1 Page: Quick User Guide Ver.3.0 Installed By: Company: Address: Tel:Fax: After Hours: Date: This Quick User Guide is for technician or field engineer to use PC Based DVR from Our Product Line. This guide will allow the user to control & use PC Based DVR more easily and efficiently. Even though the user may had lots of experience with the similar PC Based DVR, we recommend that the user to read this guide first to protect from risk of damage to the properties, PLEASE READ THIS GUIDE FIRST. We will do our best so that the user can enjoy the best quality system with ease of operation and reliable performance. If you have any question or problem during the system configuration and/or management, please contact your vendor for technical support.
2 Page: Quick User Guide Ver.3.0
3 Page: Quick User Guide Ver.3.0 Display modeSetup modeSearch modePlus package CMS SetupCMS SearchWEB CMSE-MAPNetphone Display Screen Screen Division Status System Utility Display Screen Screen Division Status System Utility Save Disk Camera Recording Speed Schedule I/O Intensive Record Network Voice Alert User Group Other Audio Video Notification Save Disk Camera Recording Speed Schedule I/O Intensive Record Network Voice Alert User Group Other Audio Video Notification Play Back Play Screen Digi-Clock/Calendar Time table Screen division/Scroll System Utility EMAP Easy Viewer Single Viewer Back up PTZ Play Back Play Screen Digi-Clock/Calendar Time table Screen division/Scroll System Utility EMAP Easy Viewer Single Viewer Back up PTZ Log Viewer Water Marking player Registry Backup Log Viewer Water Marking player Registry Backup Setup Display Scheduler Save Disk EMC Other Setup Display Scheduler Save Disk EMC Other Search Play Screen Digi-Clock Search Time Table Screen Division System Utility Remote Search Search Play Screen Digi-Clock Search Time Table Screen Division System Utility Remote Search Screen Division IP Address DNS DVR. Type. User. Password. Site IP. Port # Screen Division IP Address DNS DVR. Type. User. Password. Site IP. Port # Emap Editor CMS Map CMS Map Editor EMAP Menu Emap Editor CMS Map CMS Map Editor EMAP Menu Main B’D. DVR Connecting. Audio Setting Netphone Connecting. CAMS Connecting. CMS Connecting Main B’D. DVR Connecting. Audio Setting Netphone Connecting. CAMS Connecting. CMS Connecting PC DVR Setting procedure
4 Page: Quick User Guide Ver.3.0 PIP button Status : Display disk info, event information, network access information, 2 way audio, logo, and system time clock. Display Mode Display Screen : Display live and recording image of the selected cameras. Screen Division & Sensor/Control : Select various screen division modes or activate sensor & control buttons. System Utility : Access to system operation, search, setup, auto, PTZ, backup, login/out and audio player. Display screen Snap Shot Audio Mouse PTZ Data stream Save PTZ Control Screen conversion mode : the position of each screen can be changed by dragging mouse. Screen Manu : Instant recording or searching the saved data of 1, 2., 3 Min. ago. available on emergency. Instant recording :Select ‘Instant recording’ to save. Recoding status changed as blue color. Instant Search : Click ‘Instant Search’ to search the saved data through ‘Single Viewer’. This will allow you to view up to three minutes instantly. Screen Division: 1, 4, 1+5, 3+4, 1+7, 3X3, 2+8, 1+12, 4X4, 2+17, 1+21, 5X5, 1+32, full screen, auto conversion, PIP. Sensor/Control : Displays the status of sensor/control. You can also activate controls from here. Screen Division & Sensor / Control You can monitor 2 screens at the same time with small screen inside of one screen. - Double click PIP monitoring screen to convert to one division screen. - Click button which is on the right-lower side of PIP screen to convert to the next monitoring screen Camera 1 to 32 displayed in sequence. Click this button to monitor in full screen mode. Click the button to move any screen to the centre of the main screen to monitor in more detail button Extension button Conversion button It is available on 64 ch DVR.Block A monitors 1-32 and Block B monitors A/B Screen Conversion button Status Click the button to check event message, Only the system administrator can check the event message. Message - Input the password for the administrator account. - After checking the account, the event window be shown with the detailed information. - Select ‘Clear’ button, to delete all system events. Click the button to check the information of CMS and CAMS which are currently connected. : It represents the information for each drive in the DVR system : the disk currently saving data : the next save drive Network Status Click the button to check the information of remote CMS and CAMS which are currently connected. Disk Information DVR security lock key : Manage user’s access to Windows. Only allowed user can access Windows mode, This code can be changed right click of the mouse on the key symbol to change the code. Click the 2-way Audio button in the DVR Site, click the Connect IP address after that, click speaking button you need to set up 2-way audio for use 1) select ‘Notice’ option. 2) control MIC volume with volume button. displays the system date and time, this format can be changed. 2-way Audio Digital-Clock DVR security lock key
