Overview of Astro Methods Roy Malkin STCW95 Master FNO, RYA Yachtmaster Ocean
Methods Latitudes by Sun or Polaris Longitude by Chronometer Older time based methods Sumner “New Navigation” late 19 th Century Marcq St Hilaire (“méthode du point rapproché”) Intercept Method dominant method
MCA Marcq St Hilaire Davis Method using Cosine Haversine Formula and Nories Adapted since the 70s to Cosine Method using Scientific Calculator
Use RYA Marcq St Hilaire Reliable two book method Nautical Almanac +NP303/ AP3270
RN Marcq St Hilaire Short PC method using NAVPAC
RN Fallbacks Marcq St Hilaire using NP401 6 Volumes and Nautical Almanac or NP303/AP3270 or Cosine
Marcq St Hilaire Using NA Nautical Almanac has own Sight reduction table And instructions for programming programmable calculator or computer.
Marcq St Hilaire Calculators Star Pilot Software Others Texas Instruments Ti T89 $379 Texas Instrument Ti Voyager 200 $429 Tamaya PDA Type Calculator with built in GPS Euros 990 Casio Graph 25+ NAVASTRO In French Euros 100
PC Programmes Commercial $25 - $129 Free Ware
Apps for Tablets
USNO Instant Solution to PZX Triangle Any Location Any Nav Body Free with Internet Access
Nautical Almanac App
Marcq St Hilaire Solution to 19 th Century Problem Rapid Sights solution to limited mathematical capability Advent of computers and high speed calculation should cause a reassessment of Astro Problem No need to solve PZX triangle True direct calculation now possible But for accuracy Great Circle Distances must be calculated for the Geoid
Position of the Sun on WECDIS 1000Z1206Z1500Z
WECDIS Direct Plot of morning TZD TZD 47º 38.6’ NM
WECDIS Direct Plot noon TZD TZD 37º 22.3’ NM Lat 50º 49.1’
WECDIS Direct Plot afternoon TZD TZD 43º 09.5’ NM
WECDIS Zoom in for Plot of Fix 1500Z Obs
Astro Navigation Solutions for the Future What is Astro? Precision Navigation (WGS 84/Vincenty) ? Landfall Ocean Crossing system? Regular check system to GPS? Final Emergency System? Or a redundant system frozen in time?