Tibbals Elementary 3 rd Grade Welcome to Parent Orientation
~Michele Douthit ~Debbie Hazelwood ~Jamey Helms ~Shanna Pruit ~Tanya Wood
Homework Homework is specific to each classroom. Spelling words are pre-tested on Monday. Six of the twelve words will be given at that time. Scholars will study the given spelling rule throughout the week. Twelve words will be tested on Fridays. Scholars should practice their addition and subtraction facts nightly. Scholars will read 100 minutes per week and record minutes in a Reading Log. This requires a parent signature and is checked every Friday morning. Scholars who do not complete the reading and/or the chart they will go to study hall during recess.
Grades Scholars will receive number grades for Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, Science, and Citizenship Scholars will receive letter grades for Music, P.E., and Computer If a scholar were to make below a 70, the grade will stand as is but the content will be re-taught. Spelling tests and CBA’s are not retested. A B C F 69-0 A B C A B C A B C A B C A B C
Behavior Scholars learn in an environment that focuses on respect and cooperation. Scholars who meet the expectations will receive tiger punches, stamps, stickers, praise, etc. Scholars who choose not to meet the expectations will receive verbal/nonverbal warnings, signatures on their behavior sheet, parents conferences, etc.
Dismissal Procedures Car Line: The quickest way to pick your child up is to stay in your car with your “yellow” card visible throughout the whole line. All teachers need to be able to see the card in order to make sure the child is being placed in the right car. If you have an appointment or a place to be at a certain time please plan accordingly and arrive prior to dismissal. If you walk up to pick up your child you MUST go to the office and sign your child out with your ID present. No exceptions! These procedures are for the safety of all scholars here at Tibbals. ***If dismissal changes PLEASE send a note, an by 12pm, and/or call the office.
MyWyFi All Wylie ISD scholars (K-12) will be allowed to bring their own internet enabled devices to school. This includes laptops, netbooks, smartphones, iPod Touches and any other device that meets minimum system requirements. *The teacher will notify students and parents when scholars are to bring their device to school. * If you follow the MyWyFi link at you will find additional information on the MyWyFi program, device registration forms and some answers to frequently asked questions.
AR (Accelerated Reader) Scholars will be able to exchange points they have earned for quizzes at the end of each 6 weeks. Scholars will be given a Language Arts grade every six weeks for the average of all the AR quizzes that they have taken during that time.
Lunch and Recess Pre-paying will keep money in your child’s account. Your child would love having you as a guest! We go outside everyday, weather permitting. Please check the weather report and dress your child appropriately. LABEL COATS AND JACKETS
Progress Reports and Report Cards Progress Reports will be sent home every three weeks. Report cards are issued every six weeks.
Grades Mis-spelled words that are on the paper, third grade sight words, on the board, or in the room = -1 point Forgetting to capitalize the beginning of a sentence and proper nouns (city, states, names, etc.) = -1 point Missing punctuation = -1 point A maximum of 10 points will be taken off per assignment Example: the girl went to sonic on wednesday = -4points
Notes Please send a note to your child’s teacher for the following circumstances: Request to not participate in P.E. or recess After school transportation change Request to not participate in the pledges and/or “Moment of Silence” Absences
Volunteers Volunteers are needed to help with homeroom parties, field trips, and other events. Teachers may also need volunteers to help with classroom activities. All volunteers need to fill out applications and background checks.
Intervention Intervention will be offered to scholars who need extra help in reading or math. Intervention is offered during school consisting of small reading and math groups. If the teacher feels that a scholar needs additional help, the parent will be contacted.
Absent Work If a scholar misses school and has a note excusing the absence, the amount of days missed will be given to complete work. For example, a scholar that is absent for three days with the flu will be given three days to make up the work. If a scholar is gone on an extended amount of time and does not have a doctor’s note, the highest grade that can be given is an 80. For example, the scholar is in Florida on vacation.
