Welcome! Algebra Two/Trig Honors Sandy Christen
Oak Ridge High School Sandy Christen Math Teacher ORS Math Coordinator I cannot believe that this is my 32nd year teaching in Oak Ridge! This year I am teaching two Algebra Two/Trig Honors classes and am also Oak Ridge Schools Math Coordinator. I may be contacted by telephone at school at or or by at I am available for extra help before school from 7:00 -7:45 and by appointment. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any problems, suggestions or concerns. General Information Algebra Two/Trigonometry Honors Teacher Resources
Assignments for the First Nine Weeks Algebra Two/Trig Honors Sandy Christen Click on the date for the assignment. All assignments are due the next day, unless specified otherwise. Mon. 8/14In class today: Start-up stuff: Welcome to Alg2/trig honors! Links & Announcements: Read info sheet, sign it and have parents sign it. Put it as the first page of your notes folder. Get 2 notebooks with rings and pockets, one for notes, one for homework. Math department webpage: ath (there is an underscore before math) Homework: Miscellaneous problems from assignment sheet Hint on age problem: Write down everything you know (all possibilities) Tues. 8/15In class today: The Real number systemLinks & Announcements: Homework: p9 1, 5, 21, 29, 31, 49, 57, 69, 75, 77, 91, 95, 98, 99, 100, 109, 110, 113, 114 Wed. 8/16In class today: ExponentsLinks & Announcements: Solutions to Exp WS 1 Homework: Exponents Worksheet 1 Thurs. 8/17 In class today: RadicalsLinks & Announcements: Quiz Monday on sections P1 and P2 Solutions to Radical WS Homework: Simplifying radicals Worksheet: Column 1 Fri. 8/18In class today: Exponents and radicals:Links & Announcements: Study for your quiz on Monday! Know interval notation, and laws of exponents and radicals. Review your worksheets! Solutions to Exponents WS 2 Homework: Simplifying radicals Worksheet: Column 2 AND Exponents WS 2 Return to top September SuMTWThFS
1.COURSE: Because this is an advanced course, the amount of work is significantly more, the pace is faster, and the difficulty of homework is increased. 2.BOOK: Larson-Hostetler: Algebra and Trigonometry 6th Edition 3. SUPPLIES : 1. Two RINGED w/pocket notebooks; one is required for taking notes in class and one is for homework. Notes will be collected and graded at the end of each chapter. Homework will also be graded. (A spiral notebook is NOT acceptable, nor is handing in papers stapled together) A GRAPHING calculator, preferably TI-83+ or the TI-84+. The TI-83+ or TI-84+ can be rented through the school. During some tests, students will be given a TI-83+ (with memory cleared) to use. Algebra Two/Trig honors
4. HOMEWORK: An assignment sheet will be given at the beginning of each chapter. Usually, one assignment per day is given. The assignments are not set in stone and adjustments are made as needed. On the day following an assignment, questions will be answered. At this time students should correct mistakes they have made in their homework. There will not be time to go over every problem each day. Students may also call me at home any time before 10 PM to receive help in solving a problem. Homework will be graded for completeness and correctness. There is a high correlation between doing homework and higher test scores. Assignments will be kept current on my web page: (or go to the ORHS homepage ( and click on academic departments) If you are absent, check your assignment sheet or your teacher’s assignment page for the assignment. Also, you are responsible for the notes given in class that day
5. GRADING: A point system is used. Points may be earned from tests (usually 100 points), quizzes (10-50 pts), notes, homework and worksheets. If a student does not maintain a C average in the class, a recommendation will be made for the student to transfer to regular Algebra Two/trig. Also, a student who does not pass the trigonometry part of the course with a C average will NOT receive Algebra Two/trig credit. Instead the student will receive regular Algebra Two credit and will have to either take trigonometry in summer school or take Algebra Three/Trig next year. 6. POINT SHEET: Students are required to keep a point sheet which keeps track of the number of points a student has earned and the number of points possible. Dividing the points earned by the points possible calculates the percent and their grade at any given time. This will be kept in the front pocket of their notes folder. Parents/guardians: look at these periodically, PLEASE!
7. EXTRA HELP: Appointments can be made for extra help either before school, during lunch, or after school. Several teachers also tutor in the morning and/or after school. Also, the National Honor Society provides tutoring. If a student needs help, we will find time somehow! 8. WEB Site: The Math Department web site: has links to your teacher. The teacher web page has class information and policies and a link to a class assignment page with daily assignments and other class information. If you have any questions or problems, please feel free to call me at (school) or (home). Or, me at
General Information Contact Information: Please feel free to contact me at any time via: or school: or Math Department Web Site (Contains Course curriculum maps, Gateway information, Math department news, Links to teachers) ORHS Home Page Extra Help: Monday Before School 7:00 - 7:45 am Tuesday Before School 7:00 - 7:45 am Wednesday Before School 7:00 - 7:45 am Thursday Before School 7:00 - 7:45 am Friday Before School 7:00 - 7:45 am Other times are available by appointment. Teaching Schedule 1st Period Algebra Two/Trigonometry Honors 2nd Period Algebra Two/Trigonometry Honors 3rd Period Planning 4th Period Lunch 5th Period Math Coordinator 6th Period Math Coordinator 7th Period Math Coordinator
Online Textbook Resources / Student Success Organizer Student Success Organizer An innovative study aid in the form of a notebook organizer that helps students develop a section-by-section summary of key concepts Graphing Calculator Utility Programs Graphing Calculator Utility Programs Provided below is a document containing programs for the TI-82, TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-89, TI-92 Plus, and Voyage 200 calculators. These programs can be used to help you solve several types of applications in this book. ACE Practice Tests ACE Practice Tests Take ACE Practice Tests and get your results immediately, to check your understanding. Digital Lessons Digital Lessons Use these clear and concise PowerPoint slides to enhance your understanding of the topics covered in this course. Print them out for reference or view them on your computer. Alternate Chapter P Alternate Chapter P View an expanded version of Sections P.1-P.4. These expanded sections contain detailed explanations and more examples of key concepts. Links to some of the online resources: