Quadratic t n = an 2 + bn + c Ex: Find the generating function for the following: A) 2, 7, 16, 29, 46, 67, /5 students can do a Quad Reg on the graphing calculator
Calculator To find a sequence from a rule Stat 1:Edit L1=2 nd List OPS 5:Seq Seq(2x 2 +x,x,1,6) To find a sequence of difference L2=2 nd List OPS 7: List(L1) Back
Line of Best Fit on TI-83s(84s) Regression is a statistical method that is used to produce an equation that models data. The TI-83s can do regressions for: – linear, –quadratic, –cubic, –sinusoidal, –exponential, –and logarithmic data.
To determine how close the equation matches the data the calculator provides a correlation coefficient We use R 2 –Go to Catalogue to turn Diagnostic On If R 2 is close to 1, the model is a near perfect match to the data. If R 2 is close to 0, the model is NOT a very good match to the data. –This would mean that you should try a different regression.
To do a regression on the TI-83 Enter your data into the lists STAT 1:edit L1 will contain the sequence position L2 will contain the sequence
To determine the type of regression, plot the data. Look back to first handout. What does the data look like?? –Parabola Quadratic regression What is the generating function? t n = 2n 2 – n + 1 What is r 2 ? 1. The function is a perfect match!