Using Data to Inform Decisions April 19, 2012 Alyia Bettman Alan Friedman Stacey Jaffe Program Assistant Executive Director Steering Committee Foundation for Camp Mountain Chai URJ Camp George 1 Jewish Camp Member
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Agenda What Data? Foundation for Jewish Camp’s Camper Satisfaction Insights Camp Case: URJ Camp George Camp Case: Camp Mountain Chai Q&A 3
Data is Everywhere!
FJC’s Camper Satisfaction Insights Base product is a parent satisfaction survey $3,000/year for the survey and analysis FJC is offering matching grants this year to offset the cost for camps who are interested Camps should NOT send any additional surveys; they can add 3 custom questions to the survey if needed URJ Camp Coleman: “What facility would you like us to rebuild at camp?” 5
FJC’s Camper Satisfaction Insights How many are using the survey? 2010 – 60 camps 2011 – 69 camps (reached 7,600 families) What do you get? Year over year comparison Comparison vs. national aggregate Summaries in 8 dimensions Programming Communications Etc. 6
Testimonials “The information gathered through these professional surveys has provided us with customer satisfaction data for all aspects of the Ramah Wisconsin experience. This valuable information has helped us enhance our program to better meet the needs of our campers and will be a very valuable tool as we develop a strategic plan for the coming decade.” - Dr. Jeff Kopin, President, Camp Ramah in Wisconsin "The survey was incredibly helpful in identifying both areas in which we successfully stand out and areas needing improvement. As a team, my staff was able to utilize the results as a tool to delve deeper into bettering Camp." – Michelle Koplan, Executive Director B'nai B'rith Camp 8
Want to Take Part? Deadline for Registration: April 25, 2012 May 2012 and June 2012: Links distributed to camps July 2012: Launch survey at the end of first and second session closings Send reminder to families to participate September 2012: Survey closes October-December 2012: Presentation from Summation Research Interested? Contact Alyia Bettman at 9
URJ Camp George and Consumer Insight Research 10
The Consumer Insight Research Following the summer of 2011, we “formally” collected the following information: FJC Camper Satisfaction Insights Camp George End of Summer Staff Survey 11
What We Learned FJC Camper Satisfaction Insights While the vast majority (96%) felt very positive about camp, we trended slightly lower on almost all measures across the board. Camp George End of Summer Staff Survey Received the best ratings from staff in 5 summers of conducting this survey 12
The ULTIMATE Question: WHY? And the answer: The lack of information effect! “Camp was great, Mom. I already told you that!” 13
If it is communication you want, then it is communication you shall receive! 14
Camp George’s Strategy 1.Jeff Rose hired a year-long Communications Director 2.The Steering Committee appointed a Communications Committee of which I chair 3.We worked together to draft a strategic plan so that our communications were purposeful and goal-driven 15
Camp George Communications Strategic Plan Measureable Results “Value” Driven 16
Talk about the things we want to talk about: Blog Facebook Twitter 17
Camp George Blog ( Goal: Emphasize Values from Strategic Plan When: Tuesday and Thursday Example: Inclusion Blog 18 years-of-inclusion-successes-with-ellyn-freedland/
Camp George Blog: RESULTS 19 1289 unique visitors 4757 pageviews 1.64 average pages viewed per visit 1 minute 26 seconds is the average time spent on the site 38.79% of visits are new visitors Blog Statistics from January 1 – March 31, 2012
Camp George Facebook Page Goal: Encourage our Community to Interact Five Days a Week Monday: Poll of the Week Tuesday: Link to Our Blog Wednesday: Alumni Day: Caption that Photo Thursday: Link to Our Blog Friday: Shabbat Message “Shabbat Shalom from Maple Lake! Can you guess where this snowy photo of camp was taken?” 20
Camp George Facebook Page: RESULTS 862 Facebook Followers Average of ~80 – 100 “People Talking About Us” From September to January we averaged only ~3 90% of blog traffic accounted for by Facebook Facebook Statistics as of April 6,
Camp George Tweets Goal: Differentiate Twitter Content from Facebook Content Activity: Game of the Month January: So True or So False! Camp George Trivia February: Name that Tune! March: Fill in the Blank! April: Who’s Tweet Is It Anyway? 22
Camp George Tweets: RESULTS 409 Followers 25% increase since January 1, 2012 Average of 4 people interacting with each tweet! Twitter Statistics as of April 6,
Summer Strategic Plan In the eternal words of “The West Wing’s” Josiah Bartlett: “WHAT’S NEXT?” 24
Camp Mountain Chai 25
Camp Mountain Chai FJC Customer Satisfaction Insights Alan interpreted data and showed the Board in a way that was actionable - not just raw data Need to focus on building community and establishing relationships Result? Board created a year-long Committee (Board and Community members) to review the data on programs – very specific task Camp Director led the effort and was open to suggestions from the Committee and the survey Planning program with community-building in mind. Real changes were made in programming at camp Year-over-year survey results showed real improvement “Did you do anything out of the ordinary this year?” 26
Takeaways Data Insight Negative feedback = Opportunity Keys: Implement a plan; assign resources 28
Resources on our Knowledge Center Webinar Archives – Presentation and Recording of Today’s Webinar Prepare for Take-Off: Pilot Your Camp Using Stats & Feedback TakeOff-Pilot-Your-Camp-Using-Stats-and-Feedback.aspx TakeOff-Pilot-Your-Camp-Using-Stats-and-Feedback.aspx FJC’s Customer Satisfaction Insights program details URJ Camp George Blog Track and Segment Your Data for Annual Giving Campaigns Management/Track-and-Segment-Your-Data-for-Annual-Giving- Campaigns.aspx Management/Track-and-Segment-Your-Data-for-Annual-Giving- Campaigns.aspx You can find additional resources in our Knowledge Center
30 Discussion and Questions