Творческая работа По Английскому Языку «British newspapers» Выполнил: ученик 8 а класса Хлебова Ангелина Нижний Новгород 2014-2015
The Times The Financial Times The Observer The Sunday Times The Sun The Daily Telegraph
The Times The newspaper was founded in 1785 by John Walter. Daily newspaper in the UK, one of the world's most famous newspapers. At present, «The Times» published in «Times Newspapers Limited» The newspaper is printed in London and comes with a circulation of about 400 000 - 450 000 copies.
The Sunday Times The Sunday Times - Sunday broadsheet newspaper published in the United Kingdom. Each year the Sunday Times publishes "rich list", which hits record sales.
The Financial Times Financial Times international business newspaper published in English with a circulation of 360 thousand copies The Financial Times daily newspaper with a special emphasis on business and economic news internationally. Printed on pink paper.
The Observer The Observer - British newspaper published on Sundays. This is the first and the world's oldest Sunday newspaper
The Sun The Sun - the British tabloid, founded in 1963. Published in the UK and Ireland Daily newspaper reads about 7.7 million people The Sun newspaper is well known for stories about the life of stars, including scandals On the second page of the newspaper printed materials about politics. On the third page of the newspaper regularly printed photo model girls The newspaper pays great attention to the theme of sport, especially football.
The Daily Telegraph The Daily Telegraph - British daily newspaper founded in 1855. Average daily circulation of more than 600 thousand copies The most popular daily newspaper large format, setting out the British and international news very well and objectively.