Editorial Writing
Essential Questions Why do people write Editorials? How can a piece of writing help stimulate thinking and mold opinions? What is the significance of a Works Cited page?
KEY TERMS: Editorial Pathos Subjective Editorial that explains Objective Fact Opinion Ethos Logos Pathos Editorial that explains Editorial that evaluates Editorial that persuades
An editorial states a newspaper’s ideas on an issue and are presented as opinion. An editorial is one of the writing styles used to express an opinion or reaction to timely news, event or an issue of concern. Most editorials are used to influence readers to think or act the same way the writer does. An editorial is NOT a news story. A news story is objective because no opinion or conclusion is provided.
What are the main purposes for writing editorials? Q What are the main purposes for writing editorials?
A *Inform ~Promote *Evaluate ~Praise *Entertain *Persuade*
Editorials that Inform Similar to expository essays Attempt to interpret, promote or inform rather than to argue a point of view Give insights and facts about a complicated issue OR promoting of a particular event/organization Expression of opinion comes in the interpretation of the facts
Editorials that Evaluate Focus on things that are wrong or in need of improvement (criticize) OR that are praiseworthy. Critical editorials should always be constructive. Emphasize the positive about what you are criticizing, or readers will not trust you. Writers have an obligation to offer an alternative solution or course of action. If the editorial praises, give specific reasons for doing so. Perhaps an organization or individual has gone above and beyond the call of duty and should be recognized.
Editorials that Entertain The writer encourages or entertains the reader about something These are often the hardest to write as it usually involves humor What warrants entertaining?
Editorials that Persuade Use fact and argument to influence public opinion, promote critical thinking, and cause people to take action on an issue. Take a firm stand on an issue or person. Offer solutions to a perceived problem They expect immediate action rather than the understanding of a situation
Q Why is writing with emotion and persuasive language important components in writing an editorial?
A It is important because it is your job to persuade your audience that your ideas are valid, or more valid than someone else’s. In order to do that, you need to appeal to all three means of persuasion--Ethos, Pathos and Logos.
Ethos We tend to believe people whom we respect. (Credibility) We tend to believe people whom we respect. You need to be trustworthy as a writer Appeals to their ethics
Pathos Persuade your reader by appealing to the reader’s emotions (Emotional) Persuade your reader by appealing to the reader’s emotions Language choice can really affect the audience’s emotional response Make the reader really feel what you feel Appeals to the heart!
Logos Persuasion based on reasoning---the heart of argumentation! (Logical) Persuasion based on reasoning---the heart of argumentation! The ability to effectively support your point with clear evidence. Make a logical appeal that the reader understands Appeals to the head
An editorial is the voice of the community.This voice should: Wrap-Up An editorial is the voice of the community.This voice should: Appeal to your audience Stimulate thinking Mold opinion Move people to action
What Bugs You? Brainstorm
Where do editorial ideas come from? Q Where do editorial ideas come from?
A The daily lives of students… Interaction with each other, faculty,& administration. Interaction affects classes, extracurricular activities, and after-school activities. Community, state, national, and global issues are of concern to the well-informed student.
What makes a good Editorial? Q What makes a good Editorial?
A Hook Thesis Body Conclusion No I
What makes an Editorial effective? Hook catchy headline, an anecdote, a strongly controversial statement, etc. - something that will grab the attention of your reader Thesis Your viewpoint on the topic and with key points that support your opinion
What makes an Editorial Effective? Body Present your argument in the way you think it will be strongest Use facts, numbers and quotations to support your points Logic is best, but emotional appeal will also be effective Conclusion Restate your thesis statement Re-enforce the main ideas by rewording or emphasizing its importance End with a bang!
NO “I”! Key Factor to Focus on It would be silly to use words such as “I think” or “in my opinion” in an editorial. These words often weaken your argument anyway. It is a much stronger statement to say, “This is an injustice” than to say “I think this is wrong.” Do not leave any doubt in your reader’s mind about the stance taken in the editorial.
What steps should I take when writing my editorial? Q What steps should I take when writing my editorial?
A Choose an issue Gather support Follow the Writing Process
Choose an Issue Choose a topic that interests you If you are excited about it, the reader will be more engaged. Be sure the topic is relevant No one wants to read an opinion piece about something that does not have any affect on “today” (ex: We should have never gotten involved in the Korean War is not a relevant topic for an editorial) Exception-if there is an anniversary or reason why the issue is relevant again (ex: The Korean War anniversary) Determine what you hope to accomplish Why you are writing this piece should be clear!
Gather Support All good editorials are grounded in fact You need to do the proper amount of “legwork” to build a strong base for your editorial Places to look for support: Other editorials Newspapers Research based books/websites Blogs Everyday people Surveys
Writing Process Prewrite Use the template provided to you Draft In order to reach your goal, you must keep the audience in mind. Who is the writer addressing? What is the most effective way of connecting to this audience? What are the strategies the writer uses to connect to his audience? Revise/Edit Publish
Guidelines S State the problem or situation. P State your position. Give evidence to support your position. E State and refute the position of the other side in the conclusion. C S Offer possible solutions to the problem.
Suspends critical judgment Generates as many ideas as possible Brainstorming What Bugs You? Suspends critical judgment Generates as many ideas as possible Group participation for creativity Various approaches to specific topics