Radiation resistance of insulation systems for IR Triplets Acknowledgments: G. Ambrosio, F. Cerutti, S. Clément, L. S. Esposito, P. Ferracin, P. Fessia, R. Flukiger, R. Gauthier, M. Juchno, A. Mereghetti, N. Peray, J.-C. Perez, G. de Rijk, E. Todesco, Elvis Fornasiere | CERN, 26th February 2013 TE-MSC-MDT
Outline Structural requirements for MQXF based on expected dose Structural req + energy deposition Structural requirements for MQXF based on expected dose Measurement techniques for irradiated samples Experimental results on CTD-101K samples and CE-epoxy blend materials Experimental and FE simulations of the SBS Test on G10 Suggested Plan Measurement techniques CTD-101K + CE-epoxy results G10 SBS Test Plan End Elvis Fornasiere | CERN, 26th February 2013 TE-MSC-MDT 3
Beam screen shielding Beam screen with W absorbers at mid-planes Structural req + energy deposition Beam screen shielding 140 mm Nb3Sn Beam screen with W absorbers at mid-planes To go below 20 MGy one would need 2 mm BS + 9 mm W absorbers (105.6 mm residual aperture) Maximum thickness shielding for Q1-first half Q2A tailor-made Possible use of other materials for BS/CB under investigation Configurations Diameter aperture at mid-planes (mm) 3.7 mm BP + 7 mm W inserts 114.6 3.7 mm BP + 2 mm BS + 6 mm W absorbers* 111.6 * 0.5 mm clearance between BP and W Minimum aperture requested from optics is 116 mm With courtesy of F. Cerutti, L.S. Esposito on behalf of CERN FLUKA team [1]
Q1 Energy deposition Outline G10 SBS Test Plan End Structural req + energy deposition Measurement techniques CTD-101K + CE-epoxy results G10 SBS Test Plan Azimuthal energy deposition at Q1 peak End With courtesy of F. Cerutti, L.S. Esposito on behalf of CERN FLUKA team [2]+[3] Elvis Fornasiere | CERN, 26th February 2013 TE-MSC-MDT 5
Outline 150 mm Nb3Sn Shear stress G10 SBS Test Cool-down Structural req + energy deposition Measurement techniques Observation of Shear stress between turns and shear between inner and outer layers CTD-101K + CE-epoxy results G10 SBS Test Cool-down Max-gradient (155 T/m) 30-40 MPa shear t Plan 50-60 MPa shear singularity? End t t ~0 MPa shear With courtesy of M. Juchno and P. Ferracin [4] Elvis Fornasiere | CERN, 26th February 2013 TE-MSC-MDT 6
150 mm Nb3Sn Azimuthal stress Outline 150 mm Nb3Sn Azimuthal stress Structural req + energy deposition Measurement techniques CTD-101K + CE-epoxy results G10 SBS Test Cool-down Max-gradient (155 T/m) Plan Risk of tensile stress End 160 MPa compression stress With courtesy of M. Juchno and P. Ferracin [4] Elvis Fornasiere | CERN, 26th February 2013 TE-MSC-MDT 7
Detailed coil model status Outline Detailed coil model status Structural req + energy deposition “Rectangular” cable with 150um G10 insulation Cable material have similar properties as initial coil block (altered to spring model) High shear stress peaks at cable corners due to difference in thermal contraction Shear stress in coils up to ~30-40 MPa (cables and insulation around conductor in the vicinity of poles and copper blocks Possible next step: round “corners” or strand model with resin Measurement techniques CTD-101K + CE-epoxy results G10 SBS Test Plan End With courtesy of M. Juchno and P. Ferracin [4] Elvis Fornasiere | CERN, 26th February 2013 TE-MSC-MDT 8
Measurement techniques 1 Outline Measurement techniques 1 Structural req + energy deposition Test Nb 1 2 3 4 Name Flexural test Ultimate Tensile Test (UTS) Mode I: intralaminar crack opening Mode II: intralaminar shear mode Diagram Remarks Recommended by IEC. Most radiation-sensitive property for thermoset. Done at CERN for yellow books. Tests used for radiation effects on insulators for superconducting fusion magnets by the ATI, Vienna. In order to load the anisotropic FRPs in mode I as well as in mode II under their weakest condition, the fiber orientation with the lower fiber content was chosen to be perpendicular to the notches of the specimens. Measurement techniques CTD-101K + CE-epoxy results G10 SBS Test Plan End Elvis Fornasiere | CERN, 26th February 2013 TE-MSC-MDT 9
Measurement techniques 2 Outline Measurement techniques 2 Structural req + energy deposition Test Nb 5 6 7 Name Short Beam Shear (SBS). Interlaminar Shear/compression test 10° off-axis tensile test Diagram Remarks SBS: interlaminar strength. Other tests were done: double-lap-shear (DLS) test method, cycling test, etc. (not presented here). 10° off-axis tensile test is normally used for intralaminar shear strength Measurement techniques CTD-101K + CE-epoxy results G10 SBS Test Plan End Elvis Fornasiere | CERN, 26th February 2013 TE-MSC-MDT 10
Short-beam-shear test Outline ATI Vienna Facility 1 Structural req + energy deposition MTS 810 test facility Short-beam-shear test Measurement techniques CTD-101K + CE-epoxy results 5 cm G10 SBS Test 10 cm Plan 23 mm 6.4 – 6.5 mm End Sample thickness should be 3 mm, preferably 4 mm. At least 10 samples are needed for one test. In case of a wrapped insulation, the tests should be carried out parallel and perpendicular to the winding direction (10 + 10 samples). Approximately 90 shear samples can be irradiated in one run. With the courtesy of R. Prokopec [32] Elvis Fornasiere | CERN, 26th February 2013 TE-MSC-MDT 11
ATI Vienna Facility 2 Outline Tensile tests G10 SBS Test Plan End Structural req + energy deposition Tensile test specimen geometries Tensile tests Static: with and without strain recording Dynamic: load controlled Measurement techniques 10 10 20 At least 5 samples are needed for static tests and additional 20 samples for stress lifetime curves. 20 samples can be irradiated in one run (for 4 mm sample thickness). CTD-101K + CE-epoxy results G10 SBS Test 70 140 Plan ATI d-ASTM End Dose rate: 40 MGy in 5 open days 1 Container = 1 dose level Costs: 50 MGy = 16 k€ per container + staff ASTM With the courtesy of R. Prokopec [32] Elvis Fornasiere | CERN, 26th February 2013 TE-MSC-MDT 12
Relative mechanical properties for CTD-101K Outline Relative mechanical properties for CTD-101K Structural req + energy deposition Measurement techniques 30% degradation at 50 MGy ILSS0 ≈ 120 MPa CTD-101K + CE-epoxy results 70% degradation at 90 MGy Shear strength and degradation with irradiation is the most sensitive property G10 SBS Test 95% degradation at 160 MGy Plan End SBS test gives «apparent ILSS» UTS: 35% reduction at 180 Mgy from UTS0 ~ 1050 MPa Compressive strength = 1080 MPa at 160 Mgy (Loss 20%) Fracture Resistance GIC: 66% reduction at 230 MGy [29]+[30]+[31] Elvis Fornasiere | CERN, 26th February 2013 TE-MSC-MDT 13
Shear/compressive properties of CTD-101K Outline Shear/compressive properties of CTD-101K Structural req + energy deposition Measurement techniques Shear/compression failure envelope Shear strength increases with angle till 84°, then drops Compression prevents shear failure On vertical plane (at peak dose location), compression is huge and shear stress is small Almost pure compression state CTD-101K + CE-epoxy results G10 SBS Test Plan 45° shear/compression test to characterize both types of heat treatment (14% reduction) No significant difference in mechanical properties between for specimen with and without heat treatment Not possible to compare interlaminar shear properties after 700°C heat treatment using SBS test (tensile mode failure) UTS of fibers significantly damaged End [29]+[30]+[31]+[37]+[38]+[39] Elvis Fornasiere | CERN, 26th February 2013 TE-MSC-MDT 14
FE studies on Shear/Compression test Outline FE studies on Shear/Compression test Structural req + energy deposition Comparison analytical vs numerical investigations shows inhomogeneous and tri-axial stress state. Considerable thermal stresses arise from cooling to cryogenic temperatures (not evaluated by analytical considerations) Failure of the specimens mainly takes place at the interface (influence of thermal stresses) The reliability of the test method is questionable if the specimen fractures at the interface. Strong dependency of surface conditions (arbitrary circumstances) Irradiation problem: high activation of steel plates Measurement techniques CTD-101K + CE-epoxy results G10 SBS Test Plan End [37]+[41] Elvis Fornasiere | CERN, 26th February 2013 TE-MSC-MDT 15
Mechanical properties for CE-epoxy blend Outline Mechanical properties for CE-epoxy blend Structural req + energy deposition Measurement techniques CTD-101K + CE-epoxy results G10 SBS Test Plan End Cyanate ester (AroCy-L10) [32+[33]+[34] Elvis Fornasiere | CERN, 26th February 2013 TE-MSC-MDT 16
G10 SBS experimental results Outline G10 SBS experimental results Structural req + energy deposition Nb of specimen L (mm) b (mm) t (mm) l (mm) l/t Specimens A 5 24 10 4 12 3 Specimens B 16 Specimens C 42 28 7 Specimens D 6 Measurement techniques CTD-101K + CE-epoxy results G10 SBS Test Plan End SBS [MPa] FSBS_1 FSBS_2 FSBS_3 FSBS_4 FSBS_5 Average Standard deviation Coefficient of variation % Series A 54.80 58.03 55.87 55.37 56.77 56.17 1.27 2.26 Series B 53.50 54.22 52.14 48.32 51.68 51.97 2.28 4.39 Series C 38.17 36.30 35.84 36.11 33.54 35.99 1.65 4.59 Series D 54.91 56.28 55.86 55.04 54.86 55.39 0.64 1.16 With the courtesy of A. Gerardin (EDMS N° 1259235) + [40] Elvis Fornasiere | CERN, 26th February 2013 TE-MSC-MDT 17
Outline FE studies on SBS test Structural req + energy deposition Measurement techniques f-factor = 1 inside the specimens the stress is equal to the shear stress obtained from an analytical 2D solution The real “ILSSs” are higher than the experimental results CTD-101K + CE-epoxy results G10 SBS Test Plan End [36] Elvis Fornasiere | CERN, 26th February 2013 TE-MSC-MDT 18
G10 SBS FE results Outline G10 SBS Test Plan End Structural req + energy deposition Measurement techniques CTD-101K + CE-epoxy results G10 SBS Test Plan Shear at D (MPa) Shear at F (MPa) Sigma x at F Inside (MPa) Sigma z at F Inside (MPa) Exp. ILSS SBS (MPa) Inside Outside f-factor Series A 56.17 55.61 67.97 1.22 129.79 140.24 374.48 -127.01 Series B 51.97 51.05 63.63 1.25 125.01 130.38 454.98 -122.71 Series C 35.99 33.99 43.84 1.29 88.36 82.41 509.98 -86.82 Series D 55.39 55.38 64.83 1.17 133.19 147.61 494.08 -130.83 End Contrainte de rupture à la flexion, <= 10 mm perpendiculairement aux strates, sens longitudinal : > 350 N/mm2 Elvis Fornasiere | CERN, 26th February 2013 TE-MSC-MDT 19
Outline G10 SBS Test Structural req + energy deposition Measurement techniques CTD-101K + CE-epoxy results G10 SBS Test Elvis Fornasiere | CERN, 26th February 2013 TE-MSC-MDT 20
Suggested plan Outline Structural req + energy deposition Internal test campaign prior to irradiation campaign (unirradiated fibers) SBS test of heat treated fibers with 3 resins (CTD-101K, CE/epoxy blend, MY750) Resin with 1)virgin fiber, 2) 50h @700°C fiber, 3) 50h @700°C ht fiber + ceramic binder + 4) 50h @700°C ht fiber + PVA 10° off axis-test as support of SBS test Shear/compression test of the system [cable + insulation] Irradiation campaign (to be discussed) What is the maximum dose level (20 MGy)? SBS – Interlaminar shear test (qualitative) Shear/compression test of the system [cable + insulation] (Quantitative) Measurement techniques CTD-101K + CE-epoxy results G10 SBS Test Plan End CTD-101K MY750 CE Virgin fibers Fibers after reaction Fibers after reaction and ceramic binder SBS + Tensile +/- 10° + shear/compression Elvis Fornasiere | CERN, 26th February 2013 TE-MSC-MDT 21
Thanks for your attention Questions? Outline Structural req + energy deposition Measurement techniques CTD-101K + CE-epoxy results Thanks for your attention Questions? G10 SBS Test Plan End Elvis Fornasiere | CERN, 26th February 2013 TE-MSC-MDT 22
150 mm Nb3Sn Radial stress With courtesy of M. Juchno and P. Ferracin [4] Elvis Fornasiere | CERN, 26th February 2013 TE-MSC-MDT 24
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