Monterey County Office of Ed. Head Start and Early Head Start Rosalie Gietzen Health Services Coordinator
Immunizations Health History / Individual Health Needs Physical TB Clearance Dental Care
Title 22 Licensing (State) Head Start Performance Standards (ecklc) (Federal) “Caring for Our Children” American Academy of Pediatrics/Bright Futures Health Services Advisory Committee California Health and Disabilities Prevention (CHDP) FOR ALL THOSE WITH MediCal Educate parents!
“Caring For Our Children” ◦ “National Health and Safety Performance Standards; Guidelines for Early Care and Education Programs” ◦ “A Joint Collaborative Project of: ◦ American Academy of Pediatrics ◦ American Public Health Association ◦ National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education” Available through Barnes and Noble
‘”eclkc” Early Childhood Learning and Knowledge Center
California School Immunization Requirements. - Those required by State licensing to enter school. Additional immunizations as recommended by AAP and our local Health Service Advisory Committee: ◦ Rotavirus (EHS) ◦ Flu ◦ Pneumonia
COMPLETE CHDP PHYSICAL ◦ Anticipatory Guidance / Growth ◦ Blood Pressure / Nutrition ◦ Dental Assessment ◦ Hearing Screening ◦ Hemoglobin level – blood test (for anemia) ◦ Lead Risk Assessment ◦ Lead Blood Test ◦ TB Clearance /Tobacco Expos./Vision
Exam / Every 6 months Treatment
At enrollment Screen for past health problems MOST COMMON: Asthma Food Allergies / Use of Epi-Pen
Asthma Action Plan from physician - this may be very important for Transitional Kindergarten! Health Action Plan for Head Start – all staff should participate and sign Inhaler should be kept at school / A second inhaler should be at home. All medications should arrive in original unopened package with original label.
Head Start Allergy Action Plan – signed by physician Head Start Meal Plan – with substitutions All staff must participate and sign All medication must arrive in new, unopened containers, with original label. Clear monitoring system must be in place to ensure child does not receive incorrect food.
Must be at school. 2 at home, 2 at school – to administer 2 nd dose if needed after 10 minutes. Staff must call 911 immediately.
Children who are not well enough to participate, or play should be at home. Children who are unusually quiet, unresponsive, or lethargic should be at home. Sometimes those with unusual clinginess or crying should be home, as well. Regardless of lack of other symptoms.
Pink eye: Head Start follows AAP recommendations, and advice of HSAC. Head Lice: Head Start follows AAP recommendations, and advice of HSAC. Additionally, children who are very uncomfortable should be at home and see the doctor if needed.
Characteristics of 60 months: ◦ Able to run smoothly, with coordination of body movement. ◦ Able to climb. ◦ May be able to change direction quickly. ◦ Varying abilities to throw ◦ Should be able to jump on 2 feet and also on 1 foot.
Environmental Circumstances that may determine child’s ability: ◦ Some have not been to preschool or had the opportunity to play at a playground. ◦ Some children little experience playing outdoors at all, and limited indoor space or freedom to move. ◦ Others have had many and varied experiences, including organized sports. Observe, evaluate, and offer a variety of physical activities!
Development of small motor skills will also vary based on opportunity. ◦ Ability to hold a pencil or small crayon. ◦ Ability to cut, or to hold scissors properly. ◦ Additionally, the ability to turn pages.
National Standard Verbal Interaction “Listen with respect Respond in a way that amplifies and clarifies their intent. (EXPAND) (OPEN ENDED QUESTIONS) Children learn about themselves, others, and the world, gain facts, and information Expression, empathy Social/ emotional development
Any Questions: Rosalie Gietzen (831)