HEALTH SCIENCE APPLICATION PROCESS Every student is required to go through the application process
Health Science is the second course in the Health Science Program pathway. This course builds on the information learned in the Principles of Health Science class. Students MUST have completed Principles of Health Science with a grade of 70% or better.
Health Science Designed to provide opportunity for development of advanced knowledge and skills related to a wide variety of health careers. Students should be able to think critically, utilize problem solving skills, communicate effectively, and work well with others. Professional integrity along with ethical and legal responsibilities is an integral element in the Health Science class; therefore, students are expected to fulfill their ethical and legal responsibilities, recognize limitations, and understand the implication of their actions.
Professional Communication (9 th grade) Principles of Health Science (10 th grade) Practicum in Health Science: CNA (Certified Nurse Assistant) (12 th grade) Health Science Hospital Rotations (11 th grade) Health Science Classroom based and simulated lab (11 th grade) Practicum in Health Science: Job Shadow (12 th grade) Practicum in Health Science: Pharmacy Technician (12th grade) A&P for Allied Health Problems and Solutions ( * 4 th Science credit) (12 th grade) Application Process Required Health Science Program
Health Science Tracks 1)Hospital Rotations: Students in this class participate in observations at a local hospital, lab simulations and classroom instruction. 2)Lab – Based: Students in this class participate in lab simulations that teach and reinforce skills needed for entry level employment (non- certified or licensed) and classroom instruction.
Application Process The application process is used to determine student placement into the appropriate Health Science track. Incomplete applications will NOT be considered for the Hospital Rotation track.
Disclaimer: Hospital rotation is an earned learning opportunity and not a guarantee. The student must meet strict guidelines in order to participate in any part of the hospital rotation. The student understands at any time their privilege to participate may be revoked due to non- compliance with Health Science Program Requirements and/or Hospital concerns.
Criteria for Student Placement in the appropriate Health Science Track: Meet all required Pre-Requisites Hospital agreement on number of students allowed to observe in the hospital. Total points scored utilizing the following designated point values on the rubric: 1.Attend mandatory meeting 2.Complete each phase of the application 3.Student Assessment Test Score 4.Recommendations 5.Review of Grades, Attendance, and Discipline Issues 6.All deadlines are met
If the student wishes to enroll in the lab class ONLY, they will complete Step 1 of the application and write LAB CLASS ONLY on the top of the application. The student does NOT need to complete the rest of the application. Every Student Is Required to Take the Entrance Exam.
Health Science Program Student Application Form Directions : Complete and sign application. Be sure to complete the entire application. Only complete applications will be considered. Submission of the application does not guarantee placement in the Health Science Hospital Rotation Course. Step 1: Part A- Student Information: Student Name ___________________________________________________Student ID#___________________ Date of Birth: _____________ Gender: □ Male □ Female Home Campus: ______ Current Grade Level ___ Home Phone #: ___________________________________ Cell Phone #: ________________________________ Mailing Address: ___________________________________ LAB CLASS ONLY EXAMPLE
Incomplete applications will not be considered for the hospital observation track. Placement will be determined by the final score after completion of the application process. ** Each section of the application is worth points on a rubric.
Application Process Phase I: Mandatory Meeting 1. Mandatory attendance at general information meeting by student and parent/guardian 2. Attendance is verified by completing and submitting Part 1 of the application prior to leaving the Mandatory Meeting.
Phase II:Application Application will only be handed out and available at the mandatory meeting. Step 1: Part A, B, C, D, and E of the application must be completed and submitted prior to leaving the meeting in order to receive credit for attendance. (Students requesting the lab class are only required to complete Step1:Part A, B, C, D, and E of the application)
Step 2: (Student Portion: Part A, B, and C) along with Step 3: (Student Essay) 1. Completed and Submitted no later than 4:00 pm Friday, March 13, Place in a sealed envelope 3. Hand deliver or mail to: ATC Health Science Department 1504 Long Road Denton, Texas Attn: Carrie Sisco
Two Teacher Recommendations: 1.One from a Math or Science Teacher 2. One from a teacher of their choice but cannot be their Principles of Health Science teacher. Directions for submitting teacher recommendations are included in your application packet. Teacher Recommendations are due no later than 4:00 pm on Friday, March 13, 2015.
Entrance Exam 1. Every applicant must take the entrance exam to complete the application process. 2. The exam is one attempt only. No re-takes. 3. The exam cannot be modified. Accommodations are available according to current ARD/504 paperwork. 4. The exam will be administered on the home campus by the Principles of Health Science teacher or designee. 5. ALL testing arrangements must be made in advance with the home campus Principles of Health Science teacher.
Phase III: Notification of Student Placement will be released in May Notification letters will be sent to student and parent/guardian 2. Notification will be sent to the student’s counselor 3. Date and notification is subject to change pending DISD registration process.
Phase III: 2015 – 2016 School Year Meet Specific Course Requirement Due Dates 1. Course Fees: Must be paid by the 2 nd week of the 2015 – 2016 school year. Contact the ATC Bookkeeper in regard to fees and payment. 2. Complete and Submit all required paperwork
Hospital Rotation Specific Requirements: 1. Proof of Current Negative Tb test 2. Proof of Current Flu vaccine ( Usually Oct.) 3. Pass Random Drug Screen – screening occurs at the ATC 4. Pass written HIPAA test – 100% without modifications on 1 st attempt. (Hospital specific mandatory test) 5. Current AHA Healthcare Provider CPR 6. Attend Mandatory Hospital Orientation 7. Purchase appropriate shoes for hospital observations. All of the above will have specific deadlines once the school year begins.
4.Lab – based course Specific : To be determined
Please note that all deadlines are No later than 4:00 PM Friday, March 13, 2015 If you have any other questions please contact: Carrie Sisco