PUBLIC RELATIONS IS... Part of strategic management Focuses on relationship-building Uses communication to build understanding Involves research into publics and keeps management informed about publics Measures results against goals PUBLIC RELATIONS IS...
PUBLIC RELATIONS can include... Publicity Advertising Press agentry Promotion Media relations Public affairs Issues management Government relations Financial public relations Community relations
Publicity Information that is used by the media because the information has news value. It is an uncontrolled method of placing messages in the media because the source does not pay the media for placement. Advertising Information placed in the media by an identified sponsor that pays for the time or space. It is a controlled method of placing messages in the media. Press Agentry Creating newsworthy stories and events to attract media attention and to gain public notice.
Public Affairs A specialized part of PR that builds and maintains governmental and local community relations in order to influence public policy. Lobbying A specialized part of PR that builds and maintains relations with government primarily for the purpose of influencing legislation and regulation. Issues Management The proactive process of anticipating, identifying, evaluating, and responding to public policy issues that affect organizations’ relationships with their publics.
Investor Relations A specialized part of corporate PR that builds and maintains mutually beneficial relationships with shareholders and others in the financial community to maximize market value. Development A specialized part of PR in private non-profit organizations that builds and maintains relationships with donors and members for the purposes of securing financial and volunteer support.
PR PRINCIPLES Deals in truth, not falsehood Serves public interest, not private reward Upholds integrity of communication channel Uses two-way communication Is research-based Anticipates and solves problems Adheres to high ethical standards
REQUIRED SKILLS FOR P.R PRACTITIONERS BROAD CATEGORY Communication Skills Public Relations practitioner should be able: To arrange speeches for the chief executive officer, either face to face to groups or the mass media To coach these executives how to present their speeches To present the speech themselves
2) Research Skills Public Relations practitioner should be able: To identify important publics of the organization; their wants or need from the organization and what the organization can do to meet these needs. To gather facts about potential problems and emerging issues, which they can use to advise the management as well as to carry out public relations programs To conduct personal interviews, review library materials, do content analysis of published and broadcast materials To do opinion research and how to evaluate research conducted are necessary.
3) Writing and Editing Skills Public Relations practitioner should be able: To write and edit the following: Press releases, reports, speeches, feature articles, product and technical information, brochures, pamphlets, booklets, employee newsletters, shareholder reports, radio and video scripts.
4) Production Skills Public Relations practitioner should be able: To design and do lay-out copy To choose appropriate typography, artwork and photographs for brochures, annual report and the like To design webpage for the internet To prepare audio-visual materials for cooperate video and films
5) Organization Skills Public Relations practitioner should be able: To organize and manage events such as news conferences, open houses, lunching, fund raising, anniversary celebration and other events.
PERSONAL QUALITIES Edward L. Bernays, a pioneer American public relations practitioner listed eleven characteristics that the practitioner need:
Character and integrity A sense of judgment and logic the ability to think creatively and imaginatively Truthfulness and direction Objectivity A deep interest in the solution of problems A broad cultural background Intellectual curiosity Effective powers of analysis and synthesis Intuition Training in the social sciences and in the mechanics of public relations.
PR PRACTITIONERS NEED EXPERTISE IN... Planning Managing Advising Analyzing Communicating