Content 1.About us 2.Plan A Group’s Members 3.Plan A Group’s culture 4.Competitive Advantages 5.Clients and Partners 6.What we had done
About us Found by experts in media, communications and business. A new company with experienced people.
Members of Plan A Group Services: Communications services: Public Relations (PR) Media Relations (MR) Investor Relations (IR) Media Crisis Management Internal Communications. Social Communications Campaigns. Brand Identity Design Event Management
Services Create and establish magazines, books and publications Organize and manage business forums, seminars, and conferences. Connect business partners. Members of Plan A Group
Plan A Group’s culture Creative Learning Progressive Free Comfortable Youthful
Mission: We are: The Circulator The Connector The Supporter for Enterprises
Values Reliable and true value Think big, do different, effective action Approaching new trends and best practice of international business environment.
Positioning Professional Global Receptive
Competitive Advantages Good relationship with media. Good relationship and deep knowledge about Vietnamese business environment. Knowledge, skills and experiences of professional communications activities. Experience and ability to work for international standards. Innovative ideas and perspectives on communications activities. Creative in design. Loyal to the goals of bringing true values to the community and customers through the media and communication activities.
Clients and Partners
What we had done Media crisis management and re-branding for Mỹ Châu Pharmacy –Media relations and managed media crisis. –Media campaign to re-brand. –Media and Marketing programs
Internal Communications for DQ Corp. –Organized “Enjoy Day DQ Core Team- Open and Change!”. –Layout and design DQ Share Magazine. –Communications campaigns. What we had done
Design Company profile, Brochure, Stationary Communications campaigns. What we had done
Crisis management Communications and marketing campaigns Media relation Brand Identity Design What we had done
Contact information Address: 53c9, St.11, Miếu Nổi, Phú Nhuận Dist, HCMC Phone: Fax :