Kromm, Rikimaru and Johansen Architects Planners Interiors Copyright 2004 MARET Center Art Boyt, Director
MARET? Missouri Alternative and Renewable Energy Tech Center
1992 Missouri Assembly designates Crowder College to serve as the state’s alternative/renewable energy center.
Educational programs Support for businesses and industry Applied research and product development New-business start-ups The purpose of the new facility is to expand renewable and alternative energy industry in the region through …
Net-Zero Energy Building Generates as much electricity as it consumes Internal loads are shifted from electricity. Shares energy with the utility grid.
Net-Zero Energy Home
Positive net energy building Structure produces significant energy in excess of use Energy is shared with grid as distributed generation Energy accounting includes all aspects of operation
Solar Decathlon Energy We Can Live With
Crowder Solar Decathlon homes are set on campus... to become part of another solar village.
MARET Center with Solar Village
MARET facility - LEED certified, positive net energy structure.
Roof design provides daylighting, electrical, and thermal services
The building incorporates modular collection and distribution system.
Economic benefits to the region Create Jobs in the Renewable Energy Industry (35.5 created for every MW of Solar Energy Installed) Create an educated workforce Created a renewables consumer base Reduce Outflow of Missouri Resources (currently $13.2 billion per year)
MARET - Creating the Power to Renew
Kromm, Rikimaru and Johansen Architects Planners Interiors Copyright 2004 MARET Center Art Boyt, Director