GSA SmartPay in More Than One Flavor: Innovative Products & Services Introduce self – FIRST and LAST name Explain your role within OCCM, and years with the program Explain your previous experience Erin VanDagna Camesha Everett Office of Charge Card Management (OCCM) 12th Annual GSA SmartPay Training Conference August 10 - 12, 2010 Atlanta, GA
Value to the Customer Gain a general understanding of the GSA SmartPay Program innovative products and services, specifically: How they are being piloted Where they are being piloted What are the benefits We hope that this interactive course will help provide you with an overview of GSA SmartPay2 innovative products and services, and more specifically: -how they are being piloted -where they are being piloted -and what are the benefits of using these innovative products and services This course is recommended for experienced Agency/Organization Program Coordinators (A/OPCs) and cardholders interested in gaining broad exposure to the GSA SmartPay2 program.
Agenda GSA SmartPay2 Program Overview Encouraging Innovation Vision for the Future: Products and Services Panel: GSA SmartPay in More Than One Flavor Questions Briefly go over the agenda, and how you want the discussion to flow. First we will begin with a general program overview and discuss how GSA SmartPay2 is encouraging innovation. Then we will engage in a panel discussion that highlights how GSA SmartPay comes in more than one flavor. We will hear from about the following products: Payment Card – Department of State Controlled Spend Card – US Air Force Foreign Currency Card – Department of State Prepaid Card – Department of Commerce Cardless Accounts – Department of Veterans Affairs Go Card – Dept. of Health & Human Services -Then we will discuss our vision for the future And wrap up with any questions.
GSA SmartPay2 Program Overview We are going to begin with a program overview of GSA SmartPay2
GSA SmartPay2 Program Overview Enables over 350 Federal agencies/organizations to obtain charge card products and services through master contracts that GSA established with three banks: Citibank, JPMorgan Chase, and U.S. Bank Agencies/organizations issued task orders against these master contracts to obtain charge card products and services Agencies/organizations pay no direct fees to use the program Period of performance for existing contracts is through 2018 DID YOU KNOW… $943 was spent on the charge cards every second in FY09 GSA SmartPay is the federal government’s charge card program. In general, the charge card is used as a mechanism by the government to pay for commercial goods and services, travel and travel related expenses and vehicle fleet expenses (fuel and maintenance). The contract with each of the banks is collectively referred to as the “Master Contract”. It is administered by GSA. Other agencies utilize the master contract by placing task orders against it, or tagging onto existing task orders. The charge cards are on either a VISA or MasterCard platform. Visa and MasterCard are commonly referred to as “associations.” Merchants who accept VISA and MasterCard can also accept the GSA SmartPay® charge card.
Program Performance – GSA SmartPay by the Numbers (Omits FY1998 data) Purchase: $158.7 B $19.3 B Travel: $63.2 B $8.9 B Fleet Card: $9.4 B Fleet: $1.5 B TOTAL SPEND: $ 231.3 B $29.8 B TOTAL REFUNDS: $ 1.1 B $255.1 M Past Performance GSA SmartPay® is the largest charge card program in the world. As you can see with our program statistics, we have grown tremendously in total spend, and total refunds since the program’s inception in 1998. GSA SmartPay is the largest charge card program in the world! Here are our FY09 program statistics. Program spend: $29.7 billion Transactions: 92.6 million Number of cardholders: 3.0 million Refunds: Refunds: $255 million GSA SmartPay agency/organization refunds totaled $255 million in FY09, a 36% increase over the FY08 total of $187 million, despite a 3% reduction in program spend from FY08 to FY09 This increase is a result in improved refund rates from the GSA SmartPay2 transition Agencies/organizations have received $1.3 billion in refunds since 1997 Based on the refund opportunities in the GSA SmartPay2 Master Contract, GSA OCCM estimates that over the next 10 years agencies/organizations have the potential to receive an even greater number of refunds GSA OCCM has reported this data to the White House Spend by business line: Purchase card transactions accounted for 65% of total spend in FY09, Travel accounted for 30%, and Fleet accounted for 5% DID YOU KNOW… Agencies/Organizations received $1.3 billion in refunds since 1997 (as a net of GSA fees)
