Daily Announcements Today is… Tuesday April 12 th 2011
Parent Conferences Cancelled! A reminder to please notify your parents that the Parent Conferences for April 19 th are now cancelled
April is “Distracted Driving Awareness Month” What causes most crashes? Not the road Not the vehicle Most crashes are caused by driver error – 80% of all crashes and – 65% of all near-crashes Involved a distracted driving incident within 3 seconds of the crash TURN OFF YOUR PHONE WHILE YOU DRIVE!
SEUSSICAL The Musical Stafford High School Fine Arts Department presents SEUSSICAL The Musical Thursday, Friday and Saturday April 14, 15 and 16 at 7pm $7 Students, Children and Senior Citizens $10 Adults
Attendance Students please read! > Early outs for Friday April 22, 2011 MUST be turned into Mrs. Johnson in the attendance office by Thursday April 21, > Please inform your parents there will be no call ins for early outs on Friday April 22, 2011
Root of the Week Week of April 11 th duc/duct “lead” EXAMPLES: **abduct**: to kidnap, take by force, or lead away aqueduct: a structure created by the Romans, leading water from one area to another deduce: to lead to a conclusion in the mind through careful observation of reasonable facts educate: to teach or instruct, to “lead” out of childhood
Counseling Center Attention Seniors This is Scholarship season! There are thousands of dollars in scholarships being offered to Stafford High School Seniors by local organizations. Check out the Counseling Center’s Scholarship page on School fusion – and apply! Deadlines are coming up soon!
Counseling Center VCU School of Medicine is presenting a seminar on Medical School Careers, Careers in Medicine and being the best Medical School candidate you can be. Seminar will be Thursday May 5 th from 5:30-8:15 at Fairfax Hospital in Fairfax Va. Cost of the seminar is $5 for students and $10 for guests, due April 28 th. Registration forms are available in Counseling Center
Attention Seniors: We want to share YOUR exciting news!! If you have made your choice of which College, Tech School, or Employment for Fall 2011, please let Mrs. Campbell know so we can add your name to our “WALL of PRIDE”
Attention Seniors: All Seniors MUST pay their dues by April 12 th to receive their cap and gown on April 13 th Jostens will be here on April 13 th and students will be scheduled alphabetically to visit the delivery table
Attention Seniors: Senior cap & gown pictures will be taken in the back of the Auditorium on Wed. April 13 th and Thurs. April 14 th Students will be able to view their picture times with their homeroom teachers
Attention Seniors & Juniors: Prom Court News! Seniors and Juniors wishing to run for Prom Court MUST attend a mandatory meeting in room S215 on Wednesday April 20 th at 2:20pm
Class Officers for Students wishing to run for class officers for the school year will be required to attend a mandatory meeting on Wednesday April 20 th at 2:20 in the following rooms: Class of 2012 – Room S215 (Mrs. Wick) Class of 2013 – Room S102 (Mrs. Jackson) Class of 2014 – Room C107 (Mr. Middleton)
POSITIVE REFERRAL A new button on the SHS homepage. Near the top of the page you will find a link, "POSITIVE REFERRAL." There is a brief description on the home page, and once you have clicked on the link, you will find a form that will allow students, teachers, and other staff here at school to "refer" fellow students, teachers, and staff for good behavior or positive actions of all kinds. The referrals may be used for anything from helping another student with homework to doing well on a test or taking extra time to help a student with a problem or a lesson.
POSITIVE REFERRAL Cont. There will be no criticisms and complaints. Everyone is encouraged to recognize those who go above and beyond that which is expected. The names of those receiving positive referrals will be read on morning announcements and printed in the school newspaper. Collection boxes and forms will also be located in the Library, Cafeteria, and Main Office for your convenience.
Teacher Positive Referrals Mrs. Stroud Mrs. Kotakis Mrs. Battista
Student Positive Referrals Austin EnfingerTyler Creel Samantha GoswellenChet Light Kayla SealSara Grondin Heidi SullivanAbbey Templin Jason Steele
Club News
Link Crew Anyone who applied to be a Link Crew Leader for You are invited to attend an ice cream social on Thurs. April 14 th from 2:30-3:30 in the cafeteria You should receive a blue invitation in homeroom. See Mr. Green or Mr. Middleton with questions
Link Crew Attention current Link Crew Leaders Your field trip money and permission slips are due by Friday April 15 to Mrs. Kotakis in N213
NHS There will be NHS tutoring every Wednesday after school, in the library.
Agents of Change Agents of change would like to announce their “new” addition to the Counseling Office “Love is not Abuse” box This box is where people can drop hints if they have seen or been involved in a relationship of abuse or harassment We hope this will be a helpful tool to encourage healthy relationships
Game Club
Sports News
SHS Dance Team tryouts Indianette Dance Team conditioning every Monday and Wednesday April 11-May 4, 3:30-5pm, auxiliary gym (except during spring break) Tryouts - May 10-12, 5-7pm, May 13 final day, 4:00-til finished See Coach Abel in athletic office if more information is needed
Cheer Cheerleading Conditioning begins April 5 th Please stop by the main office to pick up an information sheet Tryout information is available in the main office Conditionings are open to 8 th – 12 th grades
Announcements may be turned in to Mrs. Thomas in the Video Room or her! Have a great Day Indians! Be Be Safe!