Fold a piece of paper into thirds for your name plate. Your first impression on me and your understanding of fractions! Write your first name on one side in large letters so that I can see it clearly. MAKE A NAME PLATE
Create a math expression using the letters of your name and their equivalent number values that produces the largest possible value. You must use each operation (+, -, ÷, ●) one time. If additional operations are needed you must only use addition. PROBLEM:
Use your problem solving recording sheet to restate the GIVEN and the GOAL. EX: Conjecture: My name (Griffin) is seven letters long, so I predict that I can create an expression that is at least worth a value of 100. Letter Values A = 1 B = 2 C = 3 D = 4 E = 5 F = 6 G = 7 … X = 24 Y = 25 Z = 26 EXAMPLE: MRS. GRIFFIN
First I will re-write my name made up of letters into their equivalent number values. Then I will look at the values and brainstorm where to put each operation (+, -, ÷, ●). I will start with division because I think that will be the most challenging to place and get a whole number quotient. After that, I will determine which values to multiply since multiplication of whole numbers produces the largest possible values out of all the operations. Next I will place the subtraction and addition operations. I will have a few extra addition symbols because I have more than five letters/number values. I will follow order of operations to see what value I come up with. Lastly I will analyze my solution to see if I should rearrange some of the operation symbols to create an even larger result. PLAN:
Attempt #1 G R I F F I N SOLUTION:
SOLUTION: ●÷ Yeah…but is this the greatest POSSIBLE???
Great question…what do you think? How can you be prepared to defend your final answer in your reflection if you’ve only tried a few ways? Should you try every possible expression you can think of or can you justify just a few based on what you know about math??? SO HOW MANY ATTEMPTS IN THE SOLUTION ARE REQUIRED??
Defend WHY you think the highest solution came out to be the highest. Did it have something to do where you placed the multiplication symbol? Did it have something to do where you placed the division symbol? JUSTIFICATION
The greatest numerical value that I could create from using the letters of my name and their equivalent number values is ______. ANSWER
Describe the process you went through so solve the problem. Make sure to discuss challenges you faced, how you know you answered the problem correctly (PROVE IT!), and what you learned from completing this problem Should be SEVERAL sentences! REFLECTION