Valuing Families at Work: Key to Moving Families Out Of Poverty Ellen Bravo Family Work Consortium June 29, 2010
Families Need Paid Time Off to stay attached to the workforce to make work pay to build assets to enhance child and senior well-being to restore the middle class. to reinforce the proper role of government.
Facts: Pregnant Women in the U.S. More than 60% take less than 12 weeks. More than half receive no pay during leave.
Facts: Paid Sick Days 2/5 of the private sector workforce – and 3/4 of low- wage workers - have no paid sick days. Majority who do have PSD can’t use them to care for sick family members. Many who do have PSD get penalized for using them.
Facts: Paid Sick Days Fewer than 1 in 7 food service workers have paid sick days. Monique Evans of Portland, ME wound up losing her job when her daughter had the flu and she was told, “Come in anyway.”
Background: s Temporary Disability Insurance (TDI) funds introduced in 5 states – Rhode Island, New Jersey, New York, California, Hawaii. Pregnancy was not included. NJ: lumped with injuries that were “willfully self- inflicted or incurred during the perpetration of a high misdemeanor.”
Background: 1976 Supreme Court says pregnancy has nothing to do with sex – not covered by Title VII.
Background: 1978 Congress passed Pregnancy Discrimination Act: Can’t fire women for being pregnant – but you don’t have to hold their jobs. Pregnancy like other temporary disabilities – but most women work for firms with no short-term disability plans. Mothers aren’t the only parent. Newborns aren’t the only ones needing care.
TDI States Added Pregnancy After the PDA, every TDI state added pregnancy and childbirth-related disability. All working women in these 5 states now receive paid maternity leave of 2-4 weeks pre-birth, 6-8 weeks post-birth, as recommended by the woman's doctor. Still a problem for workers in non-TDI states.
Background: 1993 Congress passed FMLA: 12 weeks leave to care for for new child, seriously ill child, spouse or elderly parent, or personal illness. Includes job guarantee and health insurance. Broader than maternity – and includes men.
Problems with FMLA Half the private sector workforce isn’t covered. Doesn’t cover siblings, same-sex partners. Doesn’t cover routine illness. It’s unpaid.
Guess Which Countries Lack Paid Maternity Leave? Bangladesh Botswana Brazil Cameroon Canada India Iran Mexico Mongolia Netherlands Norway Swaziland Sweden U.S. Zambia
How the US Stacks Up on Paid Maternity Leave: 100% Pay: Bangladesh Brazil Cameroon India Netherlands Norway Sweden Zambia Partial Pay Canada – 50 weeks, 55% Botswana – 12 weeks 25% Iran, 16 weeks, 66% Mongolia – 17 weeks, 70% No Pay Swaziland U.S.
How U.S. Compares on Paid Sick Days 163 countries offer paid sick days. Of the 15 most competitive countries, all but U.S. offer paid sick days. 11 of the 13 OECD countries with lowest unemployment rates provide paid sick leave. Most offer 30 days or more.
We Need Government Action Reclaim role of government to protect the people, create minimum labor standards. Circumstances and values have shifted -- we need new rules.
State Policies: Expand FMLA Expand who gets leave and for what purposes: Cover smaller employers Broaden definition of family Add use for events related to school and medical appointments, domestic violence Make leave affordable with family leave insurance fund (FLI). Expand existing TDI funds to include leave for all purposes in FMLA. Create new fund – apply for DOL grants to states..
State and Local Policies: Paid Sick Days Ensure a minimum number of job-protected paid sick days (PSD). Include all workers. Include care of family members broadly defined. Include time to deal with effects of domestic violence and sexual assault. Flexible Care or Family Care – allow use of existing PSD to care for sick family members.
Other State and Local Policies Expand eligibility for UI to include part-timers, those who lose job because of family care. Expand definition of good jobs to include family-flexible policies. Use of public dollars – ARRA Green jobs Community benefits agreements Part-time parity. End mandatory overtime. Restrict family responsibility discrimination.
Laying the Groundwork We’ve made important strides: We won family leave or parental leave insurance in California, Washington, New Jersey. We’re close to winning family leave insurance in New York. Several states have expanded state FMLA laws. We won paid sick days in San Francisco, District of Columbia, Milwaukee. A win is possible in New York City, Massachusetts. Several states have passed Family Care Act (use of sick days to care for sick family members). Bills are pending in many states and municipalities. A number of national bills are pending. The federal budget proposal includes $50 million for money to states for paid family leave funds.
How to Get There: Lessons from Organizing in the States
Involving Those Affected We involved those affected by the issues in every stage of the work. Not just the face but the heart and driver of our campaigns.
Demonstrate Real Needs Our organizing, research, polling demonstrated a need for new minimum standards.
Demonstrate Policies Are Good for Business Cost of replacement: 150% for salaried, $5500 even for $8/hr workers Low-income mothers with paid leave have higher earnings and more likely to be employed. [Heather Boushey] Not a favor to women – a better way to do business: cuts turnover, presenteeism, improves quality and productivity.
Building Power We built strong coalitions from groups focused on: labor business public health education domestic violence disabilities racial justice economic development advocates for kids, seniors.
Clear Message Rooted in Values We worked with message experts to create common frames: It’s time to value families at work. No one should have to choose between the job they need and the family they love. Everyone gets sick – not everyone has the right to get well. You don’t want to be served flu with your food. Policies that value families are good for the bottom line.
New Media Tools Activists tell their stories through 1000 Voices Archives, made possible by a partnership with Creative Counsel. Working Families Story Bank – audio and photos.
Research Policy experts helped document the facts and we put faces to them. We showed lack of standards hurts everyone, with a disproportionate impact on women, low-wage workers, and workers of color. New emphasis linking to health care cost containment, job security.
Progressive Employers We found allies among employers who helped make the business case. We’re challenging the primacy of corporate lobbyists - to create wedge, stop employer identity theft.
Winning Champions We educated progressive policymakers who became champions. We helped expand the scope of work for many progressive organizations.
Creating Change We helped change the policy environment, including how voters view the role of government. We linked our campaigns with the need for regulation.
We Found Support Support from National Foundations such as Ford and Annie E. Casey… …helped leverage local and state support.
Sharing Innovation New model of sharing funding. We share strategies, tactics, framing, resources. We share innovative new approaches.
Milwaukee: Ground Campaign, Use of Media We spoke to thousands of people and used billboards, bus ads, 200,000 post cards in multiple languages, yard signs, ads on community radio, weekly media events, as part of an extensive ground campaign in the community.
Georgia: Kids and Seniors We engaged school children in art and essay contests, visits to lawmakers for the Parent Protection Act. We got a seniors’ group involved: “We need our adult children to take us to dr. appointments.” Hospital official agrees.
Maine: Working Women’s Voter Guide, Social Media We developed a work and family guide for candidates and voters, particularly unmarried women in targeted communities. Use of social media to: promote online action increase turnout, gather ideas (eg, fortunes for cookies for legislators) keep members updated draw attention to good media.
California: Demonstrating the Health Impact of Sick Days We worked with Human Impact Partners to develop a model showing connections between public policy, public health, and worker well-being.
New York: Engaging Public Health Experts We’re contacting public health officials to sign on to family leave insurance and paid sick days, offer research, speak at press events or hearings.
Massachusetts - A New Take on Health Care We initiated research showing how paid sick days can contain health care costs (cut down on ER use, increase preventive care, promote prompt treatment).
Illinois: Holding Town Hall Meetings We got YWCAs, Urban Leagues and others to host town hall meetings where workers speak about the need for paid sick days, and employers share the business case.
Colorado: Working with CBAs, Girls Helped ensure Community Benefits Agreement included flexibility for family care. The local women’s foundation, a supporter of the coalition, has linked us with a girls’ group which wants to focus on the Parental Involvement Act.
Pennsylvania: Engaging a Local Chamber Had won neutrality agreement from Delaware County Chamber of Commerce. The chair committed to a roundtable with PathWays PA and businesses to discuss paid sick days. Doing outreach to Philadelphia Chamber, individual businesses.
New Jersey: Stopping the Baloney When the NJ Business and Industry Assoc. spread mis- information against family leave insurance, the coalition delivered a loaf of bologna to “Stop the Baloney.” Did research on how businesses dealt with family and medical leaves. Effectively countered business lobby claims that FLI would put NJ companies out of business.
North Carolina: An End Run Created a Work and Family Balance Commission when legislative leadership created roadblocks. Involved variety of disabilities groups.
Oregon: Partnering with Principle Developing racial justice analysis of need for and impact of paid family leave. Learning from partners, building alliances based on shared interests and principles.
MN: Using Social Media The coalition is using facebook and twitter along with table top displays, postcards and other tools.
Washington: Linking Family Leave with Economic Security Coalition is demonstrating how paid family leave provides economic stimulus in a downturn. Piloting approach of multiple municipal initiatives.
Moving Toward a Tipping Point We’re building the power needed to reach a tipping point and make sure we bring about a sea change for working families.
Some Key Challenges “Job Killer” argument Opponents try to exploit economic crisis Undependable sponsors, “compromises” that carve out low-wage workers Allies made fearful in election year
Dealing with Challenges “JOB KILLER:” Demonstrate that our policies are job preservation strategies. NORC study: 23% lost job or told they would lose for taking time to care FVAW fact sheet Gain business partners. Main Street Alliance, others Expose opposition hype. Link with facts on health, child and elder well-being.
Dealing with Challenges SPONSORS: Find sponsors who come from the movement, will remain loyal to issue. Build group of allies to stand together. Create caucus of those committed to issue. Demonstrate the impact of carve-outs.
Dealing with Challenges FEAR OF ELECTIONS: Share results of polls showing widespread support for these issues. Build base of power to challenge those who let us down.
What It Will Take Champions need work at the grassroots to make change at the top. How we’ll win: Demonstrate how policies that value families boost economic development. Invest in organizing at the state and local level, with greater resources and coordination. Make sure this is part of every group’s agenda.
Steps to Take Link with existing coalitions or individuals in your area already working on these issues. Research how work you’re doing can include time to care: ARRA funds Community benefits agreement Green jobs Look for points of shared interest with other partners.