Moose Mrs. Main Period 9
Where can you find a moose? North America and Europe
Movement Top speed is 35 mphWalks on four legs with hooves – front legs are longer than back legs
Movement Good swimmers – can swim up to 6 mph – can stay under for 30 seconds They move in a herd
Chemical activities Doesn’t have incisors so it has to rip off bark and uses hooves to scrap through snow in the winter for moss Eats lbs. each day
Chemical Activities Herbivores(they eat vegetation) such as grass, plants, branches and bark from trees Warm-blooded mammal that breathes with lungs
Growth and development Life span is Weight is 800-1,200 LBS Size is 6-7 ft. tall
Growth and development Male is called a “bull” with 4-5 ft antlers that they shed each year Baby moose is called a “calf” – has reddish fur which turns brown
Responding to the environment Bothered by humans Knocks them down to kick and stomp until they stop moving Too hot, too many flies Go into a pond or lake
Responding to the environment Male threatens male Show or fight with antlers Females make a deep call Males are attracted
Reproduction Mating season is early fall and gestation lasts for 8 months Usually have 1 calf (twins and triplets are rare)
Reproduction Gives birth in the spring or summer Calf stays with the mom until the next mating season
Interesting facts Also known as elk – largest member of the deer family Has a dewlap hanging from its throat
Interesting facts Hair is hollow to keep them warm Good hearing and sense of smell – bad sight because they are nearsighted
Thanks for listening! Hope you learned how a moose is a living thing!