A special partnership between the Georgia Department of Education and the Educational Technology Training Centers in support of the 8 th Grade Physical Science Frameworks. Module 3: Food and Cooking
Georgia Performance Standards Framework for Physical Science – Grade 8 Unit: Food and Cooking Sternberg Task It’s Elementary
Standards Content S8P1. Students will examine the scientific view of the nature of matter. d. Distinguish between physical and chemical properties of matter as physical (i.e. density, melting point, boiling point) or chemical (reactivity, combustibility). f. Recognize that there are more than 100 elements and some have similar properties as shown on the Periodic Table of Elements. Characteristics S8CS3. Students will have the computation and estimation skills necessary for analyzing data and following scientific explanations. a. Analyze scientific data by using, interpreting, and comparing numbers in several equivalent forms, such as integers, fractions, decimals, and percents. S8CS5. Students will use the ideas of system, model, change, and scale in exploring scientific and technological matters. a. Observe and explain how parts can be related to other parts in a system such as the role of simple machines in complex machines. S8CS6. Students will communicate scientific ideas and activities clearly. a. Write clear, step-by-step instructions for conducting scientific investigations, operating a piece of equipment, or following a procedure. b. Write for scientific purposes incorporating information from a circle, bar, or line graph, data tables, diagrams, and symbols. S8CS9. Students will understand the features of the process of scientific inquiry. Students will apply the following to inquiry learning practices: f. Scientists use technology and mathematics to enhance the process of scientific inquiry.
Enduring Understanding: Chemical elements possess their own characteristic properties, (density, boiling point, melting point, solubility, etc.) and these properties are used to distinguish one element from another. Essential Question: How can we distinguish elements from other elements?
Pre-Assessment Have students answer the following questions using a student response system using Y/N or T/F: 1.I have used a periodic table to get information about elements. 2.Can I make predictions for an element by looking at a periodic table for physical properties? 3.Can I make predictions for an element by looking at a periodic table for chemical properties? 4.Can I make predictions for an element by looking at a periodic table for chemical reactivity? 5.Can I make predictions for an element by looking at a periodic table for the state of matter at room temperature?
Helpful Websites How to Read the Periodic TableHow to Read the Periodic Table & Metals, Nonmetals & MetalloidsMetals, Nonmetals & Metalloids Internet Resources Elemental Information on the Periodic Table It’s Elementary! The Periodic Table: Reactions and Relationships (6:34 minutes)(23:30 minutes)(44 seconds)
The Periodic Table
Distribute the handouts: Analytical Activity Data and Analytical Activity Chart Student Instructions: 1.Arrange the elements in order of atomic number with the lowest at the upper left and the highest in the lower right. 2.Put the symbols for the elements in the chart, along with the atomic number. 3.Color the top portion of the square based on the chemical property. Color the bottom portion of the square based on the state of matter at room temperature. 4.Pick a color scheme and make a legend. Analytical Activity
Legend: SolidMetal Liquid Nonmetal GasUnreactive Gas
Analytical Activity Extensions: 1.Write a paragraph to summarize your findings. 2.The main classes of compounds in your foodstuffs are carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. Research to discover which elements are in these classes of compounds and locate them on the periodic table. a.What are the chemical properties of these elements? b.How are these properties different from the properties of the food compounds in which they are found?
Practical Activity Student Instructions: 1.Research the minerals needed in our diets, then survey the labels of dietary supplements for elements and compounds that are needed by our bodies. 2.Research the reasons we need elements and compounds in our bodies. 3.Place these elements (or the metallic elements of the compounds) on the periodic table in the appropriate place and color code them. 4.For each element, write the following in the periodic table: a. Why the element is needed and the results of a deficiency b. Foods that supply the element c. Chemical and physical properties of the element
Practical Activity Click here for blank Periodic Table
Creative Activity Make a Periodic Table of the ____________. Student Instructions: 1.Fill in the blank with a generic type of food such as “dessert,” “fruits,” “vegetables,” “junk food,” etc. 2.Identify which elements are in these foods and place an image of a food that contains an element on the appropriate block on the periodic table. (Example: The block for calcium might contain a picture of milk.) 3. Draw pictures or use images from the internet, clipart, digital camera, ELMO, or other source.
Extensions Using Graphing Calculators Download the Periodic Table Application onto TI-83 Plus or TI-84 Plus families using TI Connect found at For Basic Information, open It’s Elementary Periodic Table App Periodic Table App from TI Use the graphing calculator to explore element properties.
What were the “Big Concepts” in each activity? How will students make sense of these concepts? Discuss real-world examples that may reinforce students’ understanding. Homework, accommodations for students with disabilities, gifted students, ELL What other standards and elements might one introduce at this time to unify the concepts? What are some common student misconceptions and how can these activities facilitate the student’s proper conception and understanding? Teacher Reflection