Rolling Through the Great Depression A choose your own adventure story Written by: Team 100
Your sister and you are living at the farm in Iowa where you were born and were raised. You have a small farm out in the back which your father planted for you. One day you run out of money. Your sister takes you to your grandmother.She decides to take you in while your sister finds a job to get more money. You want to go with her. You have to choose. Stay with your sick grandmother Go with your sister
You have decided to stay with your grandmother. Since your grandmother has the flu you have to do some work around the farm. After a week you can’t stand her nagging any longer. At night you start thinking about running away and finding your sister. You have two decisions. Stay and wait for your sister Run away and try to find her to come with money
You decided to go with your sister. You start to pack your things and leave. Your sister and you ride away on her old, worn-down truck. Two hours later, the truck brakes down. Now you have to travel by foot. A few minutes later, you see a wanted sign for a job. They pay you $1.00 a day. You turn and see another job. They pay you.50 a week. You have to choose. Take the $1.00 job.Take the.50 job.
You have decided to stay and wait for your sister. After six years, she has not come back. You are afraid something happened to her. One day you receive a letter from your sister. She tells you she is doing great and she will come back for you. You run in to tell your grandmother, but you find her not moving a single muscle in her bed. You bury her in the cemetery near your house. You then decide to run the farm. One day in early August, men come to look at the farm. One man smiles at you and tells you, you are now tremendously rich because they found oil on your farm. You are glad and after a few years your sister comes for you and you are happy because you got to stay in the farm with lots of money.
You have decided to run away and find your sister. After two days of escaping, a man finds you laying on the pavement. He decides to take you in as one of his own. Now you learn that your sister starved to death. Then the man that took you in decides to adopt you. They give you a new name. You like it, but you just don’t feel the same without your sister. After a few days you have fun with your new family although you still miss your sister.
You have decided to take the$1.00 job. The man in charge tells you and your sister to earn the money, you have to gather food from the back, bring it inside, and cook it. You have been doing this for at least a week, and haven’t earned a cent. You and your sister decide to give up and quit. You leave with only the clothes on your backs. You have no place to go, no food, no water. You should have stayed with the job.
You decided to take the.50 job. The woman in charge tells you and your sister that to earn the money, you have to seat and serve costumers, after that you clean the place. You have been doing this for at least a week and you are earning a lot of money for the Great Depression. You are glad you took he job. You are able to feed yourselves. You are also able to clothe yourselves. You are glad you made this choice.