Fremont Christian School Instructor: Jaime Garcia x363 Course Description In this course the students study and learn to develop a strong foundation of basic calculus concepts supplemented with problem solving skills and the proper use of technology. This foundation will help them perform well on the AP exam and to be successful in their future mathematics and science courses. The course covers all the content as delineated in the AP Calculus Course Description, a standard set by the CollegeBoard that covers differentiation and integration of functions, and the concept of a limit and their relationships.The prerequisite for this course is completion of precalculus with a “ B ” or better and the teacher ’ s recommendation. The AP Calculus Course Description is found at the following url: Grading Mastery Project15% Homework Completion15% Quizzes/Graded Assignments20% Tests35% Final15% A binder for keeping notes, quizzes, tests and class handouts is required for this course. Course Expectations Homework problems will be assigned daily. All assigned work must be turned in at the start of class. Homework without the steps to the solution will not be accepted as complete. There will be a weekly quiz (generally on Fridays) on the key concepts covered for that week. There will be a unit test approximately every 3 weeks that covers generally one chapter in the textbook. The dates for the unit exams will be announced 3 days prior to the test date. You will be required to do at least one group project assignment on an application of a calculus concept. Handouts with details will be provided in class. Grades for the projects will be entered under Homework Mastery (see Grading above).
Fremont Christian School Instructor: Jaime Garcia x363 Fremont Christian School has revised all areas of curriculum to reflect the California State Standards. Embedding these standards has created a more cohesive and comprehensive curriculum in each content area. Students will be accountable to demonstrate their understanding of each standard benchmark. For the California State Standards, go to and click on the link for a particular content area. ESLRs (Expected Schoolwide Learning Results) have become the school ’ s mission statement in practical form. See a thorough description in the Student-Parent Handbook. FCS ESLRs call for students to grow now and always in mind, body, spirit, and community with one another, following Christ ’ s example in Luke 2:52. It is the desire of the administration, faculty, and staff to build tomorrow today by facilitating student growth in the four categories above. Standards, Assessments and ESLR ’ s Late Work: Late work will not be accepted unless special arrangements are made with me prior to the date the assignment is due. See the Student Handbook for late and make-up work, quizzes and tests due to absence. Daily Homework: Homework will be checked mainly for completion. Assignments will be posted daily on Renweb and also on a classroom board. You are required to turn it in at the beginning of class. All the steps that lead to the problem solution must be included, otherwise your homework will not be accepted as complete. The final solutions will be made available in class daily, and you are required to correct the wrong answers. Classroom Policy: Students are to enter the classroom before the tardy bell, quietly take their seats, pull out their homework, open their textbook, and promptly work on the bell-work that is displayed. Students will be marked tardy, if they are not in their seats before the tardy bell. At the end of class, students are to remain in their seats until they are dismissed. Classroom as a Community: Students will be expected to be respectful and courteous to each other as in Luke 6:31, so as to develop friendship and trust. Thus, we will build a classroom community for learning where collaboration and support are readily present. It is important that our classroom be a place, where it is safe for any student to discuss, ask questions, share problem solving approaches, and make mistakes without fear of being corrected or criticized. Policies
Fremont Christian School Instructor: Jaime Garcia x363 Course Materials Provided by school:Textbook: Calculus: Graphical, Numerical, Algebraic by Finney, Demana, Waits, Kennedy Purchased by student:Three-ring binder (1”) with 5 dividers and paper Graphing paper (100 sheets) Graphing calculator (TI-83 or TI-84 Plus) A spiral notebook for notes A workbook such as one by “Princeton Review” or “Barons” Cheating/Plagiarism No form of cheating or unlawful plagiarism is tolerated. Such activity results in any or all of the following: (1) a disservice to the student in reaching his/her potential, (2) an unfair, assessment advantage of one student over his/her peers, (3) dishonest representation to the teacher of the student ’ s actual abilities, (4) stealing another student ’ s ideas, placing that student ’ s academic standing in question and (5) violation of federal copyright laws. Students who are found to be cheating will receive zero points on the relevant assignment(s) as well as a minimum of 4 detention points, possibly resulting in suspension. Renweb Renweb is the web-based, student management system for the entire campus and represents the primary medium of communication between school and home, regarding: Class schedules Grades Assignment due dates and descriptions School announcements Concerns on the part of parent or teacher Consequently, parents and guardians are expected to access Renweb via login at: