JPG, PUB475, Spring Week 1 – PUB475 Advanced Public Relations Bulletin Description: Emphasizes a management approach and application of the four-step public relations process to solving public relations problems through planning, design and production of print, broadcast and audiovisual materials used in public relations. Includes public relations case studies and problems. Review syllabus
JPG, PUB475, Spring Course Objectives Prepare students to think and act strategically. To engage students in the process of generating public relations opportunities. To familiarize students with actual examples of public relations campaigns and initiatives. To alert students to pitfalls in public relations programming. To develop an in-depth understanding of public relations research, message development, campaign programming and campaign evaluation. To provide practical exercises in problem solving. To prepare students for assimilating theory and practice in the public relations practice.
JPG, PUB475, Spring Student Participation Requirement Attend every class period, read assignments before class, and participate in class discussions. Case studies Prepare a brief (one page) PowerPoint overview containing the following elements: A brief summary of the case Two strengths of the appeal Two weaknesses of the appeal Identification of the key tactic Bring both a hardcopy and softcopy on disk or flash drive to class so you may moderate the discussion if called upon.
JPG, PUB475, Spring Grades Attendance and class participation Quizzes and occasional class assignments Midterm exam Two written reports accompanied by oral presentations in class Written reports must be typed, double-spaced, be no longer than three pages and no shorter than two pages.
JPG, PUB475, Spring Written report #1 Research an actual public relations campaign Either contact an organization directly or rely on case study reports in various library books, the Internet and/or journals. This report should evaluate all campaign elements based on the RPCE model. Come to class February 2 prepared to discuss the proposed topic of their project. Report due March 16.
JPG, PUB475, Spring Written report #2 Two-page proposal outlining a strategic public relations campaign for some aspect of EKU The University itself, one of the academic units, the athletic department, etc. The proposal must be written in strict RPCE format and must include all elements of the four-step process. Each proposal must recommend research, planning, communication and evaluational procedures, Including but not limited to elements such as target audiences, messaging, programming, outreach material, calendars, budgets and legal ramifications. Final project due April 20.
JPG, PUB475, Spring Tentative Schedule Week 1: Introduction and the Public Relations process Week 2:The Four Steps Week 3:Strategic Methodologies Week 4:Case Study Focus (Research -- Bhopal) International public relations Report Topics Due Week 5: Communication Theory Communication and public opinion Week 6:EXAM ONE Week 7: Case Study Focus (Planning -- Nestle) Public Relations Ethics Public Relations Law Week 8:Case Study Focus (Communication -- Kodak) Corporate Communication, Internal Communication and Community Relations
JPG, PUB475, Spring Tentative Schedule Week 9:Spring Break Week 10:Media and media relations Case Study Focus (Communication -- Tylenol) Written Report No. 1 due Week 11: Governmental, Consumer and Investor Relations Week 12:Case Study Focus (Evaluation -- Swissair) Crisis Management Week 13: Integrated Marketing Communications Week 14: Industrial and Graphic Design Week 15:Discussions Regarding Written Report #2 Written Report No. 2 due Week 16:Final assessment and wrap-up
JPG, PUB475, Spring Public Relations practice Public relations is a business. PR practitioners play a role as part of the ensemble. Public Relations is a profession. It has codified rules and practices that define it.
JPG, PUB475, Spring Professionalism in the practice of Public Relations (Bernays) 1. A codified body of knowledge and a growing bank of theoretical literature, precedents and case studies. 2. Insight into human behavior and the formulation and movement of public opinion. 3. Skill in the use of communications tools, social science technology, and persuasion to affect opinions, attitudes and behaviors. 4. Academic training including the PhD, offered in colleges throughout the world, and professional development available through a multiplicity of professional societies. 5. A formal code of ethics. 6. A service that is essential in contemporary society. 7. Nobility of purpose in harmonizing private and public interests – thus enabling individual self-determination and democratic societies to function.
JPG, PUB475, Spring Building an Ethical Reputation Word-of-mouth communication Can be negative or positive Ethical issues Reciprocal relationships Hiring away employees Reporting income Claiming or sharing credit
What does “PR” include? Media Relations Community Relations Employee Relations Financial Communications Advertising Promotions Special Events Management Training JPG, PUB475, Spring
JPG, PUB475, Spring Financial Public Relations Role within corporation Role within the financial community The Annual Report as a communication vehicle Key components: marketing materials and 10K
JPG, PUB475, Spring Ethnic Target Markets Growth of minorities Regional issues Effective strategy includes: Special events Personalize products Target ethnic media Review all messages for bias, stereotypes, etc.
JPG, PUB475, Spring Creative Execution Client reviews Approvals Delegation “Concur” and “non-concur” Institutional approvals Internal, e.g. Board of Directors External, e.g. government agencies (FDA, etc.) Media reviews Embargos
JPG, PUB475, Spring Typical corporate organization President / CEOBoard of Directors Product Division #1 Product Manufacturing Corporate Finance Distribution / Supply Chain Human Resources Community Affairs Corporate Communications Corporate / Brand Advertising Product Development Product Marketing Product Advertising Worldwide Marketing & Sales Product Sales Corporate Legal
For next class Go buy your books. Read: Cutlip – Chapter 1 Center – Chapter 1 JPG, PUB475, Spring