Phone: Phone: Mrs. Scott’s Kindergarten Class Week Of: Sept 8-12, 2014 Contact Information; UPCOMING EVENTS September 19 – NO SCHOOL September 30 – Rachel’s Challenge LT Ball (10:10-11:00) Week in Review This week we met Funny Fish and learned all about the letter Ff as we talked about family and friends. We read Ira Sleeps Over by Bernard Waber and wrote about the things we would pack for a sleep over. We traced some of our friends in class and wrote characteristics of a good friend. Another book about friends that we enjoyed reading and listening to is The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister. We continued learning about how to sort objects by different attributes (color, shape, size) and we also talked about various patterns (AB, ABB, ABC, AAB...). Continuing with graphs, we made a graph about how many people are in our families. We are busy working on our Daily 5 reading groups, practicing/learning what we do, how we should look and sound during Daily 5. Our class is doing well. The 5 activities we practice daily are: 1- read to self 2- listen to a story 3- word work 4- letter/sound work 5- guided writing/reading with the teacher. Sneak Preview Theme for the Week: Excited for kindergarten/Eager to learn Letter of the Week: Ee Math: Patterning/#0-1 Sci/SS: Sorting /school rules and friendships Popcorn Words: are do
“If I can think it … I can say it. If I can say it… I can write it. If I can write it… I can read it. And so can others!” ~unknown More News…. Things to Practice Skipping – Students are working with the Physical Education Teachers on this skill too! Patterning with food, toys, colors… Highlight the letters and rainbow words that we have learned in a newspaper or a piece of junk mail. Discuss shapes you see everywhere. Review colors. Use them to pattern. Buttoning and zipping – this slows us down during restroom breaks. Pencil grip - pinch with two fingers and then rest. Cutting – Thumbs up with both hands and cut away from you. Practice cutting out different shapes and saying what the shape is. Keep Reading! do are Bag – a – Books Your child will be starting a bag– a-book program. This program encourages a love of reading and beginning reading skills. Students will each receive a clear Ziploc like bag with white handles and their name on it. This will be used for bag-a-book traveling to and from school. Students can take home 1 books at a time. When the previous book is returned a new book may be selected. This is the student’s responsibility each day as a part of morning work. Please support this program by reading with your child, letting your child read to you, allowing your child to make up stories, and discussing what was read. Also, help us to keep our libraries up by returning books so that others can enjoy them. make sure to write down all the books that they read from this bag on the chart provided inside the bag. The students will earn prizes every time they fill one out and turn it in to the teacher!