How We are Encouraging Innovation Comprehensive and flexible master contract Strong customer orientation and frequent customer contact/support Test and share best practices Ongoing market research and regular meetings with industry “Beyond Plastics” strategy and conferences Balanced customer advocacy and program leadership Training workshops, guides and GSA SmartPay Annual Training Conference GetSmart quarterly newsletters Quarterly meetings Available desk officers Strong web presence Ad hoc working groups Customer satisfaction surveys Monthly conference calls Social networking exploration OCCM continues to encourage innovation for the GSA SmartPay program. We are doing this through: Comprehensive and flexible master contract Strong customer orientation and frequent customer contact/support GetSmart quarterly newsletters Quarterly A/OPC meetings Strong web presence Ad hoc working groups such as the JPMorgan Chase working group, Working Group Testing and sharing best practices Ongoing market research and regular meetings with industry “Beyond Plastics” strategy and conferences Balanced customer advocacy and program leadership Training workshops, guides and the GSA SmartPay Annual Training Conference
GSA SmartPay Center for Charge Card Innovation Mission The mission of the Center for Charge Card Innovation is to identify, develop, test and offer, through the GSA SmartPay2 Master Contract, new products and services to meet evolving agency/organization needs. The Federal government is a unique commercial card and payment customer with requirements that are mission sensitive The vision of the Center for Charge Card Innovation is a virtual center that serves as a leader in identifying, developing, and piloting Federal payment solutions As new products and services are introduced in the industry, the Center for Charge Card Innovation will collaborate with industry to serve as the launching pad for experimenting with new products and services to ensure high quality and successful results The GSA SmartPay2 program provides agencies/organizations with innovative products and services to advance their respective charge card programs beyond traditional card services The GSA SmartPay Center for Charge Card Innovation is a virtual center that serves as a leader in identifying, developing, and piloting Federal payment solutions. The mission is to identify, develop, test and offer, through the GSA SmartPay2 Master Contract, new products and services to meet evolving agency/organization needs. -As new products and services are introduced in the industry, the Center for Charge Card Innovation will collaborate with industry to serve as the launching pad for experimenting with new products and services to ensure high quality and successful results -The GSA SmartPay2 program provides agencies/organizations with innovative products and services to advance their respective charge card programs beyond traditional card services 8
Hallmarks of an Innovative Charge Card Program Challenging the Status Quo: Have you analyzed your business processes? GSA SmartPay2 products and services can be utilized to provide more streamline, efficient, and transparent solutions for your agency/organization Have you considered the information management implications? Open Government Initiative (M-10-06) Have you considered sustainable practices? Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy and Economic Performance (Executive Order 13514) Are you utilizing all the services available to you? Reach out to your GSA SmartPay point of contact and/or your contractor bank to discuss business challenges and potential solutions Are you challenging the status quo??? Listed are some food for thought on how to establish an effective charge card program. NOTE: Interact with the audience to obtain their answers to these questions. 9
Vision for the Future – Products & Services Now we will discuss the vision for the future – new products and services, and what that means to the GSA SmartPay Program.