5 Page: Quick User Guide Ver.3.0 System Utility Checks the position of Camera, Sensor, Control, etc. based on JPEG or BMP image. Access to backup mode, local backup, network backup, schedule backup, instant backup with CD/DVD rewriter or local HDD. Access to detailed camera system setup mode, motion detection area, camera frame rates, sensor/control, save disk, user group, network, video out, etc. Access to various search mode, general search, special search (real time, multi time, day search, object search) Checks the Snapshot or watermarking file. Single Channel search and playback of the saved data. **Default ID/PW: administrator / 1234 Contact your administrator if you can’t remember your ID/PW. **Default ID/PW: administrator / 1234 Contact your administrator if you can’t remember your ID/PW. E-Map Image Viewer Single Viewer Search Setup Backup Log in/out, shutdown, restart, cancel of the system. Log out Setting up the camera Motion detection region setting of each camera for recording: select a camera from 1 to 32, and the image of the camera will be shown. Click and drag the left mouse button on to the screen. Each designated region will turn a different color. A maximum of 5 regions can be set up. For this setting you should setup the recording schedule as motion the recording ‘SCHEDULE’ with minimum 1 frame recording frame. If it is set ‘0’, it will not be applied. Erase motion detection region : click the motion area and drag it out of the screen, or click the ‘DEL’ key. Name : name of each individual camera. Setting up Recording Speed Camera list Number : Checkmark each connected camera. - Name : It represents camera name. - Frame : It represents frame rate of camera. (frame per second, FPS) - Size : It represents image size. (recording resolution) - Quality : Adjusts image quality of recording video data. Camera Number : It represents camera number of selected camera. Camera Name : It represents camera name of selected camera. Image Setting - Size : Adjust image size of each camera. - Frame :Adjust frame rate of each camera. - Quality : Adjust image quality of each camera. Information : It represents image type and Frame / Blocks which have been setup on all cameras. Default : Click the button to be changed as default setup Setting up the record schedule Mode : C – continuous recording M – motion recording N – no recording Camera and time scheduler : it consists of 24 hours a day, and number of cameras. Drag the mouse on the schedule and designate the recording time for each camera. Then, select the recording mode on the left side buttons to apply. The color of the designated recording zone will be changed. A day of Week : select a day of a week and setup the recording schedule. It can be single day, or multiple days or special day setup Single day : Select a specific day of the week and setup the recording schedule via time and camera Multiple days : Select each day and week and setup the recording schedule at the same time. Apply days : You can apply the same recording setup to single or multiple days. For example, first, select a day, and setup recording mode on Schedule, and apply ‘mode’, and then click ‘Apply’ button on the bottom to complete the setup. Special day setting : If you want to apply special recording setup for a particular day, you can use this function. Click ‘Add’ button and select ‘date’ on the ‘calendar’. And then, the selected date will be added on the ‘Special day setting’. Next, setup recording mode on Scheduler, and select ‘Mode’. Click ‘Apply’ button on the bottom to complete the setup. You can remove the setup with ‘Delete’ button. Setup Mode Motion detect setup : Check mark ‘Beeping’ to make a sound when motion is detected. ‘Show region’ to alert the detection region on screen when a motion is detected, ‘sensitivity’ can be adjusted with scroll bar. ‘Erase all’ is to remove all detection region, ‘Mask all’ is to apply detection setting on full screen. Full screen : When motion or sensor is detected, the screen will automatically pop up as full screen and go back to the original screen division after set-time duration is up. PTZ : Click the PTZ button to show the setup information. Checkmark ‘Use PTZ’, and select appropriate information for the PTZ, name, baud rate, protocol and COM port(RS-232, RS-422, RS-485), PTZ add. Color setting : Setup brightness, hue, contrast for each camera Alarm frame setting : Setup the frame for ‘pre-alarm recording’ and ‘post-alarm recording’. Default is ‘5’seconds with maximum of 240 seconds All button : click the button to copy and apply the same settings of currently displaying camera to all other cameras. (*Except ‘Intelligent Camera Move-Away Detection function & PTZ setting) Setting up Save Disk Hard disk Information : Displays detailed hard disk status of the system. Installed drive list : All drive and installed devices are shown on the list with its status. - Type : type of the device - Serial number : Index of the drive. After drive format, new serial number is generated. - System – O/S & Program installed on this drive. Save drive list : shows the name of save drive, serial, setup status and time. click ‘ +’ button, then the selected drive is added to ‘Save disk list’. Click ‘-’ button to remove the selected drive from the list. Starting drive for data save is marked ‘O’. You can change the order by clicking ‘Setup Drive’. Click ‘Apply’ button to save the changes after altering the setups. The last selected drive will be the Starting drive even though all drives are selected. Setup starting drive : select the starting drive, and then click ‘Setup starting drive’ button. If you need to format the drive, click ‘Apply’ button. And then ‘Format save drive’ box will show up and click ‘Yes’. System will reboot and the drive is ready to save data. You should make sure that format will remove all data on the drive Drive status (Free space) : show the status of selected drive, total space, used space, and free space. Message boxes for save drive setup : There are some message boxes when you click ‘Apply’ button. ▶ Save disk format : click ‘Yes’ to format the drive, and check the drive status at the same time. Next Save disk format : Click ‘Yes’ to format the drive, and check the drive status at the same time. Set Start drive : click ‘Yes’ to restart the system with setup information you made.
