2 Introduction Why Heat Blast ® is better Heat Blast Inspector Training Preparation for Company Preparation For Customer Communicating expectations with customer and crews ®
3 Agenda Myths vs. Facts Heat Blast technical information Sales Information Heat Blast System vs. Fumigation Complete WDO / Pest inspection Importance of thoroughness during inspection Writing inspection report for crew & customer understanding Preparation requirements Additional requirements for Heat Blast system Communicating to the customer and crew what to expect before, during, and after treatment Heat Blast system setup ®
4Technical Termites die when you achieve 116° F and sustain that temperature for 24 minutes The crews take the temperature to 130° F and sustain the temperature for 1 hour Average air temperatures are maintained around 140° F on interiors, and between 160° F and 185° F on exteriors. Non target interiors do not raise above 115° F Average job time is 6-8 hours All temperatures are monitored by digital probes, thermocouples, and infrared thermometers Heat was first used in 1913 The Heat Blast technology is the oldest form of termite control Other pest such as roaches die at 120° F for 6-20 minutes THERMAL TERMITE ERADICATION ® ®
5 Selling Ease of service Little or no preparation No moving out No bagging food or medicine 100% effective A safe, clean, true alternative to fumigation Full house or localized treatment option Cost is equal to cost of fumigation without additional move out, food, and storage costs THERMAL TERMITE ERADICATION ® ®
6 Vs. Fumigation Preparation THERMAL TERMITE ERADICATION FoodFresh fruits and other exposed food items need to be placed in pantry, cabinnets, etc. All foods must be removed or bagged, refrigerator must be turned off. Personal ItemsLittle or no preparation requirements unless heat is directed at storage area All personal items I.e. toothpaste, medicines, and hair care products must be removed PlantsPotted plants need to be moved away from treatment area. Planters are protected by thermal blankets Within 4 feet of structure, plants are damaged or killed RoofNo waivers or added cost to cover broken or cracked roofing Waivers, added cost. Industry standard is $ PetsMay remain in yard or in portion of structure not bein treated Must be removed from building and yard Fumigation ® ®
7 Only true alternative to fumigation No Moving Out No Deadly Gas No Plant Damage No Roof Damage No person has ever been hurt or killed using the Heat Blast system Minimum 3 day move out Likely to kill plants and shrubs adjacent to structure Likely damage to roof tiles or shingles Average of 3 deaths a year for past 3 decades Vs. Fumigation THERMAL TERMITE ERADICATION ® ®
8 Complete WDO /Pest Inspection Identify all infestations Mark all infestations
9 Details of inspection Area of infestation –Attic How to get heat to attic Multiple access points I.e. 1 door and 1 window Storage –Interior Where is infestation in relation to exterior walls What are potential heat problems Heat sensitive items that need to be removed Where to move heat sensitive items –Exterior Area to target/heat Area to tarp and extra space required for tarping Potential conflict with plants, rain gutters, or heat sensitive items ®
10 Details of inspection Cont. Alternate entry routes for crew, equipment, and heat –Identify all entry routes for interior –Identify entry routes to yard and possible placement of equipment in relation to target area Clearly identify all possible problems or conflicts –Potential plant problems I.e. plants attached to building or less than 2 feet of clearance –Identify type of windows and doors for crew if they are not wood or metal –Identify any vinyl items in or around home ®
11 Details of Inspection Cont. Be aware of type of construction –Clips for tarps can not be extended more than 2 ½ inches –If a tarp is required what will be it be clipped to? –Is there a fascia board? –Can a ladder reach the area to be tarped –What kind of roof is there? –How many stories is the house? ®
12 Beware of the Following PVC Pipe (Grey or White) Central vacuum systems (they use pvc) Vinyl windows, doors, garage doors (sectionals), screen doors, curtains, mini blinds, vertical blinds Candles Fire Sprinklers Homes that are FULL of storage ®
13 Requirements Identify crawl space entrances Identify access points I.e. doors, windows Identify target points and possible entrance points for system and equipment THERMAL TERMITE ERADICATION ® ®
14 Where are the electrical outlets in relation to placement of equipment? How many heaters are needed? Is there personal storage in target area? Requirements THERMAL TERMITE ERADICATION ® ®
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17 Heat Blast setup ®
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19 Communication Be sure to explain to the customer the complete service Always allow crew to make final decision on placement of equipment and tarps Thoroughly explain expectations of service Allow customer to help design service Clearly communicate service expectations to crew Communicate all concerns to the crew, office, and customer ®
20 Summary Heat Blast offers a choice for the customer. Heat Blast allows multiple treatment options for controlling a whole structure problem or a limited problem Heat Blast is the safest option for insect control. ®
21 More Sales More Commission Greater Profit Less Hassle Peace of Mind ®
22 Where to Get More Information Seminars Industry Experts Existing Heat Companies Technical Training on Heat Applications Sales Training – Ext. 107 ®