Contact & Contactless Chip Cards Contact Chip Cards Features: Chip and antenna integrated within the plastic card product; can also be integrated into personal cell phones and ID cards Waved over a RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) reader in order to capture the transaction data and complete the purchase Creates a unique transaction number rather than transmitting the card number itself Benefits: Rapid transactions Highly secure data transmission standards that are difficult to copy and reuse Unique and separate transaction number generated for every transaction Specialized chip integrated within the plastic Transactions authenticated using a secret key that is securely stored on the chip Cardholder enters a PIN number, which helps protect against fraud Meets Europay MasterCard Visa (EMV) standards for secure payments Payment authenticated with secure PIN number Improved data security and worldwide interoperability Contactless Chip Cards Features: Chip and antenna integrated within the plastic card product; can also be integrated into personal cell phones and ID cards Waved over a RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) reader in order to capture the transaction data and complete the purchase The RFID chip within the card product creates a unique transaction number rather than transmitting the card number itself Contact Chip Cards Specialized chip integrated within the plastic Transactions authenticated using a secret key that is securely stored on the chip Cardholder enters a PIN number, which helps protect against fraud Meets Europay MasterCard Visa (EMV) standards for secure payments Chip and PIN is the name of a government-backed initiative in the UK to implement the EMV standard for secure payments (EMV comes from the initial letters of Europay, MasterCard, and VISA and sets chip standards) Until the introduction of Chip and PIN, credit/debit transactions occurred under a magnetic strip or mechanical imprint, which proved to be highly susceptible to fraud -In the case of magnetic strip or mechanical imprint, in order to authenticate the transaction, the clerk must verify that the signature matches that on the back of the card -Most merchants in the UK historically had a floor limit for purchases that required authorization which lead to a large increase in fraud (e.g. 60 euro total purchases and below would not go online for authorization therefore a thief could make multiple purchases below the 60 euro threshold without authorization) -This system proved to be very ineffective and cards were easily cloned and used without the owners’ knowledge Chip implementation can range from very basic to highly complex and provide worldwide interoperability coupled with enhanced security and protection against fraud Contact chip cards are a new form of plastic with a specialized chip integrated; transactions are authenticated using a secret key that is securely stored on the chip Contactless chip cards use RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification) technology to capture transaction data in order for a purchase to be completed Contactless chip cards use highly secure data transmission standards and are considered to be very difficult to compromise Contactless chip within the card creates a unique transaction number for every transaction that is included with the card number details, which makes it very difficult for any data to be copied or reused While Chip and PIN cards are on the rise, magnetic strip remains the default technology for global standard interoperability 11 Note: The GSA SmartPay2 Master Contract offers the use of chip technology for customer agencies/organizations
Grants Funding Pilot DID YOU KNOW… If 10% of Federal discretionary grant spending transacted with a GSA SmartPay solution, the Federal government could realize ~$260 million in annual refunds* *Applied an average 40 refund basis points to eligible population Grant-making agencies face challenges of efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and transparency* There is an increased need for improved internal controls, oversight, and evaluation** OCCM has been engaged in discussions with Grants Subject Matter Experts and has identified discretionary grants as the target population for the grants funding pilot The GSA SmartPay grants funding initiative aligns with the Administration’s Priorities: Procurement savings of $40 billion annually (M-09-25) Transparency and Open Government Directive (M-10-06) Innovation, Operational Excellence, Customer Intimacy, and Responsible government (GSA Administrator’s Priorities) The Office of Charge Card Management (OCCM) is pursuing a GSA SmartPay grants funding card or cardless solution to meet customer needs in the area of Federal grants management. Grant-making agencies face challenges of efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and transparency as stated in a series of GAO reports. There is an increased need to improve internal controls and enhance grantors’ ability to oversee and evaluate their grant programs. OCCM is committed to meeting customer needs in the area of