Thermo-mechanical infrastructure: Environmental Monitoring with FOS AIDA WP9.3 meeting November 21 th DESY, Hamburg. David Moya Martin Instituto de Física.


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Presentation transcript:

Thermo-mechanical infrastructure: Environmental Monitoring with FOS AIDA WP9.3 meeting November 21 th DESY, Hamburg. David Moya Martin Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC-UC )

Outline — FOS sensor for the environmental and structural monitoring — Fiber optical sensors interrogator at Desy _ First transnational access: Belle II PXD-SVD common Test Beam ( January 2014). — Current cases of use: _ Thermal characterization of the cooling system for Belle- II PXD. _ Deformations Real time Monitoring ( AIDA demonstrator) — Current and future FOS R&D for particle physics. 2 D.Moya, - DESY, 22th Nov

FOS for environmental and structural monitoring industry driven technology 3 D.Moya, - DESY, 22th Nov

FOS for environmental and structural monitoring — Most interesting for us: _ Light-weight, miniaturized, flexible, _ Very fast response, very small thermal inertia, can spot fast temperature changes. — Other attributes _ Immunity against: High electromagnetic fields, high voltages. High and low temperatures. (4 K to 1200 K). Nuclear radiation environments (not in all the cases) _ Multiplexing capability (sensor network) _ Embedding in composite materials. _ Wavelength encoded ( neutral to intensity drifts) 4 D.Moya, - DESY, 22th Nov

Fiber optical sensors interrogator at Desy — A dynamic interrogation unit at DESY (SM ) — Main characteristics: _ Four reading channels _ Maximum interrogation speed of 100 Hz _ Range 60 nm (Maximum of sensors per channel) _ Stability 5 pm (0.5ºC, 5ustrain) — System completed with r/o software and distributed sensor network 5 D.Moya, - DESY, 22th Nov

First transnational access — First transnational access : Belle II PXD-SVD common test beam at DESY _ Two PXD Layers+ four SVD layers with a thermal enclosure of dry air, all inside PCMAG magnet 6 D.Moya, - DESY, 22th Nov _ PXD sensor CO2 cooling _ The aim is to measure temperature and humidity, and if possible relative displacements between sensors layers — Test beam finished by 2 nd of February, then accessible for other transnational access.

New Thermal testing of PXD (Belle-II) thermo-mechanical mock-up. — Monitoring temperatures and humidity under a nitrogen atmosphere ( instead of dry air) of sensors in Belle-II PXD Valencia’s thermo- mechanical mock-up during cooling cycles. — It turns out to be a useful tool for diagnosing the thermal mock-up conditions and to improve it. 7 D.Moya, - DESY, 22th Nov

New Thermal testing of PXD (Belle-II) thermo-mechanical mock-up. 8 D.Moya, - DESY, 22th Nov Temperature measured with, FBGs ( Temp, humidity) and PT100

PXD thermo-mechanical mock-up (3) 9 D.Moya, - DESY, 22th Nov Enviromental measurement

PXD thermo-mechanical mock-up (4) 10 D.Moya, - DESY, 22th Nov Very fast response to a fail of the mock-up CO 2 cooling system

Deformations Real time Monitoring ( AIDA demonstrator) Real time Monitoring ( AIDA demonstrator). — Within AIDA project a first self monitoring structure manufactured — This demonstrator is CFRP plate with eight FBG sensors (four per side ) embedded at a define position to allow us to measure deformations under Torsion and Flexion loads. (Each sensor position optimized to measure one of the deformations) 11 D.Moya, - DESY, 22th Nov Flexion sensors Torsion sensors Top layer Botton layer

Deformations Real time Monitoring (AIDA demonstrator) time Monitoring ( AIDA demonstrator). — the expected sensors signal change to each load, structure deformation, temperature and vibration can be monitor — A first demonstrator has been manufactured and will be tested this year 12 D.Moya, - DESY, 22th Nov

Deformations Real time Monitoring (AIDA demonstrator) ormations Real time Monitoring ( AIDA demonstrator). — In AIDA thermo-mechanical set-up infrastructure there will be integrated a displacement measurement optical system. — Our idea is to go with the technological demonstrator and compare the deformation measurements of both systems. 13 D.Moya, - DESY, 22th Nov

Our current and (expected) future R&D on FOS — Continue the study of FOS resistance to different radiations ( gamma, electrons, neutrons) as function of the coating and doping types and level of the sensor fiber. — Intercalibration of Aida demonstrator with AIDA thermo- mechanical set up, under torsion and traction loads. — Design, installation and commissioning of a real time structural and environmental monitoring (temperature, movements, vibrations and humidity) of PXD and SVD sub detector at Belle-II (jointly with INTA, IFIC and HEPHY) — Study in more detail the possibility of using FOS for humidity monitor inside trackers volumes 14 D.Moya, - DESY, 22th Nov

Concluding remark — New proposal for using the FBG sensors in your prefered setup are welcome. 15 D.Moya, - DESY, 22th Nov THANK YOU !