Scholars take the Reading and Math STAAR tests Math STAAR- April 24 th Reading STAAR- April 25 th
Daily Schedule 7:20First Bell 7:30-7:45Warm-Up 7:45-9:30E.L.A. 9:30-10:00Social Studies/Snack 10:00-10:50 Specials 10:50-12:10Math 12:15-12:40Lunch 12:40-1:00Math Problem Solving 1:00-1:20 Recess/Study Hall 1:20-1:35Daily Five 1:35-2:30Science 2:30Stack & Pack/Dismissal Tiger Tracks7:30-7:45 Friday mornings Lunch and Recess times will vary by class!
Birthdays Parent’s may send/bring items to school that will be shared in the afternoon. The following list suggests possible treats which will help teachers maximize an educational climate. ~stickers ~pencils ~small trinkets ~bookmarks Please do not send cakes, cupcakes, ice cream, cookies or drinks due to allergy restrictions.
Student Outcomes At the End of 3 rd Grade Year **For Language Arts/Reading** Read grade level material fluently with comprehension Use root words, prefixes, suffixes and endings to recognize words Demonstrate knowledge of synonyms, antonyms and multi-meaning words Distinguish fact from opinion Read from a variety of genres (fiction, non-fiction, poetry from classic and contemporary works) Write using capitalization, punctuation, proper nouns, commas in a series Write with proficient use of contractions / homonyms Write longer and more detailed sentences Write drafts to produce final product Write to improve coherence, progression and logic – edit final drafts
Student Outcomes At the End of 3 rd Grade Year **For Math** multiply and divide whole numbers connect fractional symbols to fractional quantities use place value to read, write, and describe numbers compare and order whole numbers round whole numbers determine the value of a given amount of money apply addition and subtraction strategies construct multiplication facts up to 12 x 12 use patterns to make predations indentify, classify, and describe two- and three-dimensional figures using attributes create lines of symmetry locate and name points on a number line use standard measurement tools to determine length, area, perimeter, mass, capacity, and temperature tell time to the minute collect, organize, display, and analyze data determine the probability of an event use problem-solving strategies understand that mathematics is a part of everyday life
Student Outcomes At the End of 3 rd Grade Year **For Science** plan and implement simple investigations adjust hypotheses based on changing information collect information using tools communicate conclusions make informed decisions use technology to support scientific investigations identify importance of rocks, soil, water, and atmospheric gases understand the effects of a push or pull (force) know that magnetism and gravity are special types of forces understand the relationship between organisms and their ecosystems understand that science knowledge is constantly changing and we may not know all the answers understand that a system is a collection of cycles, structures, and processes that interact use patterns to predict what will happen next
Student Outcomes At the End of 2 nd Grade Year **For Language Arts/Reading** Read and write independently Understand different purposes for speaking and listening Attract and hold attention of classmates Recognize large number of words Use a variety of word id strategies Regularly read for understanding and fluency Read text to acquire new information Summarize what was read Represent ideas gained from reading Use references Revise and edit their own writing Use appropriate capitalization and punctuation Use singular and plural nouns and adjust verbs for agreement Form letters properly Take simple notes and compile into outlines
Student Outcomes At the End of 2 nd Grade Year **For Math** understand the base 10 place value system compare and order whole numbers apply addition and subtraction determine the value of coins up to one dollar use concrete models to describe fractions with denominators of 12 or less recall basic addition and subtraction facts up to 18 solve 2-digit addition and subtraction facts use patterns to make predictions describe and sort two- and three-dimensional figures using their attributes use standard units of measure to determine length, area, mass, capacity, and temperature tell time to 5 minute increments collect and analyze data develop problem-solving strategies understand that mathematics is a part of everyday life
Student Outcomes At the End of 2 nd Grade Year **For Science** use safe practices during experiments and investigations plan and conduct simple investigations develop skills in using standard/non-standard measurement use common tools to collect information classify and sequence objects and events and identify patterns using tools support investigations using computers and info tech tools identify components and processes of the natural world (water cycle, use of resources) observe examples of change (melting, evaporation, push and pull, weathering) compare characteristics of living/non-living things compare lifelong needs of plants and animals understand how living organisms depend on their environments identify functions of parts of plants and animals
Thank you for coming ! We look forward to seeing you again at Teacher Conferences on October 20 th !