6 Page: Quick User Guide Ver.3.0 Setting up network Network : System supports TCP/IP and RAS server networking (Modem). - Allow remote access : checkmark to allow network connection of the system by Remote CMS. - No response waiting time form CMS : CMS try to connect DVR system, if there is no response from the system for a period of waiting time, it will try again the connection. It is adjustable maximum 120minutes, default is 30 minutes. - TCP/IP : it shows the information for the network connection of the system. Such as IP address, port number. RAS server setup : it is the information for Modem setup. Please refer to ‘RAS SERVER SETUP’ on chapter 4. CAMS Setup : this is for CAMS setup, please refer to CAMS manual. Transmission frame rate setting : Setup transmission frame rate to reduce network overload when remote CMS is connected. Frame : The transmission frame rate can be set to 100%, 70%, 50%, 30%,10% of the total recording frame rate which has been setup on REC SPEED page. Internet Protocol Setup : Setup the IP address information Voice alert on motion or sensor : checkmark to enable voice alert on motion or sensor alert. Select camera : select a single or multiple cameras for voice alert. Wave file Path : you can use a WAV file. Open the folder and select sound file. Setting up the Voice Alert Registered user List : displays the registered user under its group. There are three groups, Administrator, Power user, User group, and ‘Administrator’ manage these groups by assigning access privileges. Property User : User name(ID), address, Password Privilege : select user group, and checkmark accessible features Covert camera : The system administrator can limit unauthorized user access certain cameras. Add / Update / Delete : you can add, update or delete the user information. Close : Close set up mode Setting up User groups Setting up Others Digital-clock display format : change display format of digital-clock PTZ setting : Multiple PTZ controller : if you use multiple PTZ cameras on the system, you can use each PTZ controller for each camera. Video loss alert : When ‘video loss’ is detected, the system will send an alert message box or beep sound. Checkmark ‘Control out (Control 01) will be activated once ‘video loss’ event is detected. Setting up Audio Audio Channel : checkmark audio channel to enable. Mapping Camera : each audio channel can be mapped to each camera for recording. Audio volume setting : adjust audio volume for recording from 0 to 31. Setting up Video Out Video Out - Video No : Display spot output number. - SWITCHING INTERVAL(SEC) : adjust switching time from 2 to 60 seconds. - Camera : select the camera to display on the spot output - DISPLAY CURRENT TIME : Display current time on TV. - DISPLAY CAMERA NUMBER : Display the camera number on the spot output monitor. OSD : you can put the camera name and how it will be displayed on the spot output Display camera number : checkmark to display OSD or camera number. If you uncheck it, the image will be displayed without any OSD even camera number. Only camera image will be displayed. OSD Font size : Adjust the size of OSD font on the screen of monitor. Setting up Intensive Recording INTENSIVE REC : It is a special recording setup to record events with high frame rates upon motion or sensor detection. Recording mode on Scheduler should be set as ‘Motion’. Once intensive recording is occurred, normal recording setup will be ignored. As soon as intensive recording is completed, it will return to normal recording setup. Enable intensive recording :select camera number and recording time, maximum 7,200 seconds (120 minutes). - Enable on sensor or motion : checkmark to enable recording either on motion or sensor. Single or multiple sensors can be mapped with a camera. - Frame setting of intensive recording : setup the frame rate, maximum 25 frames is adjustable. Frame setting of the rest : Except total frame of intensive recording, for best way to share the rest of frame, you have to set up max recording frame and min recording frame. - Max/Min.. recording frame Apply : Apply setup status. Close : Close setup mode. Setting up I/O (Sensor & Control) Sensor & Control setup To activate the Sensor & control, put a check-mark on the option. Check the sensor type, either NO or NC. ‘NO (Normal Open)’ indicates sensor activation in open to close. ‘NC (Normal Close)’ indicates sensor activation in close to open. Duration of control activation is adjustable up to 15seconds. Sensor recording setup : Match a sensor to a camera. It will record when the sensor is triggered as top priority even under no recording setup on SCHEDULE. Mapping sensor to control Each sensor can be matched with single or multiple controls. Mapping camera to Sensor and Control Camera # : select camera. Sensor # (Recording on motion) : select the sensor. Control # (Output on motion) : select the control. Apply : Apply setup status. Close : Close setup mode. Site Info. Site info. : displays system information such as site code name, software version, Help : put the contact manager’s name and the phone number as well as the technician’s name and the phone number for system service. System information : shows hardware information of the system. (CPU, RAM, Computer name, O/S) Other configuration : - A time of Auto –conversion : sequence switching from main screen division. Keyboard Setting : - Set up ID for joystick keyboard and ‘COM port’ used for connection.
7 Page: Quick User Guide Ver.3.0 Search mode Play back mode Playback screen : displays playback on the screen. Digital-clock/ Calendar : digital-clock shows current system time. The date which has saved data is shown in Orange. Select the date to search, the, system will then load saved data. Time table : After data loading is complete, the data save location will be shown on the time table. You can select the camera and time to playback. System Utility buttons : Allows access to the ‘Special Search’ option and ‘Save’ function. ‘Special Search’ provides ‘real player’, ‘multi time player’, ‘day search’, and ‘object search’. Click ‘OPEN’, access the different options. Screen division/Playback scroll : It provides various screen division, and ‘playback scroll’ shows the progress of data playback. Audio playback speaker : plays recorded audio Camera number : when you use ‘special search’, this camera number bar will show up. Click any individual camera you want to playback. Playback Screen Digital-clock/Calendar Digital-Clock : displays current time of the system. Calendar : the date that has saved data is showed in orange colour. If you select the date, it is selected with a white square box. : indicates today’s calendar. ‘Search’ button: When you click ‘Search’ button, the system will load the saved data, and the data save location will be shown on the time table with different color of the event. Double click each cell to playback the data. Camera zone : displays all cameras installed on the system. Hour zone : select an hour from 00 to 23. Minutes zone : select a minute from 00 to 59. Time table Event data cell : each event data cell indicates a different recording mode, so you can find the event type easily on the time table. : (Brown), Intensive/motion recording : (S- light red), Audio recording : (Blue), Instant recording : (Light blue), Pre-Recording : (Violet), Intensive/sensor recording : (Yellow), Motion recording : (Pink), Sensor recording : (Red), Continue recording Screen division buttons / Playback scroll bar Division button : Playback speaker for audio data : when you use ‘Real time player’ for audio data playback, you should click this button to listen. Speed, Zoom in/out, Brightness 1) playback speed controller, 2) Zoom in/out controller, 3) Brightness controller. For ‘zoom in/out’ controller, you can apply it only for single screen. You can double click a screen for zooming. System Utility buttons Playback control buttons : - Move to the first image of the recorded data. - Play backward frame by frame. - Play backwards. - Stop playback. - Playback. - Play forward frame by frame. - Move to the last image of the recorded data. Special search : click ‘Special search’ button, to open the ‘sub menu’ to access to the advanced search tool, Real time player, Multi time Player, Day search, Object Search. Screen division C10(Camera 10) : ‘C10’ is screen number, ‘Camera10’ is the camera name of save data. x 1 : shows how many times the picture zoomed in. Move the mouse on a screen, and double click of the right mouse button to select. * Therefore you can playback the single screen or zoom in the image up to 5 times(x5). If you want to go back to the 16division mode, double click right mouse button. 00:00:00:093 (M) : hour: minute: second: millisecond (recording mode).
8 Page: Quick User Guide Ver.3.0 General search : go to search mode, and click ‘open’ file. There are detailed conditions for search like ‘continue, motion, sensor, instant, pre-recording, audio, intensive, all’. Select the condition, click ‘Apply’. Click to save the data as JPEG, AVI, price format. Data will be saved with viewer, so it will auto-run and you can view it on any PC without any special program. Camera : select a camera. Time setting : setup the time of and date which you’re going to save. Click the calendar, and select the date. Setup the time and save duration from 1 to 120minutes(2hours). Preview : preview the saved data before you save the file. Save file folder : click the folder icon, and select the location. Default is C:\DVR_Site2, and file name is the time of data save. It can be changed by administrator. Size of save device : click the folder icon, and select the location. Default is C:\DVR_Site2, and file name is the time of data save. It can be changed by administrator. Watermarking setup : check it to apply watermarking technology. Click the icon to put in the key code for watermarking. It can be changed by administrator. Save format : you can select the file type to save JPEG, AVI, Print Save : 1) Real Player : it is a special tool to playback audio data. Checkmark Real Player’, system will load audio data. Audio data will be marked inside of the data sell.Click ‘audio data cell’ on the time table. Click audio button on the bottom and playback with playback control buttons. 2) Multi time Player : you can playback the data from multiple camera at different times on the same playback screen. 3) Day Search : you can search by day,camera,hour and min(00:00~23:59) ☞ If you want to go back to the previous step, click the ‘RETURN’ icon ☞ ‘Not Found’ will be shown if there is no data on that time zone. Special Search Sensitivity : select the sensitivity from 0 to 24. Default is 13. SEC/MIN : select search by minute or by second. Time Scope : setup searching time. Scan button: click the button when you designate a search area, and click again to start the search. Result : search result will be shown. Click each result to check the movement. If you click playback control button, you can do normal playback. Object Search : you can quickly search movement or a missing object on a specific zone. Checkmark ‘Object’ search, the system will load the data. Select a camera to search and then click ‘scan button’. Drag the mouse on screen to designate the area to search. E-Map Mode Browse for folder : Open the folder and select the directory. If you select the wrong directory, a warning message ‘no select drive’ comes up. Simply select the correct drive. After drive select, the calendar will appear. Select the date in pink bold colour, which means it has saved data. And then, select the camera to playback. Time scroll bar : Displays the data location of one day. Blue bar shows audio data. Use this bar or playback control buttons to see the data. The data information will be shown on the image on the bottom of the viewer box such as camera number, date, recording mode. Viewer : simply search and playback the saved data during live monitoring. Single Viewer Backup Mode Image File List : It represents JPG file lists which have been saved by the Snapshot or watermarking. Copy to : Setup the drive for backup of the JPG file to CD or USB. Image View : The image shown after selecting the file from the list. Status : It represents the status of copying files. Check watermarking : Click the button to check if the file has been falsified. Image Viewer : Can check the Snapshot or watermarking file. Image Viewer Mode E-Map : Can be monitored Camera, Sensor, Control by using JPEG or BMP file. ☞ Refer to Chapter 8 E-Map Editor / Viewer for further information. Schedule backup: Can use to backup the saved data as well as the data to be saved in the future. Backup data setting: Setting for data backup. 1) Date setting: Set the date to backup data. 2) Time setting: Set the time for each day selected previous in ‘Date setting’ to backup data. Backup schedule setting: Set the time to start backup. (Daily-hour, Weekly-day-time, Monthly-day-time) 1) Backup cycle: Set backup duration time. 2) Backup time: Set the starting time for each day selected previous in ‘Backup Cycle’ to backup data. Backup Drive Info.: Set drive to backup. Instant backup: You can instantly backup the data. Date of Backup data : Select date to backup data. Backup Drive Info.: Select drive to backup. Detailed setting of backup condition: Select time to backup data. Backup Camera: If you want data from certain camera, checkmark the camera number. Recording event: If you want data of certain event, select the event. PTZ Mode PTZ controller : Capture Elite supports over 10 PTZ protocols. 1. PTZ name : displays PTZ camera name. 2. Close : close the controller. 3. Move : click the buttons to change the direction. 4. Forced termination : click it to stop immediately when uncontrolled action is occurred. 5. Zoom in/out: click to zoom in and out. 6. Screen No.: indicates the selected screen number. 7.Auto : controls auto-Iris, auto-Lateral and auto-Focus. Iris: adjust camera brightness Lateral: It’s only working with if the PTZ have control rail. (Note: only Centry camera) Focus: Adjust camera focus 8. PTZ Speed: Adjust PTZ camera speed for movement. You have to Keep click button for a while ⑩ ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑪ 9.Status box: shows the status of PTZ activation, number of preset camera, camera speed. 10. Status light: click the light and adjust speed of Pan, Tilt, Zoom, Focus. 11. PRESET SELECT: for ‘PRESET’ setup, select a number, click ‘SET’ to save setup. Maximum 255 preset can be setup. Click ‘TOUR’ to move automatically as Preset position. Mouse PTZ : Select ‘Mouse PTZ’ control on ‘Other Setup’. you can move the PTZ on the direction of arrow, and use zoom in/out icons.
9 Page: Quick User Guide Ver.3.0 Plus Package Log viewer It is a special program to view log file of system operation. The log shows detailed system operation with time details including program information. Therefore it helps you to investigate the cause to make system error by use mistake of system operation. You can view the log on any system with this Viewer conveniently. put user name and password to log in. Click ‘Change password’ to change it. Default is ‘administrator’ and ‘1234’. Click ‘Browse’ to find log folder. Go to ‘C\DVR_SITE3\LOG. After you click the log file, the all log titles will show up on the below of browser button with log file information. Select log file, and click ‘Display’ button to show detailed log file. All save data of Capture Elite is watermarked It is a special program to identify any image falsification. Watermarking Player Put watermarking key code which you put on watermarking setup on Capture Elite. Default is ‘ADMINISTRATOR’. Click ‘Open File’ and select the image file to check. Click ‘verify file’ to start image verification. The image is playing back during verification. Check the verification result. Put watermarking key code which you put on watermarking setup on DVR(s). Default is ‘ADMINISTRATOR’. Click ‘Open File’ and select the image file to check. Click ‘verify file’ to start image verification. Check the verification result. Registry Backup (Import/Export Setup) It is a special program to apply the same setup for multiple system, therefore, you don’t need to setup individual setup for each system. Note : for this function, the multiple systems should be the same model, and use the same program version. Otherwise it is possible to cause system error due to different registry. In addition, this setup doesn’t include save drive setup. Execute the program. Select the target application and click ‘Import’ or ‘Export’. After complete registry backup, SITE icon will show up. Click ‘Import’ to apply this setup registry after reinstallation of the Site or CMS program. CMS - Display Start : Start CMS Search : Search by local search or remote search Setup : CMS Setup E-Map : can check the camera,sensor,control information through Map Log Viewer : check the Log file and print it Log out : Login/Logout Display screen NS #1 [CAM01] : It represents site code, screen number, and camera name. R : “R” It represents this image is saving on CMS. : It represents this image is with audio data. C :30:14 : It represents the time of data transmitted. “ :30:14” DVR System time E-Map : Click this button to enable ‘E-MAP’. Print: Click the button to print the image. Snapshot : Click the button to save the appropriated image. (Location for saving - C:\CMS_2KV3\Image) Screen Switch on Display mode : put the mouse on the screen, and click right mouse button and drag to the desired screen to display. Connection list & Sensor/Control & Screen Division Status List : It represents the event message of the CMS program Status Save Disk List : Select the drive to setup save disk for the data from each DVR site. Free space of and the status of each drive can be checked Digital-Clock : It represents the date of the CMS system. Display format can be changed. Search : access to various search modes, general search, special search (real time, multi time, day search), object search Setup : setup the CMS system System Utility Logout : log in or out, shutdown, EMC Standby, cancel the program. E-Map : Monitor the position of DVR, Camera, Sensor, and Control through E-MAP. Log Viewer : Check ‘Log file’ in the CMS system by clicking the button. ** Default User ID : administrator / Password : 1234 Ask administrator or dealer if you forgot ID or PW. ** Default User ID : administrator / Password : 1234 Ask administrator or dealer if you forgot ID or PW. Connection list There are two ways which are Pre-Memorize and DVR list on the connection list. Pre-Memorize show the information for each DVR site on the list. Screen list: can change the position of camera after selecting screen or list. Single / Multiple Mode : Click the button to activate single or multiple mode as pre memorize access. Connection : Click the button to connect or disconnect to DVR. Remote Setup : Click the button to use remote setup for selected DVR. Remote Search : Click the button to use remote search for selected DVR .E-map : Click the button to use E-MAP for selected DVR. Status : It represents the information and the status of accessed DVR. DVR list Monitor each screen in order without extra display setup. Sensor/Control - Select the registered site name, then, click each button of sensor and control to activate. Screen Division - Various surveillance modes available through division buttons. 2WAY AUDIO : Audio communication between CMS and DVR available. Click ‘AUDIO CHAT’ button on CMS, and select DVR name to talk, then, click ‘Talk’ button to send * request to DVR site: Audio chat button will be flashed on/off on DVR site by requesting audio communication from CMS.
