Mr. Nickels College: SUNY New Paltz Teaching : 10+ years Math Courses: A, B, 3C Computer Science: Visual Basic/ Java AP Graduate Degree : Instructional Technology at NYIT
Daily Quiz Two question quiz when students enter the classroom. Two question quiz when students enter the classroom. One question from yesterday’s lesson, and one from older material. One question from yesterday’s lesson, and one from older material. At the end of the week counts as a ten point quiz. At the end of the week counts as a ten point quiz. Drop the lowest 2 daily quiz grades Drop the lowest 2 daily quiz grades Gets students in class on time and ready to work. Gets students in class on time and ready to work.
Homework Policy Homework every night Homework every night Homework is aligned to class work Homework is aligned to class work Homework should take ½ hour each night Homework should take ½ hour each night Complete all HW and receive +2 to quarter average Complete all HW and receive +2 to quarter average After the 1 st missed HW -1 from quarter average for each miss. After the 1 st missed HW -1 from quarter average for each miss.
Tests and Quizzes Tests are usually on Friday Tests are usually on Friday Practice test given with answers for studying (Usually on Thursday) Practice test given with answers for studying (Usually on Thursday) Extra Help after school before every test Extra Help after school before every test Tests are aligned with Math B Regents questions Tests are aligned with Math B Regents questions
Extra Help After school Wednesday and Thursday from 2PM till 3PM. After school Wednesday and Thursday from 2PM till 3PM. Attendance is taken at extra help Attendance is taken at extra help Struggling students are expected to attend Struggling students are expected to attend Thursday extra help is oriented towards Friday’s exam. Thursday extra help is oriented towards Friday’s exam.
Graphing Calculator TI-84 Graphing calculator TI-84 Graphing calculator Required for Math B Regents exam Required for Math B Regents exam Useful in college Useful in college Optional: Borrow from school (Hand out) Optional: Borrow from school (Hand out)
Behavior Expectations Arrive on time Arrive on time Prepared w/ graphing calculator Prepared w/ graphing calculator Ready to learn Ready to learn Behavior problems will be dealt with via parent phones and administrative actions. Behavior problems will be dealt with via parent phones and administrative actions. I will not hesitate to call home for any academic or behavior issues. I will not hesitate to call home for any academic or behavior issues.
Academic Expectations Students actively participate in class Students actively participate in class Complete all HW assignments Complete all HW assignments Attend extra Help Attend extra Help Make test corrections Make test corrections Work Hard, Be successful Work Hard, Be successful
Math B Regents Exam Required for Honors Regents diploma Required for Honors Regents diploma Contains many word problems and critical thinking skills. Contains many word problems and critical thinking skills. Trigonometry, Higher level Algebra, and Graphing calculator skills Trigonometry, Higher level Algebra, and Graphing calculator skills Not an easy exam Not an easy exam
Contact Information Webpage: -all HW is posted and available for download Webpage: -all HW is posted and available for Home Phone Number: Home Phone Number: