Find your Seat Block 1 – A.P. Statistics
Find your seat! Block 2 – A.P. Statistics
First Warm-up Order of operations puzzle. Insert the correct symbol +, -, x,, or parentheses to make the following order operations equations true = = = = -13
My Introduction Sheet!
A.P. Stats Course Description Course had 4 units and How you will be graded We will be covering four major units. They are Data Analysis, Experimental Design, Probability and Inference. These concepts are useful to everyone. How will you be graded? Participation 10% Homework 10% Quizzes 15% Tests 40% Mid-term/Final 25%
Expectations Daily Routine 1.Warm-up (First 10 minutes) 2. Review of Homework ( 10 – 15 minutes) 3. Notes/New material (varies) 4. Practice and Activity (varies) 5. Homework (Last 5 to 15 minutes) Classroom Rules Be in your assigned seat before the tardy bell rings, ready for class to begin. Come prepared to class: math binder, textbook, calculator and correction pens Follow directions the first time given. Use appropriate language and voice. Follow school policy.
At the beginning of class, have out the previous homework assignment out. Get any handouts you missed from last class. Borrow notes from a classmate to copy. You have until next block to make up any missed assignments. Talk to a classmate or check on Sharepoint to find out what you are missing. If you missed only the day of the announced test or quiz or the review day, be prepared to take the test the day you return. What to do if you were absent the previous class?
Math Binder Organization and Websites Math Binder Organization 1. This Course Description 2. Vocabulary/Formulas- Keep these in order from oldest to newest 3. Notes/Investigations – Notes that include the warm-up and possible practice will be kept neatly in this section from oldest to newest 4. Homework Assignments- In order from oldest to newest. 5. Graded Assignments- Any graded work handed back that includes quizzes, tests, and participation.
Essential Supplies Bring your book, math binder, notebook paper, pencil and graphing calculator EVERYDAY!!! Pen, correction pen, and highlighter Ruler (centimeters and inches) Graphing Calculator (TI-83, TI-83 Plus or TI-84) Whiteboard marker (for whiteboard activities!)
How to be successful in this class
Other Resources I Use and Recommend A.P. Statistics Test Prep Book Cartoonists Guide to Statistics Other Textbooks
First H.W. Assignment Filling in Introduction sheet
First H.W. Assignments 1) Bring Introduction Sheets filled out (must have color) 2) Sign and have parent sign course description 3) Bring a graph displaying data From a science book, magazine, newspaper, etc. preferably it will be in color
Expectations for Lecture - Teacher directed instruction Looks like Eyes on speaker, smartboard or notes Hands raised before speaking. Fill in and complete notes to show you are listening Everyone is in their seat with the exception of the speaker Cell phones and devices are put away Sounds like Only one voice at a time When asking a questions use a voice that can be heard by everyone Calculator noise, writing are acceptable other noises (pencil sharpener, talking should not be heard) All verbal participation should be related to the topic discussed and should be positive Being off task or disruptive during this time will result in a warning. After a warning, there will be documentation.
1.0 Types of Data There are many types of data and different ways to organize (summarize) them in graphs. Qualitative Data Bimodal – What is your gender? Are you employed? Categorical (Nominal) – What is your blood type? What is your ethnicity? Quantitative Data (numerical) discrete OR continuous Discrete – How many siblings do you have? Rank (1 – 5) the importance of sleep. Continuous – How tall are you? Temperatures in Orange County during the summer.
Types of Graphs for different data Categorical, Bimodal, Discrete Ordinal can be put in a bar graph OR Pie Chart.
Continuous Ordinal There are many choices of graphs when it comes to Continuous Ordinal Data.
Other graphs
General Directions for Activities – Group work Talk only about the assigned task Everyone must participate and contribute If you have questions, look at your paper first, if you can’t find an answer than ask me. Participation Grade Participation grade is given when working on an assignment or activity in class. If you work on task and you get a predetermined amount of the assignment done this should be an easy A. I walk around 2 or 3 times to check on your progress and if I write an “o” for off task or a “d” for disruptive you lose 20 pts for each one.
Data Collection Class Activity 1.How many books did you read this summer? 2.Did you leave the state this summer? 3.What was your favorite movie released this summer? 4.How many volunteer hours did you accumulate this summer? 5. Signature length. Pick one of the following graphs for the information above (Do not repeat types of graphs – all graphs should be different). Pie chart, bar graph, histogram, stem and leaf plot, box and whisker, OR dot plot