10 Page: Quick User Guide Ver.3.0 CMS - Setup Setup USER : Set uo the user groups with different privileges. Default is ‘ADMINISTRATOR’. Registered user list : It represents the group of registered users. Register new user : click this button to add new user, and click ‘Apply’. Privilege : you can assign different privilege to each user. My image : change the image with that you prefer such as company logo. DVR Setup : setup the network connection. Registered site list : It represents registered DVR LIST. IP address of my computer : It represents IP information of the CMS System. DVR Info : Input the information of Network connection as the DVR is registered. Add site : Input the Site name, DVR Type, PORT, and Site IP, then, Click ‘OK’ to be registered. Delete : click it to remove the registered site. Edit site : edit setup information. Conn. Setting : it is for a modem connection setup. You should setup a Modem on OS, and this button will be enabled. Adjust the time for retrying connection. If there is no response from the site system, the system will retry connection as you set up. Name I/O : you can change the name of sensor and controls. Double click ‘Enter name’, and it will be enabled to put the name. Show versions : shows the version of CMS currently using DVR Info.: shows the information of connecting site, program version, time, capture card type, the number of sensor and control. Display DISPLAY : It represents the CMS DISPLAY SCREEN and setup information on the LIST. Setup Pre-Memorize : Display list can be generated by clicking “+” and “-” after setup display. SCREEN Info : Select DVR name and camera after selecting Display List to monitor the appropriate image. PTZ info : Check the information of PTZ setup of each DVR. SCHEDULE DVR list : Display DVR list Recording Schedule : Setup the schedule that selected DVR. 1) select DVR on DVR List. 2) select schedule(day,time) which you want to recording. 3) click C (Continue), N (Not Recording). SAVE DISK Install drive(s) list: display CMS system HDD list. Save drive: display save drive on CMS. * Local Drive setup 1) select save drive on Installed drive(s) list. 2) click Add Disk button and add Save drive. - for Recycle drive function will start when you select more then two drives. * Network Drive setup 1) check Network Drive, click Network Drive Add button. 2) if created Network Drive, click Add Disk button and add save drive. - unable to use Recycle drive function. EMC (Emergency Management Center) EMC mode : when the emergency event happen on the site, the event image is sent to CMS system automatically with multiple or single screen. Enable EMC : checkmark to enable EMC. Select the event mode either by motion or by sensor or control. Auto pop-up : when EMC is activated by motion or sensor/control, the event will come up with monitoring screen or single screen Enable alarm sound : checkmark to enable alarm sound when EMC is activated. Open the folder and select wave file. EMC activation : after setup is completed, go to monitoring mode. Click ‘log out’ button, and you can see ‘EMC standby’ button. Select it, it will go to EMC mode. EMC icon will be generated on the right corner of the bottom. When EMC mode is activated by motion or sensor/control, the event screen will automatically pop-up, and the icon will be turn in red. OTHER Tool tip : shows function explanation if you put the mouse on the function key. Digital-clock display format : select display format of digital-clock. Division 1 x 1 image size : the selected camera by mouse double click on the display screen, the single camera will show up as 1 x 1 image size. Checkmark ‘Show full screen’, and then, it will show up as full screen. Restore setting value from the latest registry backup file : if you need to restore the latest setting value, you can apply it. In case you install new CMS on the same system, apply the latest setting value, so you don’t need to setup again. Send list-message board to recycle bin : send the all message on ‘Message board’ to recycle bin. Backup Log : Backup log data. Auto reconnection : if network is unstable and disconnect for a period of time, CMS retry connection with site system. Adjust waiting time and retrial count. CMS - Search Main Screen Playback screen : displays playback image on the screen. Digital-clock/ Calendar : digital-clock shows current system time. The date which has saved data is shown with different colour. Select the date to search, and then, system will start to load data. Time table : after data loading is complete, the data save location will be shown on the time table. You can select cameras and time to playback. SEARCH : Search the saved data by clicking the button. System Utility buttons : access to ‘Special Search’ and ‘Save’ function. ‘Special Search’ provides ‘real player’, ‘multi time player’, ‘day search’, ‘object search’. Click ‘OPEN’, it provides more search conditions. Therefore, you can do more detailed search effectively. Screen division/Playback scroll : it provides various screen division, and ‘playback scroll’ shows the progress of data playback. Camera number : when you use ‘special search’, this camera number bar will show up. Click any camera you want to playback. C10(Camera 10) : ‘C10’ : screen number ‘Camera10’ : save data camera number. x 1 : zoom in/out range (max 5x) 00:00:00:093 (M) : hour: minute: second: millisecond (recording mode). Digi-Clock : display current time on system. Calendar : the date has save data is showed in orange color. If you select the date, it is selected with white square box. : indicates today’s calendar. SEARCH : Searching the saved data. Play back Screen Digi-Clock / Calendar Search
