Quarter 2: Current events Presentation Math in the class room By: Lupe Ramirez
The iPad In April of 2010 Apple introduced the iPad. The ipad is a tablet computer, it consists of audio and visual media such as books, periodicals, movies, music and games, as well as web content. It can run its own applications as well as the ones from the iPhone. Wihtout modification it will only run programs approved by Apple. It uses WI-FI to browse the internet, load and stream media, and install soft ware. It is used for many purposes, it’s even used by people in businessses.
How can the iPad change the classroom in the next few years, 5 to 10 years? The iPad would be of a great use in math, we could use it in the classroom to go online and work on our wiki posts. We could download applications that would help us with a subject we are learning. We could use the different applications to help us with projects, and not only dose it help us but it makes the lessons fun. And in other classes like english we could use it to download books to read in class. In history we can use the iPad during history fair to do our media presentations and look up information on our topic. For biology we could download an application where disecting is virtual and no longer will we have to harm animals. The iPad can be used in every class for different purposes.
Why might the iPad change the classrom in the next few years, 5 to 10 years? Well the involment of new technology always changes something. If we can dowload our math books, notes, lesson plans, that saves the school money from buying new text books and from using so much paper. The more technology we use the more advance we are. The iPad would provide students with access to the internet which means students would not have an excuse for not doing their wiki post or turning in their homework. If excuses are reduced and more people beging to do their homework, it is possible that more students will graduate in the next few years.
The TI-84 Plus by Texas Instruments The TI-84 Plus graphing calculator offers three times the memory, more than twice the speed and a higher contrast screen than the TI-83 plus model. Witht he USB chords that come with the calculator, homework can be done on the calculator and turned into the teacher on her computer. Input and view math symbols, formulas and stacked fractions exactly as they appear in textbooks Scroll the history of calculations and quickly recall input/output Fraction math with easy-to-use templates Trace a function using each fraction listed (or those you define) as the step sizes Choose how you prefer to view calculations on screen: as decimals or fractions
How (and why?) might the TI-84 Plus change the class room in the next few years, 5 to 10 years? The TI-84 Plus is perfect to use in the classroom, it provides us with all of our needs. With it we can graph and solve problems, no longer will we mess up graphing something. Do homework on it and turn it in to the teacher from the calculator, now we dont have to turn in things by paper and if the teacher loses our homework on paper or something like that we will still have it on our calculator. This tool allows us to do things with graphing, triangles, circles and other things, lets us see stuff from our texts book on a calculator which we can use. It helps us solve problems. Allows to input and view symbols from text books, if we can see on a calculator it really can help us solve problems. With it we are using more technology that allows us to learn more.
What things might “Plummet” in the coming years? With the use of more technology no longer will text books be needed, so their will be alot of un-needed books. Homework might not longer be turned in by paper So much technology will be used that no longer will we need other things People might quit writting and just stick to typing. Advancements in the coming years Once we have technology in the classroom everyday tasks in class should not be hard for us. The more technology we have the faster we move for example without the smart board it would take longer for teachers to draw shapes and put in graphs on a regular board, while with a smart board you can just select it and it shows up. So in the upcoming years our lessons might move faster We will be maybe a little more eco-friendly because we wont be killing as much trees as we do know.
Well I tought that the iPad article was interesting because well it talks about everything that the iPad has, it’s features and some of the applications you acctualy can download. The article about the TI-84 Plus interested me because it exlpained most things that I already knew about the TI-84 Plus, because I have used one before. What interested me about these articles?
What did I learn about my topic? I learned that the iPad was designed to some how represent a compute/laptop screen and the keyboard and to also be a larger version of the iPhone and iPod. Also the without modification the iPAd will only run applications aproved by Apple. And what I learned about the TI-84 Plus was that you can input shapes into the calculator, and I dint know that, and that you can also set your calcualtor ways depending on how your solving things.
How will we use it? I think both the iPad and the TI-84 would be used int eh classroom to help us go over lessons see things and solve problems using technology that will help us understand the lesson and problems better.
Is there anything about my topic that I would like to learn more about? Yes I want to know what other things you can do with the TI-84, like how do you create circles on it, how do you solve problems with variables on it, and stuff like that.
Source Page ( iPad:) (Ti-84:)