A Trip to the Moon
Sci-fi: Days of Fear and Wonder Property of Image Entertainment © (1902) All rights reserved
A Trip to the Moon Sci-fi: Days of Fear and Wonder Fun Interesting Dangerous
Space tourism travel brochure A Trip to the Moon Sci-fi: Days of Fear and Wonder Your task is to produce a travel brochure to advertise trips to the moon. Your brochure should persuade and encourage people to become astronauts, and should also inform people about what to expect, and the potential dangers of space travel. Property of Image Entertainment © (1902) All rights reserved
Astronaut Press Conference A Trip to the MoonSci-fi: Days of Fear and Wonder You are journalists attending a Press Conference for astronauts returning from a trip to the moon. Prepare a minimum of five questions to ask the astronauts at the Press Conference, to find out about their experience, and give you enough information to report on this event in an informative and entertaining way. Ask open questions to give the astronauts plenty of opportunity to tell you about their experience. Which words should you use at the start of open questions?
Astronaut Press Conference A Trip to the MoonSci-fi: Days of Fear and Wonder You are journalists attending a Press Conference for astronauts returning from a trip to the moon. Prepare a minimum of five questions to ask the astronauts at the Press Conference, to find out about their experience, and give you enough information to report on this event in an informative and entertaining way. Ask open questions to give the astronauts plenty of opportunity to tell you about their experience. Start your questions with; how, why, when, who, where or what.
Astronaut Press Conference A Trip to the MoonSci-fi: Days of Fear and Wonder Property of Image Entertainment © (1902) All rights reserved
Reporting on the Press Conference A Trip to the MoonSci-fi: Days of Fear and Wonder In the role of a journalist, plan and record a piece to camera to inform and excite the public about the astronaut’s trip to the moon. Prepare and record a piece to camera, that is no longer than 60 seconds. Remember to rehearse your piece before you press record. To create a professional piece to camera, think follow these five factors before you start to record.
Top 5 tips to make your recording a success A Trip to the MoonSci-fi: Days of Fear and Wonder
Camera framing Would a long shot or close up suit best for the activity you have in mind? A Trip to the MoonSci-fi: Days of Fear and Wonder
Camera positioning Where is the best place to position the camera to get a clear shot? A Trip to the Moon Sci-fi: Days of Fear and Wonder
Lighting Are the people being filmed facing the light source rather than standing with their backs to it? A Trip to the Moon Sci-fi: Days of Fear and Wonder
Sound Have you chosen a suitable location to cut out background noise? Is the mic close to the person who is speaking to camera? A Trip to the Moon Sci-fi: Days of Fear and Wonder
Use of a tripod If you are without access to a tripod, have you minimised camera shake with your elbows on a table, shelf or wall? A Trip to the Moon Sci-fi: Days of Fear and Wonder
Reporting on the Press Conference A Trip to the MoonSci-fi: Days of Fear and Wonder In the role of a journalist, plan and record a piece to camera to inform and excite the public about the astronaut’s trip to the moon. Prepare and record a piece to camera, that is no longer than 60 seconds. Remember to rehearse your piece before you press record.