11 Page: Quick User Guide Ver.3.0 ‘Search’ button: Loading the saved data, the loaded data divided by event, and it will display each one color. Camera zone : display all camera. Hour zone : select hour from 00 to 23. Minutes zone : select min from 00 to 59. Time table Event data cell : each event data sell color shows recording mode : (Brown), Intensive/motion recording : (S- light red), Audio recording : (Blue), instant record : (Light blue), pre record : (Violet), Intensive/sensor recording : (Yellow), Motion recording : (Pink), Sensor recording : (Red), Continue recording Screen division buttons / Playback scroll bar Playback speaker for audio data : using the ‘Real time player’, you can play back data with audio. Speed, Zoom in/out, Brightness : 1) playback speed controller, 2) Zoom in/out controller, 3) Brightness controller. For ‘zoom in/out’ controller, you can apply it only for single screen. You can double click a screen for zooming. System Utility buttons Playback control buttons : Playback status : displays the progress of data playback. -Move to the first image of recorded data - Play backward frame by frame. - Play backwards. - Stop playback. - playback. - Play forward frame by frame. -Move to the last image of recorded data. Special search : search tool, Real time player, Multi time Player, Day search, Object Search’ etc. General search :, motion, sensor, instant, pre-recording, audio, intensive, all’ etc. click to save the data as JPEG, AVI, format. Data will be saved with viewer, so it will auto-run and you can view it on any PC without any special program. Camera : select a camera. Time setting : setup the time and date which you’re going to save. and select the date. Setup the time and save duration from 1 to 120minutes(2hours). Preview : preview the saved data. Save file folder : click the folder icon, and select the file location. Default is C:\DVR_Site2, and file name is the time of data save. It can be changed by administrator. Size of save device : displays total size of data, you can calculate the device capability. Watermarking setup : check it to apply watermarking technology. Click the icon to put key code for watermarking. It can be changed by administrator. Save format : you can select the format of data save among JPEG, AVI, Print. Save : 1) Real Player : it is a special tool to monitor images according to real time. 2) Multi time Player : you can playback the data on the multiple time zone on the same playback screen. 3) Day Search : searching the day by date searching by camera, hour, minute (00:00~23:59) - If you want to go back to the previous step, click ‘RETURN’ icon. - ‘Not Found’ will be shown if there is no data on that time zone. Special Search Object Search :. you can quickly search movement or missing of an object on the specific zone. Checkmark ‘Object’ search, the system will load the data. Select a camera to search and then click ‘scan button’. Drag your mouse to designate an area to search. - Sensitivity : select the sensitivity from 0 to 24. Default is SEC/MIN : select search by minute or by second. - Time Scope : setup searching time. - Scan button: click the button when you designate the area, and click again to start search. - Result : search result will be shown. Click each result to check the movement. If you click playback control button, you can do normal playback. Remote Playback screen : display play back image. Digital-clock/ Calendar : displays current time and date. Time table : after finish data loading, the saved data will display time table, you can select the camera and time System Utility buttons :searching event and play audio Audio playback speaker :play back audio. Recording event : search by event Real-Time Play : play audio and image in real time. WEB- CMS Web CMS : Remote monitoring available through internet explorer without the specific software. 36 Display Screens, Division screens, PTZ Controller supported. Input IP or domain on the address. Install ActiveX file related to Web CMS. Click ‘Connect’ button to input each information and IP address for connection. Click ‘Connect’ button after input DVR Type, name, user’s ID, password, Site IP, port number etc. starting screen of connection E-MAP Editor / Viewer Site Map: Drawing or map can be used as E-MAP for three-D surveillance of DVR sites. Editing E-MAP 1) Click image on LIVE screen and SITE MAP button. The default E-MAP file will be open. (Default: E-MAP FILE SITE-100) 2) SITE NAME should be the same as the name of the E-MAP. The below warning message is shown as the SITE NAME and EMAP name are not the same. 3) Click OK button. E-MAP Viewer window will be open. Click Editor button. 4) Click ‘File NEW’ and select bmp/ JPG file for E-MAP.
12 Page: Quick User Guide Ver.3.0 5) On the bmp/ JPEG file user can arrange camera, control, sensor by using CAMERA,CONTROL, SENSOR buttons. 6) Right mouse button can be clicked on the arranged cameras to change the direction or to change the original image to PTZ camera image. 7) Click SITE INFO button to add additional information on the DVR site. 8) Save the file in the EMAP folder in the directory where CMS_2 is installed. (ex:C\CMS_2KV3\emap) 9) User can remove the arranged icons to drag them to EMAP Basic menu File 1) NEW: Find new bmp. file. 2) OPEN: Open bmp. file or previous EMAP file. 3) SAVE: Save file. 4) SAVE AS: Save file with another name. 5) CLOSE: Close EMAP file or bmp. file. 6) EXIT: Finish EMAP Editor. Edit 1) Edit Map Name: Edit name of each map. 2) ADD MAP: Add new EMAP file. 3) COPY MAP: Copy currently opened bmp. file or EMAP file. 4) PASTE MAP: Paste copied file. 5) DELETE MAP: Delete currently displayed map. 6) DELETE OBJECT: Delete selected icons. 7) Select All Object: Select all the icons on the current map. Map Mode 1) SITE MAP: Change Editor mode to SITE MAP. 2) CMS MAP: Change Editor mode to CMS MAP. View 1) CAMERA STATE: Camera information can be viewed. 2) CONTROL STATE: Control information can be viewed. 3) SENSOR STATE: Sensor information can be viewed. About 1) Display E-Map Editor version. Netphone Main board audio setting You can see various ports like the image on the left at the back of CM(CMS) SYSTEM and PC DVR(NH-7032) SYSTEM. There are ‘Audio in/output’ ports on the right side of the left image, connect the ‘green’ port to speakers and the ‘pink’ port to microphone. ex: connect the green port on CM SYSTEM to the speaker and the pink to the microphone. connect the green port on PC DVR SYSTEM to the speaker and the pink to the microphone. It shows connected audio port like below on system screen after connecting devices. Click X button to close after checking. (The image can be different according to audio chips.) Audio setting Double-click the volume icon on the down right of XP_embedded screen. Click ‘start’ button on the down right of XP embedded and ‘Run’ button if you cannot see the volume icon. Input “SNDVOL32” and click ‘OK’ button when ‘Run’ window is open. It will show ‘Volume Control” box. Adjust speaker volume output using ‘Volume’ on ‘Volume Control’ or ‘Wave tap’ and checkmark ‘Mute’ on ‘Microphone’ tap. Select ‘Options’ on top left of ‘Volume Control’ and select the submenus of ‘Properties If you cannot see ‘Microphone’ tap. Select ‘Playback’ from ‘Adjust volume for’ list when you see ‘Properties’ box. ‘Microphone’ tap on ‘Volume Control’ box will be seen, if you checkmark ‘Microphone’ list and click OK. To setup microphone, Click ‘Options’ on top left of ‘Volume Control’ and select from the submenu of ‘Properties’. Select ‘Recording’ from ‘Adjust volume for’ list when ‘Properties’ box is seen. ‘Microphone’ tap on ‘Recording Control’ box will be seen, if you checkmark ‘Microphone’ list and click OK. Checkmark ‘Select’ list on ‘Microphone’ tap and set the volume to the maximum value. Click ‘Advance’ button when microphone sound is too low. Checkmark ‘Mic Boost’ when ‘Advanced Controls for Microphone’ is shown. Click ‘Close’ button. (Mic Boost function could cause noises due to amplification) Net phone Connection CAMS (CM) Connection Assume CAMS(CM) and PC DVR (NH-7032) are connected. Select ‘NH-7032’ from ‘DVR LIST’ on top right of CM main screen. (it will turn blue when selected) Click ‘Net phone‘ icon. Click ‘Speak’ button on ‘Net phone’ window. It starts audio communication between CAMS (CM) and PC DVR(NH-7032). Click ‘stop’ button to stop audio communication. After first audio communication between CAMS (CM) and PC DVR (NH-7032), you can use ‘Audio communication’ by ‘Net phone’ button on PC DVR(NH-7032)’s main screen. The image below show ‘Net phone’ on PC DVR, setup procedure is the same as CAMS (CM). CMS Connection CMS and PC DVR (NH-7032) are connected. It is almost the same as CAMS part. Select ‘Net phone’ icon on PC DVR or CMS. Select ‘NH7032’ or CMS on ‘Net phone’ box and click ‘Speak’ button. It starts audio communication between CMS and PC DVR(NH-7032). Click ‘stop’ button to stop audio communication.. Remote update Remote Update Check point before use 1) check the version of PC DVR is upper than [consultation] you can check the version ‘PC DVR START SETUP OTHER’ * you can not use Remote Update function down version of SITE. 2) check the version of CMS is upper than [consultation] you can check the version ‘CMS START SETUP on left top screen * you can not use Remote Update function down version of CMS. 3) check the update file you have from supplier or dealer. [consultation] the update file name is ‘SITEUpdate.zip’ and do not change the file name. 4) if you made all request from above, you are ready to use remote update function and the step of remote update will by CMS. - You can update the PC DVR program on CMS. how to use remote update function 1) Connect DVR that you want to update. [consultation] the detail of how to set up connection and add with DVR, please carefully read the CMS manual Page 59 2) select DVR that you want to update from DVR LIST. 3) Click REMOTE SETUP button. 4) In SETUP select OTHER tap, and click Import button on Update. 5) Click Browse button, when you have update window 6) Search the update file that provide from supplier or dealer, select file and click Open button. 7) click update button when you have Update window. in the meantime, it will be start update to selected DVR. 8) after finish uploading update file, the INFO window will pop up, and if you click ‘YES’ it will start update the DVR. (if you click ‘NO’, it will cancel the update.) Update window 1) display name of update DVR. 2) display the update file folder that you selected. 3) display status of upload update file. 4) display status of update file as ‘%’. 5) display update DVR IP information. 6) select update file location. 7) upload the file on the update DVR. 8) cancel uploading the file. DVR STATUS 1) In CMS INFO window, if you click ‘YES’ button, it will start update, and the update DVR will display as below Window after shutdown DVR program. After update done, the system will rebooting automatically. 2) After rebooting DVR system, check the DVR is updated or not on CMS. 3) it will be automatically backup previous version of file on ’C:\DVR3BACKUP folder’. 4) the downloaded file will save on ‘C:\DOWNLOAD’ folder.
13 Page: Quick User Guide Ver.3.0 MISCELLANEOUS EXPAMSION UNIT(48/64CH EXPANSION UNIT) 1) DVR Expansion unit 2) DVR Expansion Board 3) DVR Expansion Cable Cable connection image of EXPANSION UNIT