 2012 (to date)  SD72, Delta, SD23, Fort McMurray, Portage la Prairie, Turtle Mountain and Mystery Lake not doing workshops in CIMS Workshops # Workshops Offered# Enrolled FMPSD1371,056 BSD561,225 RETSD2783,088 SOAKS932,806 WSD7249,836

 Workshop Walkthru  Department(s) input workshops in CIMS Core.. All other work can be Web.  Employees can register online, can be registered automatically or copied from previous W/S POS.565, or can use AdminConnect to register  If W/S requires approval - Location Admin see it on their dashboard to approve/deny - s staff member so they know  New RSVP process available from WebForm (POS.328, POS.567)  Facilitators can print their own lists, download class, take attendance  Mass opportunities to make things like room, time, location changes totally manageable (PRO.525)!  Department(s) complete the workshop – autogenerate certificates and eFile (POS.561)  Download to Sharepoint Calendar (Piloting RETSD) to keep district calendar populated Workshops

 Workshop Walkthru Workshops

Pete Mary Fred Henry Frank Donna Kim Deb Heather Facilitator Access - Print Attendance List - Print Compare to Sub Entry - Print Class List - Take Attendance - Download List - Attach W/S Document

 Workshop Alternate Use  Setup Flu Shot or Hearing 5 Minute Timeslot  Copy that workshop 100 or more times to create all of the available timeslots  Allow employees to sign up/register for those timeslots to fully automate the process and put it online for them to see/select and act as a reminder. Workshops

 Workshop and RSVP  Setup Workshop  Auto-Assign attendees (POS.565)  Create a web form POS.328 and assign it to the Workshop ID requesting all applicants to RSVP  Use PAY.328, PAY.558, and POS.567 to manage responses Workshops

 This Year’s Completed Enhancements  New Pending Admin Approval message ed to registrant to better inform them  New ability to register past FULL – put on the waitlist  New facilitator cutoff 30 days after workshop  New ‘X’ status – attended but incomplete  Full search capabilities (keywords now not necessary?) on most fields  Also new search by Workshop ID  New Workshop to cover cost of Sub Y/N on Core setup. If N – additional messaging in to registrant makes them aware that sub costs are not covered.  New Last Workshop ID displayed to help in naming next workshop  In Workshop registration CORE - ability to auto upon approval, AND ability to go to certificates from W/S to check qualifications Workshops

 Next Release Changes  Additional field(s) for internal workshop notes (coffee, notes to facilitator..)  Longer Title – everybody says it but do we listen to it?  Jazz up the comment by allowing for HTML (like bulletin board?)  On Facilitator – ability to on employee – Mailto  On Facilitator – ability to full class  Show facilitator new internal notes  On Workshop view eliminate description etc.  Along with send the.ics outlook calendar attachment Workshops

 Next Release Discussion Points  H/R Leave – request workshop ID and upon entry –automatically register employee into workshop? Then change status upon approval ???? Holy Crap – wouldn’t this eliminate paper/confusion  New field in Workshop CORE – Leave Form Required Y/N  H/R Workshop – automatically add/update Sub Entry?? At what point – entry or approval or CIMS option to control? How far ahead to consider (just those workshops tomorrow – end of month??)  What to do with waitlist employees?  How to allow employees to withdraw before deadline date? Facilitators? How will this help to get others in from waitlist? Should we have a CORE option per workshop to say ‘Allow employee to withdraw?’ Or always allow it? Yikes, if we allow this withdrawal how will this work backwards to the leave request and potential Sub Entry? Workshops