Dr. Bill Millard Terry T. Munday Endowed Chair of Life Calling Professor of Leadership Studies School of Life Calling and Integrative Learning Senior Scholar CLCL Life Calling Research Institute INDIANA WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY Southern Adventist University First –Year Experience Seminar 28 August 2012
shaping history P e r s o n a l L e a d e r s h i p U n i q u e D e s i g n F o u n d a t i o n a l V a l u e s vision action mission passions experiences strengths faith character service stewardship expression motivation fulfillment focus evidence Life Calling existential premises interpersonal connections personal alignment holistic assets strategic steps situational draw future picture driving forces
How do you discovery all of this information?
Moses Gideon Balaam
7DiscoveryTools Biblical / Scientific / Strategic
7DiscoveryTools Family/ Modelers/ Mentors
7DiscoveryTools Strengths/ Comprehensive/ Validated
7DiscoveryTools Professional/ Para-professional/ Lay
7DiscoveryTools Life/ Classic/ Trends
7DiscoveryTools Circumstances/ Experiments/ Jobs
7DiscoveryTools Listening/ Praying/ Journaling
7DiscoveryTools Strengths/ Comprehensive/ Validated
1.Good way to infuse objectivity into guidance (when administered correctly) 2.Good way to incorporate knowledge and understanding of other professionals
1.Good way to infuse objectivity into guidance (when administered correctly) 2.Good way to incorporate knowledge and understanding of other professionals 3.Good way to study infinity
1.Limited focus
shaping history P e r s o n a l L e a d e r s h i p U n i q u e D e s i g n F o u n d a t i o n a l V a l u e s vision action mission passions experiences strengths faith character service stewardship expression motivation fulfillment focus evidence Life Calling existential premises interpersonal connections personal alignment holistic assets strategic steps situational draw future picture driving forces
Physical Psychological Spiritual Emotional Intellectual Body Soul Spirit Heart Mind GiftsKnowledgeSkillsAttitude TOTAL D I M E N S I O N S Strengths MATRIX ® ® Life Calling Your Life Calling will be impacted by all 5 domains in all 4 dimensions Your Life Calling will be impacted by all 5 domains in all 4 dimensions
Physical Psychological Spiritual Emotional Intellectual Body Soul Spirit Heart Mind GiftsKnowledgeSkillsAttitude TOTAL D I M E N S I O N S Strengths MATRIX ® ® …just one piece of the puzzle One target of assessment of… One dimension of… One strength domain of … One of nine elements in the Life Calling Model
1.Limited focus 2.Many are self-reporting 3.Snapshots in time
Our concern is the proper use of assessment tools in the guidance process with students Are they used with appropriate practice or are they used with malpractice?
1. One-Size-Fits-All
2. Generic Brand
1. One-Size-Fits-All 2. Generic Brand 3. Prescription
1. One-Size-Fits-All 2. Generic Brand 3. Prescription 4. Horoscope
1. One-Size-Fits-All 2. Generic Brand 3. Prescription 4. Horoscope 5. Drive Thru
1. Use trained, professional personnel 2. Use quality assessments
1. Use trained, professional personnel 2. Use quality assessments 3. Administer assessments with appropriate techniques