Training Integrated School Culture of Performance PreK-3rd Grades Ulises Soto
Introduction What Can LKR Look like for the younger grades? PreK to 3rd. How do we create a pop rich music education environment, even when it feels like “herding cats?” Our goal is Modern Band, but what if they are “too little?” Lets share. What do you do?
Agenda How can we implement the LKR philosophy across the grades. Particularly for Pre-k to 2 nd (and 3 rd ) but extending this practice through middle school. How can they perform together? When they can't rehearse together. The first music instrument is the human voice, followed our hands and feet. How can we use this to engage our young ones throughout the year? 8-10 min
Overview How can they perform together? When they can't rehearse together. This session will cover performance activities and specific focus strategies like drum-circles, song ideas and concepts, on achieving our ultimate goal of kids who love making and performing music skillfully. perfor m Time Rock Roll LKR fun sing play Drums
Vocabulary Drum Circle (hand percussion, sticks, chairs, claps) Rhythm (clave, syncopations, time, beat etc.) Singing (age appropriate and inclusive) Stomps and Claps (useful songs, reference Video) Procedures for ALL movement Management Procedures must be taught and followed through with from day one. Procedures in all movement (Drum Circles, singing, rehearsals, walking in, walking out, standing sitting, changing instruments, switching stairs, etc.) Rhythm studies Clave
Topic One Playing on time, Rhythm and Swing Explaining syncopation and playing a rhythm with syncopation are not the same, practice it and let them feel the swing. Ask for 4-8 volunteers Modeled Lesson on Time v.s. Clave 4/4 with a 3-2 clave pattern. A swing they can feel. Extended - Bo Didley a Syncopated Latin Clave pattern in iconic R&R classic, using a familiar nursery rhyme for lyrics.
Topic Two Choreographed movements with singing Show 2nd Grade Video Listen to: Cold Play, “Lost” Imagine Dragons “It’s Time” (video) U2 “Vertigo” (standard backbeat) Bo Didley “Bo Didley” (3-2 Clave)
Summary Though the Modern Band LKR approach our PreK- 3rd graders will relate to and participate in this rich school wide culture of music performance. This is achievable trough careful a “backward design” approach. Start rehearsing for the concert from day one. Use Mixed Grade approach to your concerts and performances. I would greatly appreciate your thoughts on this presentation! Thank You.
Where to Get More Information Seek out resources and people within your school and school community. Don’t even try to do it all alone! Use the LKR song book first! Musicopoulus (phone App) ReadRhythm (phone App) DrumBeats (phone App) Music Theory Pro (phone App) Dropbox (for big file sharing) Garage Band (ask Anthony Di Masso re: Stereo Mic pair recording using Garage Band)