Chapter 1 Cells and macromolecules


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Molecular Biology Course Section A Cells and macromolecules Prokaryotic cell Eukaryotic cell Protein DNA RNA.
Section A: Cells and MacromoleculesYang Xu, College of Life Sciences Molecular Biology Code of Course: School of Life Science, CCNU Prof. Yang.
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水晶水晶 金刚石 雪花 不同类型的晶体. 晶体 : 通过结晶形成有规则的几何外形的固体 原因:晶体内部构成微粒有规则排列的结果。
第九章 核糖体 Robinson & Brown ( 1953 )发现于植物细胞, Palacle ( 1955 )发现于动物细胞, Roberts ( 1958 )建 议命名为核糖核蛋白体( ribosome ),简称核糖体。核糖 体是所有类型的细胞内合成蛋白质的工厂,在一个旺盛生 长的细菌中,大约有.
导体  电子导体  R   L  i 离子导体  ( 平衡 ) mm   .
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( 二 ) 局部兴奋及其特点 阈下刺激能引起细胞膜上少量的 Na + 通道开放,少 量的 Na + 内流造成的去极化和电刺激造成的去极化叠加 起来,在受刺激的膜局部出现一个较小的去极化,称为 局部感应或局部兴奋 阈下刺激能引起细胞膜上少量的 Na + 通道开放,少 量的 Na + 内流造成的去极化和电刺激造成的去极化叠加.
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§8-3 电 场 强 度 一、电场 近代物理证明:电场是一种物质。它具有能量、 动量、质量。 电荷 电场 电荷 电场对外的表现 : 1) 电场中的电荷要受到电场力的作用 ; 2) 电场力可移动电荷作功.
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Cell Structure and Function
第三章 基因的本质 第 3 节 DNA 的复制. 特点:遵循碱基 互补配对原则 A-T 、 C-G DNA 平面结构 空间结构.
个体 精子 卵细胞 父亲 受精卵 母亲 人类生活史 问题:人类产生配子(精、卵 细胞)是不是有丝分裂?
CELLS Structure and Function Cell = smallest unit of life.
目标与要求: 让学生了解材料美是布的基本特点,利 用布的特点进行创作,培养学生的创新和实 践能力。
八. 真核生物的转录 ㈠ 特点 ① 转录单元为单顺反子( single cistron ),每 个蛋白质基因都有自身的启动子,从而造成在功能 上相关而又独立的基因之间具有更复杂的调控系统。 ② RNA 聚合酶的高度分工,由 3 种不同的酶催化转 录不同的 RNA 。 ③ 需要基本转录因子与转录调控因子的参与,这.
第五章 生物膜的结构与功能 目的与要求:通过本章学习,要求掌握生 物膜的结构特点和功能。生物膜在生命活动中 的功能是多方面的,其主要功能是:物质运输 功能,能量转换功能和信号转导功能 。
Cells and macromolecules Cells: Procaryotic cell, Eucaryotic cell Macromolecules: DNA, RNA, Protein, Lipids, Polysaccharides, Complex macromolecules.
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第九章 核糖体 Robinson & Brown ( 1953 )发现于植物 细胞。 Palacle ( 1955 )发现于动物细胞。 Roberts ( 1958 )建议命名为核糖核蛋白 ( ribosome ),简称核糖体。 核糖体是细胞内合成蛋白质的工厂,在 一个旺盛生长的细菌中,大约有
Ribosome Organelle that puts amino acids together to make a protein.
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Course in Molecular Biology
Microbial cell structure
Presentation transcript:

Chapter 1 Cells and macromolecules RNA Protein DNA Prokaryotic cell Eukaryotic cell

Other macromolecules unrelated to MB course Polysaccharides lipids Complex macromolecules including these molecules

1.1 Cellular classification (Eubacteria, Archea, Eukaryotes, Cellular differentiation) 1.2 Subcellular organelles (Nuclei, mitochondria and chloroplasts, endoplasmic reticulum, microbodies, organelle isolation) 1.3 Macromolecules (protein and nucleic acids, polysaccarides, lipids, complex macromolecules) 1.4 Large macromolecular Assemblies (protein complex, nucleoprotein, membranes, noncovalent interactions)

1.1 Cellular classification Classifying organisms according to cell types Eukaryotic cell Prokaryotic cell

重点 Prokaryotes (原核生物)(Simplest living cells) Eukaryotes (真核生物) Eubacteria (真细菌) Archaea (古细菌) Structural features 1-10 mm, no distinct subcellular organelles, pili, flagella 10-100 mm, Organelles Biochemistry rRNA molecules are different among these kingdoms (rRNA based phylogeny, Fig. S2) Ester linkage(酯键)(link) Ether linkage (醚键) Ester linkage(酯键) Energy production, metabolism Replication, transcription and translation Differentiation (link) Formation of spores Embryonic cell differentiation 重点

Phylogenetic tree determined by rRNA sequence comparisons Fig. S2

重点 (鞭毛) (类核) (纤毛) 典型原核细胞示意图

Cell wall: to prevent cell lysis in environments of low osmolarity Plasma membrane: lipid bilayer and embedded proteins for small molecule exchange Genetic materials: nucleiod (single and circular chromosome), plasmid Ribosmes: protein synthesis machinery Pili: to allow the cell to attach to other cells and surface Flagella: cell movement

重点 典型真核细胞示意图

Cytoskeletal Fiber: Controls the shape and movement of the cell Organizes some metabolic functions

Cellular differentiation (细胞分化) Definition: The daughter cells change their patterns of gene expression to become functionally different from the parent cell after cell division. The main molecular reason: change of the genes being transcribed, but not that of the DNA content. Regulated by developmental control genes, mutations in these genes result in abnormal body plans.

Cross with Cell Biology Course For example Spore formation among prokaryotes and lower eukaryotes Embryonic cell differentiate into highly specialized cells among higher eukaryotes.

Cell differentiation in yeast (酵母) Mating: n + n  2n Spore formation: 2n  n + n Cell differentiation in yeast (酵母)

Differentiation is regulated by developmental control genes Embryonic cell differentiation in Xenopus (爪蟾属):from a single cell to an adult tadpole Differentiation is regulated by developmental control genes Fig. S4

1.2 Subcellular organelles Nuclei mitochondria and chloroplasts, Cross with Cell Biology 1.2 Subcellular organelles Nuclei mitochondria and chloroplasts, endoplasmic reticulum, microbodies, organelle isolation

DNA replicationRNA transcription & processing  Ribosome assembly (核) DNA replicationRNA transcription & processing  Ribosome assembly

DNA replication, RNA transcription, protein synthesis (线粒体) Main function: cellular respiration/ATP production via oxidative phosphorylation DNA replication, RNA transcription, protein synthesis Nuclear-encoded Mitochonrial proteins: synthesis and transportation

(叶绿体) A plant specific organelle (类囊体) (基粒) Photosynthesis, the light-dependent assimilation of CO2 and H2O to form carbohydrates and O2 DNA replication, RNA transcription, protein synthesis Nuclear-encoded chloroplast proteins: synthesis and transportation

(内质网) Protein synthesis (酯类代谢) (药物的氧化和解毒) drug oxidation and detoxificatin (酯类代谢) (药物的氧化和解毒)

Microbodies (lysosomes, peroxisomes and glycoxysomes) (溶酶体,过氧化物酶体,醛氧化酶体) Glyoxysomes are specialized plant peroxisomes which carry out the reactions of glyoxylate cycle(乙醛酸循环).

Organelle isolation: centrifugation (离心) Density gradient centrifugation Rate zonal (velocity) centrifugation Equilibrium centrifugation Differential (speed) centrifugation: Sedimentation coefficient (s) Density gradients: to prevent convective mixing of the components after separation and to ensure linear sedimentation rates of the components Supporting materials: sucrose (蔗糖), Ficoll, cesdium chloride (氯化铯)

1.3 Macromolecules Protein (Section B) Nucleic acids (Section C) Polysaccharides Lipids Complex macromolecules MB course (X), Biochemistry () Immunology ()

Polysaccharides are polymers of simple sugars covalently linked by glycosidic bonds.

Lipids: individual lipids are not strictly macromolecules, large lipid molecules are built up from small monomeric units and involved in many macromolecule assembly Triglycerides (甘油三酯)

Complex macromolecules (复合大分子) Covalent or noncovalent associations of more than one major classes of large biomolecules which greatly increases the functionality or structural capabilities of the complex. Nulceoprotein: nucleic acids + protein (Section A4) Glycoprotein: carbohydrate + protein Lipoprotein: Lipid + protein

生物大分子间相互作用的化学力 生物大分子的基本结构是靠共价键结合的,但是生物学功能的执行是靠生物大分子之间的相互作用来实现的。如:①蛋白质与DNA的相互作用;②蛋白质与RNA的相互作用;②蛋白质与蛋白质的相互作用。 生物大分子间相互作用的化学力 1 扩散作用 (Diffusion) 2 专一性相互作用 结构基序,离子键,氢键,范德华力

生物大分子内部相互作用的化学键 1、共价键 (Covalent bond):成键原子间通过电子对共享形成的。键 能一般在200KJ/mol以上。 磷酸二酯键、肽键、二硫键,-S-S- 2、弱键(非共价键 noncovalent bond):小于20KJ/mol。 (1)氢键 (Hydrogen bond) (2)盐键(离子键)静电作用力 (Ionic bond) (3)范德华力(短程力)(Van der Waals force) (4)疏水作用 (Hydrophobic interaction) 3、配位键一般在250KJ/mol以上

Large macromolecular Assemblies Noncovalent interactions 1.4 Large macromolecular Assemblies Protein complexes Nucleoprotein Membranes Noncovalent interactions

重点 protein complexes (cilia and flagella) Noncovalent interaction Long polymers of tubulin (microfilament) actin and myosin, components of muscle fibers as well keratin Fig.1. Schematic diagram showing the (a) cross-sectional and (b) surface pattern of tubulin a and b subunits in a microtubule Noncovalent interaction

associations of nucleic acids and protein 重点 Nulceoprotein (1) associations of nucleic acids and protein Ribosome: ribosomal proteins + rRNAs Crystal structure of 50S rRNA

重点 Nulceoprotein (2) deoxyribonucleoprotein consisting of DNA & histones to form a repeating unit called nucleosome Chromatin (染色质): Viruses: Telomerase (端粒酶) : Ribonuclease P: protein capsid + RNA or DNA replicating the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes. RNA acts as the replication template, and protein catalyzes the reaction tRNA maturation. Protein + P RNA

Noncovalent interactions The force of macromolecule assembly 重点 Noncovalent interactions The force of macromolecule assembly Charge-charge interactions (salt bridges): charged molecules Charge-dipole, dipole-dipole: either or both of the participants is a dipole . Dispersion interactions: non-poplar molecule van der Waals forces: noncovalent associations between uncharged molecules. *Hydrogen bonds (dipole-dipole): nucleic acids *Hydrophobic interaction: proteins

(uncharged molecules) (偶极) (uncharged molecules)