Digital Arts-Based Methods in Research M.A. CEESA
Digital Arts-Based Inquiry Establishes relationship through shared representation and experiential exchange Recognises subjectivity through evidence Invites equal participation through participatory process Identifies issues on multi-sensory level and facilitates critical analysis through reflection Use of accessible materials and processes often through colloquial language Engages the multiple intelligences of the subject and audience
Digital Tools Hardware: Digital Stills Camera Digital Video Camera Digital Audio Recorder Computer, mic, webcam, tablet Software/Freeware: Paint/iPhoto/Gimp Windows Moviemaker/iMovie Wavepad/Audacity
Digital Arts Digital Photography Digital Video Digital Music Digital Literature (Blogging, Online books) Digital Visual Arts Digital Animation Digital Games Creation Digital Design: Web Interactive 3D
The Electronic Agora The Electronic Agora describes the ability of people everywhere to obtain information, discuss and make decisions about all issues. Use of the Electronic Agora permits re-establishment of direct democracy instead of representative democracy. -Anonymous post, KnolAnonymous post, Knol -More: The Electronic Agora, David Travis -Academic Press, Inc. Duluth, MN, USA ©1995 ISBN:
Sharing Digital Work Web Hosts: Moodle (academic forum) Issuu (publications) Flickr (photos) Vimeo (video) Youtube (video) Soundcloud (audio) Social Networking Sites: Wordpress (blog) eBlogger (blog) Facebook Twitter
Exploring the potential of Digital Arts Based Research
‘Gatekeeping’ Produced by Bridie Costello A photo slideshow based on an ‘Image Theatre’* sequence presenting a visual interpretation of ‘Gatekeeping’. Pictured left to right: Siobhán Clancy, Keith Wallace Photography by: Bridie Costello
‘Gatekeeping’ Produced by Keith Wallace A poetic interpretation of the ‘Image Theatre’ sequence on ‘Gatekeeping’ based on the participant’s own experience as a research Pictured left to right: Siobhán Clancy, Keith Wallace Photography by: Bridie Costello
Participant Feedback on Training Programme for Digital Arts Based Research Methodologies Featured on video: Bridie Costello, Anna Harrington, Keith Wallace, Jerrrieann Sullivan. A video edit from self-produced recordings made by participants reflecting on the training experience
Research through Digital Arts
Traditional Research Pictured left to right: Ray McKinlay, Anna Harrington Photography by: Simon Ó Donnabháin A photo composition presenting a visual interpretation of the inter-personal dynamic established through of traditional research methods.
Digital Video Peer Research Pictured clockwise from top left: Anna Harrington and Ray McKinlay, Jerrieann Sullivan, Anna Harrington, Keith Wallace. Video by Keith Wallace, Bridie Costello, Ray McKinlay. Still extracts from 4 videos presenting permutations of the inter-personal dynamics established through of digital arts based research methods.
Sample Outcome from Training
Collaborative Research Self-directed Reflection Extract from a video recording of a group reflection demonstrating digital arts based method of gathering and documenting a qualitative evaluation. Featured on video: Jennifer Darcy, Mark Malone, Ray McKinlay, Breda Murphy, Simon Ó Donnabháin
Resources for Ethical Considerations IVM International Visual Methodologies for Social Change Sample Consent Form & Letter: Bibliography on ethical issues: hy_on_ethical_issues.php
References & Further Resources Anthony Haughey interview-1/2/64/ interview-1/2/64/ Community Theatrehttp:// Fiona Whelan Rialto Youth Project Thomas O’Connor oconnor.mp3 oconnor.mp3 Augusto Boal dkitalk/augusto_boal_founder_of_thea tre_of_the_oppressed_3rd_april_2008 /augusto_boal_unplugged_at_the_abb ey_april_3rd_ dkitalk/augusto_boal_founder_of_thea tre_of_the_oppressed_3rd_april_2008 /augusto_boal_unplugged_at_the_abb ey_april_3rd_2008 Seamus Nolan hp hp Games for Actors and Non-Actors Augusto Boal Routledge, 1992 Photography & Advocacy aving-our-say Video Processes for Human Rights Create, National Development Agency for Collaborative Arts Online Community Resource Forum on Migration & Communications