Marketing Management PR Prof. Alan Tse, CUHK copy right reserved Public Relations
Marketing Management PR Prof. Alan Tse, CUHK copy right reserved Learning Objective Discuss the role of public relations in the promotional mix. 5 5
Marketing Management PR Prof. Alan Tse, CUHK copy right reserved Topics 1.Introduction 2.Marketing PR 3.Major Tools 4.Large PR 5.Companies in HK 6.References 5 5
Marketing Management PR Prof. Alan Tse, CUHK copy right reserved 1 Introduction Institutional advertising. Activities include press relations, product publicity, corporate communications (eg. annual reports for promoting understanding of the organization), lobbying and provision of counseling services to management about public issues and company image.
Marketing Management PR Prof. Alan Tse, CUHK copy right reserved 1 Introduction Employee and investor relations. Crisis management. PR is particularly important to big companies that are inevitably easily involved in public affairs and politics. E.g. Jardine Matheson shifted its registered office to Bermuda in 1984.
Marketing Management PR Prof. Alan Tse, CUHK copy right reserved
Marketing Management PR Prof. Alan Tse, CUHK copy right reserved
Marketing Management PR Prof. Alan Tse, CUHK copy right reserved If a company develops an interesting story, it could be picked up by all the news media and be worth millions of dollars in equivalent advertising. Furthermore, it would be more credible than advertising. Glass, china, and reputation are easily cracked, and never mended well - Benjamin Franklin. "Hello, I'm the computer. So far, nobody else knows that you haven't settled this bill, but if you don't pay within a month, I'll tell a human being." ProfNet. 1 Introduction
Marketing Management PR Prof. Alan Tse, CUHK copy right reserved 2 Marketing PR Marketing PR looks at the cooperation between marketing and public relations. PR can assist in the launch of a new product, in consumer education, in repositioning of a mature product, in influencing specific target groups, in defending problems that have encountered public problems and to build the corporate image in a way that projects favorably on its products.
Marketing Management PR Prof. Alan Tse, CUHK copy right reserved 3 Major Tools News 1.PR can create events or activities that are interesting to the public. 2.The PR director must have good relationship with the media and understand what they require. Speeches, news conference, seminars, outings, exhibitions, competitions, anniversaries etc.
Marketing Management PR Prof. Alan Tse, CUHK copy right reserved 3 Major Tools Corporate philanthropy eg. McDonald’s “More than Half Million Meals to Rescue & Recovery Teams.” in the aftermath of Sept 11. Do you like companies making ads on tragic events?
Marketing Management PR Prof. Alan Tse, CUHK copy right reserved Cause-related marketing: linking purchases to fundraising for worthwhile causes. Annual reports, brochures, newsletters etc. Audio-visual material. Corporate identity media like logos, stationery, signs, business cards, uniforms, buildings etc. Internet presence sites. 3 Major Tools
Marketing Management PR Prof. Alan Tse, CUHK copy right reserved 4 Large PR Companies in Hong Kong 1.Burson Marsteller: 2.Hill & Knowlton Asia: 3.Citigate Dewe Rogerson: 4.Edelman Public Relations Worldwide: Forrest International: 6.Ketchum-Newscan Public Relations: Ludgate Asia: 8.Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide: 9.Rowland Company: