Cellphones in School and on Campus By Nick Lansing
Overview Use Of Cellphones in school/ campus Benefits vs. Detriments Research/knowledge/education/internet Social Networking (texted Vs meeting) Distraction/cheating (games/apps) Attachment
Demographics 36 participants 19 Female, 17 Male Education ranges of: Some High School to College Graduate Ages 100% own smart phones (94%) years- first cell
Ages of Participants
Religious Preference
Cellphone Relationship Having cell at all times, Anxiety reduced? 25 (69%) YES 11 (31%) NO
Relationship cont (0)(3)(0)(2)(5)(4)(7)(8)(2)(5) 0%8.3%0%5.6%13.9%11.1%19.4%22.2%5.6%13.9%
Productivity Throughout AVG school day, how productive? (research, network) 19(53%) said more than half time spent =productive 17(47%) less than half is spent productively
Pros vs Cons Emergency, networking, APPS, research, access class info, Education/knowledge, Internet, language translations Distractions, cheating, bullying, less social interaction
Conclusion Research showed that although cellphones at times may be distracting… Overall the benefits out way the costs.