Institute of International Finance Mumbai, 15 December 2005 Corporate governance: investor perspectives
December Agenda Opinions Performance Action
December Corporate governance at the heart of investment decisions 75% ready to pay premium for high governance standards Premium range: 12–14% North America, Western Europe 20-25% Asia, Latin America 30%+ Eastern Europe, Africa Companies: better disclosure, more independent boards Policies: shareholder rights, accounting standards, better disclosure Investor surveys: McKinsey 2002 Qualitative research, 200 institutional investors
December Investor surveys: Investor Relations Society (UK) 2005 Qualitative research, 100 institutional investors To what extent do you incorporate corporate governance issues in your stock selection procedures?
December Does good corporate governance have a significant impact on improving a company’s valuation? Investor surveys: London Stock Exchange, 2005 Opinion survey: 100 institutional investors
December How important is good corporate governance in influencing investment decisions? Investor surveys: London Stock Exchange, 2005 Opinion survey: 100 institutional investors
December Board independence: no positive correlation to performance Professor Sanjai Bhagat: worst performers in 1990s had most outside directors Outsiders in practice may not resist bad decisions Independence vs. knowledge and incentives Read across to SEBI/Irani debate? Limits of analysis based on discrete CG variables? Performance analysis: independent directors (1999) Quantitative survey: 1,000 US companies
December Annualised stock returns, Performance analysis: governance rating vs share price Governance Metrics International: 1,600 major global companies, 2004
December It pays to be good: FTSE 350, top vs bottom 10% scores on corporate governance Performance analysis: Deutsche Bank 2004 Source: Bloomberg, Deutsche Bank Securities Inc. estimates and company information
December Deutsche Bank: building corporate governance into research metrics Corporate governance impacts, analysed retrospectively: Profitability, RoE Bottom 20%: 2002 RoE 1.5% Top 20%: 2002 RoE 15.9% Share price performance Volatility Impact on current valuations harder to define “Investors currently do not possess the tools necessary to incorporate corporate governance assessments into valuation on a timely basis.” Corporate governance: component of equity risk Corporate governance scoring mechanism, correlated with financial indicators
December Will corporate governance play a greater role in investment decisions over the next year? Investor surveys: London Stock Exchange, 2005 Increasing investor focus on corporate governance: a permanent trend
December Size matters: bigger companies have better governance Growth strategy co-ordinated to governance strategy Check governance strategy against best known metrics: try rating yourself Explore, work with analysts’ approaches to corporate governance analysis / measurement Communicate corporate governance strategy None of this should get in the way of common sense Action: linking governance to valuation Break rules rather than do anything against common sense