Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1 Print and Out-of-Home Media Part 3: Effective Advertising Media Chapter 8
Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1-2 Key Points Identify the strengths and weaknesses of newspapers Describe the key factors that advertisers should know to make effective decisions about advertising in magazines Analyze why packaging is such an important advertising opportunity Discuss factors that advertisers should consider in making out-of-home media decisions Outline the factors that advertisers use to make decisions about using directory advertising
Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1-3 3 Print Media
Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1-4 Print Media Print advertising includes printed advertisements in newspapers, magazines, brochures, posters, and outdoor boards Print provides more detailed information, rich imagery, and a longer message life
Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1-5 Newspapers Used by advertisers trying to reach a local & national market Primary function is to carry news Target selectivity allows newspapers to target specific consumer groups Frequency of Publication: daily or weekly Format & Size: broadsheet or tabloid Measurement for Readership Circulation=numbers of copies sold (reach)
Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1-6 Classified: ad by individual or business co. to sell their personal goods e.g. “Real Estate” “Car” Display:1) Run-of-paper(ROP): ad can be appeared anywhere except the editorial page 2) Preferred-position rate: select the position Supplements: 1) Free-standing insert (FSI) set of ad inserted into the newspaper more attention, greater control over quality e.g. grocery ads) Types of Newspaper Advertising
Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1-7 Newspaper Advertising Advantages Range of market coverage Comparison shopping Positive consumer attitudes Flexibility Interaction of national and local Disadvantages Short life span Clutter Poor reproduction
Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1-8 Use Newspapers If… You are a local business Desire extensive market coverage No need to demonstrate the product Moderate to large budget
Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1-9 Magazines Most magazines today are special interest publications aimed at narrower target markets Upscale magazines provide an ideal place for the image advertising of luxury products
Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1-10 Types of Magazines Audience focus Consumer magazines - Directed at the end consumer e.g. Praew, Dee-chan Business magazines - Trade paper: retail, wholesaler -Industrial magazine: manufacturer -Professional magazine: physician, lawyer Farm magazines Other classifications Geography Demographics Editorial content Physical characteristics Ownership
Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1-11 Distribution Traditional delivery Through newsstand purchases or home delivery Nontraditional delivery Inserting magazines in newspapers Delivering through professionals Direct delivery
Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1-12 Magazine Advertising Format Double-page spread: - two pages face each other (largest space sold) Gutter: - the white space running bet the inside edge of the pages Bleed page: w/o outside margins the color extends to the edge of the page Gatefold: two connecting pages tt fold in/ on themselves Photo essay ad: special ad page w/ the word “Advertising”
Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1-13 Technology Has enabled magazines to distinguish themselves from one another Binding and ink-jet process Personalize issue for ind. subscribers Magazine Advertising
Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1-14 Magazine Advertising Advantages Target audience Audience receptivity Long life span Format Visual quality Sales promotions Disadvantages Limited flexibility Lack of immediacy High cost Distribution
Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1-15 Use Magazines If… Well-defined target audience Want to reinforce or remind audience Product must be shown accurately and beautifully (image) Need to relate moderate to extensive information Moderate to large budget
Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1-16 Out-of-Home Advertising Outdoor advertising Billboards and posters in public locations Size & Format: Printed Posters VS Painted Bulletin Consider buying: location, target, traffic count
Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1-17 Out-of-Home Advertising On-Premise Signs Retail signs that identify stores Posters Used on the sides of buildings and vehicles, as well as on bulletin boards and kiosks Kiosks Designed for public posting of notices and advertising posters Transit advertising Places ad in vehicles e.g. bus, train, taxis and subway stations e.g. BTS Exterior transit ad Interior transit ad
Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1-18 Out-of-Home Advertising Advantages High impact medium Larger-than-life visuals Hard to ignore structure Least expensive Disadvantages Message could fail to be seen or have impact Passive medium Extensive regulation
Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1-19 Using Print Advertising Use Out-of-Home If… Local business that wants to sell locally Regional or national business that wants to remind or reinforce Product requires little information and little demonstration Small to moderate budget
Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1-20 Packaging Both a container and a communication vehicle The last ad a customer sees before making the decision to buy Constant brand reminder once on the shelf at home or in the office
Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1-21 Directory Advertising Books that list names, phone numbers, and addresses of people or companies Tells people where to go to get the product or service they want Reaching an audience already in need of something Yellow Pages Other Directories
In-Class Exercise Each group reviews the advertisements in the magazine List the product category and the brands Analyze the target audience: Demographics Psychograpics Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1-22
Assignment 4 (5%) Form a group of 3-4 members CHOOSE ONE product CHOOSE TWO media to advertise the product & specify the media vehicle for each CREATE your own new/interactive media (out-of-home) advertising for the chosen product DUE DATE:14 or 16 September 2010 (class time only) ADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1-23
Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice24 End of the Lesson