Federal grant funding by developing related systems, requirements, and operational procedures for a grants funding solution. As part of this effort, OCCM has been engaged in discussions with Grants Subject Matter Experts and has identified discretionary grants as the target population for the grants funding pilot. Extending the GSA SmartPay program’s card/cardless solution for financing to Federal grants could help address key grantor/grantee challenges and provide agencies/organizations a significant opportunity to realize cost savings through refunds DID YOU KNOW… Agencies/organizations awarded $650 billion in federal discretionary grants and cooperative agreements. If 10% of Federal discretionary grant spending was transacted with a GSA SmartPay solution, the Federal government could realize ~$260 million in annual refunds This estimate is based on applying an average 40 refund basis to eligible population to identify value of potential refunds Refunds are calculated based on total dollars spent not number of transactions incurred More information on Grants data obtained from *Source: GAO-06-566 Grant Management: Grantees’ Concerns with Efforts to streamline and Simplify Process **Source: GAO-06-1046 Grants Management: Enhancing Performance Accountability Provisions Could Lead to Better Results 12
Grants Funding Pilot (cont’d) There are numerous benefits to extending the GSA SmartPay program to Federal discretionary grants programs Grantor Benefits Grantee Benefits Refunds – obtain refunds based on charge volume Transparency – utilize powerful reporting tools with superior analytical capabilities and data quality control tools Efficiency – streamline payment process through consistent, automated process Internal Controls – provide greater financial controls on Merchant Category Code (MCC) blocking Oversight – increase ability to account for and separately monitor grant spend and performance Savings – reduce resource reliance on grants specialists and grants office personnel Efficiency – reuse existing GSA SmartPay technology to potentially reduce transaction processing costs and time Reporting – automate reporting of grant funding usage and disbursement Savings – decrease administrative processing costs Accountability – improve ability to separately track and report grant funds There are numerous benefits to extending the GSA SmartPay program to Federal discretionary grants – both for the grantor and the grantee. Refunds – obtain refunds based on charge volume Transparency – utilize powerful reporting tools with superior analytical capabilities Efficiency/Savings – streamline payment process and reduce administrative burden on grants office personnel. Internal Controls – provide greater financial controls on Merchant Category Code (MCC) blocking Oversight/Accountability – increased ability to monitor and track grant activity Reporting – automate reporting of grant funding usage and disbursement
Point of Sale Discount Recognition Pursuing a point of sale discount initiative to establish discounts for GSA SmartPay cardholders from merchants doing business with the Federal Government Ensuring that GSA SmartPay purchase cards are recognized at the point of sale and that GSA Schedule prices are automatically applied, as well as any other applicable merchant discounts Leverage the Federal Government’s purchasing scale Increased cardholder buying power and refund potential Requirement for the new Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiative (FSSI) Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs) for office supplies OCCM is pursuing a point of sale discount initiative to establish discounts for GSA SmartPay cardholders from merchants doing business with the Federal Government. Ensuring that GSA SmartPay purchase cards are recognized at the point of sale and that GSA Schedule prices are automatically applied, as well as any other applicable merchant discounts The Federal Strategic Sourcing Initiative (FSSI) is focused on analyzing government spend to help the government buy goods and services more effectively The initial FSSI Office Supply award was given in August 2007, and consisted of 13 Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs) emphasizing socioeconomic factors GSA OCCM is coordinating efforts with the Chief Acquisition Officer to leverage government spend for common purchases under FSSI Requirement for Level III Data – greater data detail will assist in spend decisions Mandate Point-of-Sale discount – will ensure GSA SmartPay cardholders obtain a pre-determined discounted price at the Point of Sale (POS) Agencies/organizations strengthen role of cards as a control mechanism GSA OCCM is engaged in discussions on how to improve office supplies acquisition and is seeking agency/organization input 14
