Marketing Research Project on : Presented to : Prof. A. K. Halder Group Members : Samik Gupta Siddharth Dixit Kailash Gupta Kalyan Kumar Das
Agenda Overview Management Decision Problem (MDP) Graphical Model Marketing Research Problem (MRP) o Broad Statement o Specific components ]– Research Questions o Hypotheses Research Technique & Methodology Data Analysis Recommendation
Overview of Daily circulation
Overview on The Statesman The Statesman is an Indian English-language daily newspaper founded in 1875 The Statesman is owned by The Statesman Ltd.,its headquarters in Kolkata It has an average daily circulation of approximately 180,000
Management Decision Problem (MDP) What should be done to increase circulation?
Graphical Model Beliefs Interests Purchase Experience /Evaluation Repeat Purchase Customer Retention Circulation
Marketing Research Problem (MRP) Determine the strength and weakness of The Statesman vis-à-vis other dailies with respect to factors that influence readership Broad Statement :
What criteria do readers look for in a Newspaper? How do readers evaluate statesman and other newspapers in terms of the criteria identified above? Marketing Research Problem (MRP) contd. Research Questions :
Ho : Readers are indifferent to lucid/easy language Page-3 news in-depth news coverage wide news coverage variety of advertisement coverage of global news Marketing Research Problem (MRP) contd. Hypotheses :
Marketing Research Problem (MRP) contd. Coverage of local news Presentation style Quality of papers Attractive subscription options Easy availability
Marketing Research Problem (MRP) contd. Ho: Readers are indifferent in their perception about Statesman Intelligent Old-fashioned Intellectual Ho : Readers do not consider Statesman to be fun
Research Technique & Methodology Behavior – Understanding the beliefs and interest factors for purchasing a daily & perception about “The Statesman” Scales – Use of Likert Scales Collection of Data – Through random sampling & questionnaire survey – Sample size of 65 Statistical Processing & Analysis – One-Sample T- tests, Multiple Regression Analysis, Factor Analysis
Data Analysis
Hypotheses Testing Results MR_ results_perception.spv MR_One sample T-test.spv
Multiple Attribute Attitude Model Attitude towards the Newspaper A0 bi = Beliefs towards the factor ei = Importance of the factor i = Factors
Belief and importance
Respondents perception
Some more data Analysis… Multiple Regression Analysis Factor Analysis MR_ results_perception.spv
Recommendation Readers gives a lot of importance to lucid/easy language and presentation style but belief about these two attributes in statesman is very low among readers. So Statesman needs to improve in these two factors. They also do perceive The Statesman as “old fashioned” and “intellectual” paper but not as “fun”
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