Suffix –er “a person who _____” or “more” 1.leadersprinterfighterreader 2.strongerlighterquickerluckier.


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Presentation transcript:

Suffix –er “a person who _____” or “more” 1.leadersprinterfighterreader 2.strongerlighterquickerluckier

VOCABULARY achieve – When athletes win, they achieve their goal. to gain something by hard work defense – Your body has a defense against germs the same way a football team has a defense against the other team. protection from attack creating – Scientists are always creating new ways to fight germs. making something new minimum – You should eat a minimum of five fruits and vegetables a day. as few or as small as can be response – Sneezing is one response your body has to germs or pollen. a reaction to something that happens

VOCABULARY conditioning – Running five miles is not difficult if you have the correct conditioning for it, such as running a little farther every day. training impress – It would impress me if you did something nice, like making friends with a new student. to make someone think well of something ability – Many of you in this class have a special ability, such as sports, dance, music, telling jokes, or making friends. a talent or skill consider – I am going to consider developing a new skill, such as learning a different. to think about attitude – Hard work becomes easier for me if I have a good attitude about it. way of thinking that affects the way you act

VOCABULARY positive – A positive person will not complain when things go wrong. happy, sure, and upbeat effects – Some effects of the flu are a fever and body aches. changes caused by something else recover – When you recover from a cold, you stop sneezing and feel better. to get better levels – There are higher levels of illness in our school during winter. amounts; how much of something

VOCABULARY emergency – Always call 911 if you see an emergency like a car crash. a serious situation in which you must act interpret – I interpret my sister’s laughter as a sign she is happy. to explain the meaning of behavior – Young children learn good classroom behavior when they begin kindergarten. the way someone acts emotions – Babies can show emotions such as happiness and surprise. strong feelings logic – To use logic in making a choice, look at the facts and use common sense to choose the best option. common sense