Green Purchase Reporting Federal agencies are required to use sustainable practices when purchasing goods and services, as specified in a series of Executive Orders* and in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) The Federal green purchasing program requires cardholders to purchase recycled content products, energy efficient products and environmentally preferable products Using the GSA SmartPay purchase charge card to buy "green" products helps agencies/organizations promote environmental stewardship and meet mission goals in a cost-effective manner, enhancing energy security, creating markets and increasing worker safety The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the Office of the Federal Environment Executive (OFEE) is seeking improvements in the reporting of green purchases With over 3.1 million cardholders there is an opportunity to improve green reporting information provided by the GSA SmartPay purchase card GSA SmartPay program is exploring opportunities with industry to create a green purchasing indicator The Federal green purchasing program requires cardholders to purchase recycled content products, energy efficient products and environmentally preferable products (source: Executive Orders 13514 and 13423) The Federal green purchasing program requires cardholders to purchase recycled content products, energy efficient products and environmentally preferable products -Using the GSA SmartPay purchase charge card to buy "green" products helps agencies/organizations promote environmental stewardship and meet mission goals in a cost-effective manner, enhancing energy security, creating markets and increasing worker safety OMB and the Office of the Federal Environmental Executive (OFEE) is seeking improvements for a better way to identify green purchases made by cardholders OCCM recognizes an opportunity to improve green reporting information provided by the GSA SmartPay purchase card and would like to explore opportunities with industry to create a green purchasing indicator With over 3.1 million cardholders there is an opportunity to improve green reporting information provided by the GSA SmartPay purchase card GSA Advantage!® is a valuable tool for making green purchases with the GSA SmartPay purchase card and track those purchases through Advantage Spend Analysis Program (ASAP) tool A/OPCs can visit: to run a report on your agency/organization (note: GSA Advantage!® registration is required to run ASAP reports) *Executive Order 13514 – Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy and Economic Performance Executive Order 13423 – Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management 15
GSA SmartPay: More Than One Flavor Now we will discuss GSA SmartPay and the different flavors that it comes in, beyond the traditional magnetic strip card
Innovative Products & Services in Action PANELISTS: Payment Card – Department of State Controlled Spend Account – US Air Force Prepaid Card – Department of Commerce We will hear from a variety of panelists to learn about how they are implementing the use of innovative products and services at their agency/organization, and what the benefits are. Panelists include: Payment Card – Department of State Controlled Spend Card – US Air Force Foreign Currency Card – Department of State Prepaid Card – Department of Commerce Cardless Accounts – Department of Veterans Affairs Go Card – Dept. of Health & Human Services
Payment Card – Department of State Presented by: Margaret Colaianni What are the features of a payment card? How does your agency/organization use the payment card? What are the benefits of payment cards? What are some key successes of using the payment card? What are some lessons learned in implementing the use of the payment card?
Department of State Payment Card Background: Initiated a program in 2008 that allows for certain individuals at Department of State to apply for a Payment Card for recurring service Intended for cardholders who anticipate an annual amount of recurring service with the same vendor exceeding $2,500 per year for domestic cardholders and $3,000 per year for cardholders overseas Ideally suited for high volume charges such as courier services Features Card-less account number issued on “white plastic” Account used for specific purposes and blocked for all Merchant Category Codes (MCC) or charges except identified vendor (i.e. FedEx) Ability to pay recurring services with bank-issued “account number” 19
Department of State Payment Card Examples of Current Usages: Courier Services Domestic Paper Requirements Domestic Utilities Overseas Utilities (under pilot) Jet Fuel Telecommunications 20
Department of State Payment Card Benefits: Significant reduction in number of Invoice Payments by Finance Reduction in interest penalties Consolidation of individual charges Improved oversight through online vendor review tools Card-less accounts minimize risk Maximizes usage of vendor online tools Enhanced data helps spot anomalies Vendors are paid in 48 hours Questions Contact Margaret Colaianni for more info, or (703)516-1688 21
Controlled Spend Account – US Air Force Presented by: Mike Bilbrey What are the features of a controlled spend card? How does your agency/organization use the controlled spend card? What are the benefits of controlled spend cards? What are some key successes of using the controlled spend card? What are some lessons learned in implementing the use of the controlled spend card?
Air Force Controlled Spend Account Pilot Background: Piloted use of the Controlled Spend Account (CSA) in June 2010 across five Air Force locations for 3,000 cardholders All travelers are eligible and have a Controlled Spend Account (CSA) since no credit check is necessary Mission-driven with spending limits based on approved travel authorizations and amount is just enough to perform the mission CSA is used for all temporary duty (TDY) and permanent change of station (PCS) expenses; any amount owed to traveler at settlement will remain on the card for their personal use Cardholders are able to contact the contractor bank (Citibank) directly to request temporary spending limit increases versus relying on the A/OPC 23
Air Force Controlled Spend Account Pilot Benefits: Eliminates risk of Delinquency and Misuse CSA only has value if traveler has approved travel orders Removes Delinquency related Disciplinary Action duties from First Sergeants and Commanders Substantially Reduces Workload of A/OPCs Group, Squadron, & Flight Level A/OPCs duties eliminated Reduce number of Finance and Transportation Tasks Lowers processing cost by reducing the need to use Centrally Billed Accounts (CBAs) Travel Advances, EFT Rejects, & CBA Reconciliation Ensures more efficient use of funds and resources 24
Air Force Controlled Spend Account Pilot Travel Card Comparison Controlled Spend Account GSA SmartPay Travel Card Target Audience Supports 100% of the travelers Supports only 75% of the travelers Credit Checks Required? NO YES Credit Limit Availability Spending limit adjusts up or down based on approved travel orders Set Credit Limits ($7500 – Standard or $4000 – Restricted Account ) Delinquency Management Required? Voucher Payments 100% to Control Spend Account Traveler determines amount paid directly to travel card Use of Card for credit balance refunds Residual balance: Available to spend (like a gift card) Payment by check from Citi ATM or On-line ACH Transfer Sent to cardholder in form of check 25
Air Force Controlled Spend Account Pilot Concept and System Development: TDY Interface - Multiple Order Writing and Travel Payment Systems PCS Interface Development - System Integration (Personnel, Finance, & Citi) Lessons Learned: Systemic PII Accreditation Communication is Key – Education and Execution of Concept Cutover – Timing is Everything Looking forward Roll-out use of the CSA program-wide in fall 2010 if pilot is successful Questions Contact Mike Bilbrey for more info, 26
Prepaid Card – Department of Commerce Presented by: David Carter What are the features of a prepaid card? How does your agency/organization use the prepaid card? What are the benefits of prepaid cards? What are some key successes of using the prepaid card? What are some lessons learned in implementing the use of the prepaid card?
Department of Commerce Prepaid card Background The President’s Memorandum on Government Contracting, issued on March 4, 2009: Requires agencies to review existing contracts and acquisition practices and develop a savings plan Requires 7 percent savings by the end of FY 2011 The Department has potential to realize cost savings, increase refunds, reduce administrative cost and improve accounts payable processes through strengthening the Purchase Card Program. The President’s Memorandum on Government Contracting, issued on March4, 2009, calls on Federal agencies to improve the effectiveness of their acquisition practices and the results achieved from their contracts.
Department of Commerce Prepaid card Optimizing the Purchase Card Program Use as a Payment Tool Virtual Payment Cards Single Use Accounts Declining Balance Cards Prepaid Cards Maximizing use of additional Tools and Services Electronic Invoicing Accounts Payable Analysis Increase Supplier Purchase Card Acceptance Interagency Agency Agreements Same Day Pay Standardize and Consolidate Administrative Functions Perform reconciliation and account reclassification in servicing bank’s electronic access system Simplified Acquisitions (Contacts $3,001 - $100,000) Significant administrative costs savings and return on investment opportunities exists Department-wide in the area of expanding the use the Purchase Card Program acquisition tools, services and payment solutions as a method of contract payment. If we had policy requiring all Simplified Acquisitions, be paid using the Purchase Card Program’s Ghost Cards “Virtual Payment Cards” and the servicing bank’s electronic access system for contract administration functions. Ghost Cards are purchase card account numbers held in trust by a vendor or authorized user and is used to pay invoices. Contracts Payments above $100,000 Additional administrative costs savings and return on investment opportunities exists Department-wide in the area of using the Purchase Card Program’s Single Use Accounts to pay invoices above $100,000. Single Use Accounts (non plastic electronic accounts payable account number) are uniquely assigned to contract number and used to pay contract invoices. Woks similar to a Ghost Card by improving accounts payables processes and qualifies for monthly rebate on spend Other Purchase Card Program Tools Other incremental cost savings and additional refund can be obtained through the use of Declining Balance Cards and Pre-Paid Cards. If we had policy requiring the use of Declining Balance Cards and Prepaid Cards, the Census Bureau could save administrative costs, earn refunds and increase efficiency by converting its manual paper Transit Voucher Program to Declining Balance Cards and its Pre Paid Debit Cards under the US Treasury Pre Paid Debit Card Program to the GSA SmartPay program. The table below shows the estimated refund and cost savings for each program.
Department of Commerce Prepaid card Potential Cost Savings using Available Tools Acquisition Invoice Payments to Merchants that Accept the Purchase Card Potential Annual Refunds and Administrative Cost Savings SmartPay2 Contract Performance Period Savings Projection (8 years) Category Historical Invoice Payments Number of Invoices Potential Refunds Same Day Potential Refunds Total Potential Refunds Potential Administrative Cost Savings Projected Potential Refunds Projected Cost Avoidance Micro Purchase $44,009,040 72,612 $558,915 $206,842 $765,757 $5,010,228 $6,126,058 $40,081,824 Simplified Acquisitions $3K - $100K $437,395,178 19,254 $5,554,919 $2,055,757 $7,610,676 $1,328,526 $60,885,408 $10,628,208 Contracts > $100k $289,804,122 876 $3,680,512 $1,362,079 $5,042,592 $60,444 $40,340,733 $483,552 Total $771,208,341 92,742 $9,794,346 $3,624,679 $13,419,025 $6,399,198 $107,352,201 $51,193,584 Notes: The invoice payment to merchants that accept the purchase card are based on accounts payable optimization studies. Potential Refunds are based on .0127 basis points. Same day pay refunds are based on the maximum productivity basis points. Potential administrative cost savings are based on $69 per transaction, as per the 2007 Purchase Card Benchmark Survey Results Executive Summary by Richard J. Palmer, Eastern Illinois University and Mahendra Gupta, Washington University, Purchase Card Program Optimization Studies. The projected potential refunds and the projected cost avoidance are based on the SmartPay® 2 Master Contract performance period of 8 years. Simplified Acquisitions (Contacts $3,001 - $100,000) Significant administrative costs savings and return on investment opportunities exists Department-wide in the area of expanding the use the Purchase Card Program acquisition tools, services and payment solutions as a method of contract payment. If we had policy requiring all Simplified Acquisitions, be paid using the Purchase Card Program’s Ghost Cards “Virtual Payment Cards” and the servicing bank’s electronic access system for contract administration functions. Ghost Cards are purchase card account numbers held in trust by a vendor or authorized user and is used to pay invoices. Contracts Payments above $100,000 Additional administrative costs savings and return on investment opportunities exists Department-wide in the area of using the Purchase Card Program’s Single Use Accounts to pay invoices above $100,000. Single Use Accounts (non plastic electronic accounts payable account number) are uniquely assigned to contract number and used to pay contract invoices. Woks similar to a Ghost Card by improving accounts payables processes and qualifies for monthly rebate on spend Other Purchase Card Program Tools Other incremental cost savings and additional refund can be obtained through the use of Declining Balance Cards and Pre-Paid Cards. If we had policy requiring the use of Declining Balance Cards and Prepaid Cards, the Census Bureau could save administrative costs, earn refunds and increase efficiency by converting its manual paper Transit Voucher Program to Declining Balance Cards and its Pre Paid Debit Cards under the US Treasury Pre Paid Debit Card Program to the GSA SmartPay program. The table below shows the estimated refund and cost savings for each program. Questions, contact David Carter at or (202) 482-1966
Resources Resources are as follows.
General Resources GSA SmartPay Website: Bank Contact Info Citibank: 1-800-790-7206 (customer service) JP Morgan Chase: 1-888-297-0781 (customer service) U.S. Bank: 1-888-994-6722 (customer service) Review general resources
Other GSA SmartPay Courses being offered GSA SmartPay2 Purchase Card Basics GSA SmartPay2 Fleet Card Basics GSA SmartPay2 Travel Card Basics GSA SmartPay2 Master Contract Basics GSA SmartPay Program Update Effective Oversight of Your GSA SmartPay Program Basic Charge Card Payment Reconciliation Navigating the GSA SmartPay Website Listed are additional GSA SmartPay courses being offered during this Conference. Purchase Card Basics Fleet Card Basics Travel Card Basics Master Contract Basics GSA SmartPay Program Update Effective Oversight of Your GSA SmartPay Program Basic Charge Card Payment Reconciliation
Questions? Contact Us Erin VanDagna,, (703) 605-5589 Camesha Everett,, (703) 605-1834 GSA SmartPay Program Support Phone: (703) 605-2808 E-mail: Allow approximately 15-20 minutes for questions. Thank you. Review your contact info 34