LAUNCHING MRS HOME QUEEN DEHRADUN 2015 Grand Finale on 24 th April 2015 WIN TITLES Mrs Home Queen Mrs Talented Mrs Kitchen Queen Mrs Financial Planner
No this is not a beauty pageant for sure… …Because womanhood is much more than external beauty. Announcing Mrs. Homemaker ‘2014 India's first ever contest to appreciate, recognize and reward the contemporary Indian women for their homemaking skills. A mother, a wife, a daughter-in-law, a boss, a cook, a financial planner and above all a Homemaker, a woman befits every role bestowed on her with remarkable ease and dexterity. Indisputably, today’s woman is also the ultimate decision maker, who not only decides the home interiors but also the itinerary for the vacations outside it. Purchase of a tiny sewing needle or the brand of car, everything needs her final nod before becoming a part of the home! That’s why we say, “A home is known by the woman who keeps it!!!”
Women’s Participation in Decision making *Indicative; For Private Circulation only.
As a Wife she walks not behind but “with” her life companion in all phases of life with poise, prudence, commitment, maturity and strength. She is equally involved in all major decisions of her companion concerning various facets of life. ‘She’ as a Wife…
‘She’ as a Daughter-in-law… As a Daughter-in-law she shoulders her responsibilities with a judicious mix of respect, love, maturity and sensibility towards her in laws. When other members of the family are busy in outdoor endeavors, she is their main support.
‘She’ as a Mother… As a Mother she is compassionate, caring, sensitive and supportive to her child’s needs. She is continuously striving to groom her child into a well rounded personality.
As a Cook her flair for cooking combining taste and nutrition satisfies the taste buds of her family. She is a perfect cook. “An undisputed kitchen queen” ‘She’ as a Cook…
‘She’ as a Home Keeper… As a Home Keeper she keeps orderly management of household activities. Her various creative instincts and skilled attributes convert a house into a home with finesse. The interiors of her house reflect her personality.
‘She’ as a Buyer… As a Buyer she is the prime financial decision maker exhibiting concern, prudence and awareness in all matters. Truly she is the perfect financial manager casting major influence on the buying behavior of her family. She is the ‘Most Valuable Customer (MVC) who looks for Life Time Value (LTV)’
Her talent finds shape in a well rounded personality. She can be an accomplished housewife, yet an enchanting performer. Her talent knows no boundaries. ‘She’ is a Talented Lady…
She is an accomplished housewife, yet a successful Professional. ‘She’ is a Professional…
She is a beautiful Lady, who reflects her internal beauty with graceful demeanor. She portrays Indian beauty rooted to values. ‘She’ is a Beautiful Lady…
The Title Crown:Mrs. Home Queen Mrs. Home Queen[Runner-up 1] Mrs. Home Queen [Runner-up 2] The Subtitles:Mrs. Kitchen Queen Mrs. Finacial Planner Mrs. Talented The Crowning Glory
The Schedule 7 Days of Extravaganza Day 1:10 th April’2015Press Conference Day 2:12 th ’ April’ 2015Preliminary Interview Round Day 3:13 th April’ 2015Preliminary Interview Round Day 4:14 th April ‘2015Preliminary Interview Round Day 5:20 th April ‘2015Cooking & Travel Round Day 6:21 st April’ 2015Talent Round Day 7: 26 th April’2015Grand Finale with Cocktail Dinner
Inviting Applications Inviting applications through Mega Promotional Campaign. ATL Campaign: 1.Print Media 2.Television 3.Radio [FM] 4.On-Line Media 5.Outdoor Media BTL Campaign: Direct Contact Program Residential Housing Society Activity Kitty Party Activity / Woman Club Mass Mailing, SMS & Poster Promotion Activity at all Sponsors & Event Partner Outlets. Float Promotions Promotions in Mall & Multiplexes Expected number of applicants : 2000
A press conference will be called to announce Mrs. Home Queen The press conference will feature representatives of all the sponsors who are supporting the event. Media persons from all National Publications and Channels will be specially invited to attend. The Press Conference [Day 1]
This round will consist of a interview session of all 200 short listed candidates with various panels of judges. These candidates will then be again short listed on the basis of how they carry themselves, how presentable they are and their confidence. At the end of the day a compiled list of 50 candidates will announce the progression of contestants to Day 3. Preliminary Interview Round [Day 2] Number of participants : 200
Assessment Sheet Name: Contestant No. RoundsAppearanceConfidenceGraceEnthusiasmCommunicationAptitudeAttitude Body LanguageCommitment Personal Interaction Family Interaction Cat Walk Contestants Interaction Talent Smile & hair Husband Interaction Kids Interaction Total
Personal Interaction Round: Day 3 will start off with detailed and elaborate interviews conducted by a panel of judges who will probe the contestants regarding the different parameters that a Homemaker relates to. Organizing Sub-Event Contests [Day 3] Number of short listed candidates : 50
The Grand Finale [Day 5] On the Occasion of Grand Finale eve: All the contestants will walk the ramp in front of judges and esteemed invitees. Apart from the crowning of Mrs. Home Queen, Runner Up, Mrs. 10 on 10, the evening will be supported by Entertainment capsules & Performances by participant to Reinforce the Charm. Number of Finalist : 20Expected Number Of Audience: 200
Celebrating Womanhood Glimpses of Mrs. Homemaker – Chandigarh
Glimpses of Mrs. Homemaker – Jaipur Celebrating Womanhood
Mrs Home Queen Meerut 20 th March 2015
Eligibility Criteria Contestant is eligible to compete in a state pageant in which she is either a resident or owns property in said state. Contestant is eligible if she works in said state. Entrant must be married a minimum of 6 months. Contestant must be a least 21 years of age by Jan. 1st 2014, and no older than 50 years of age. Contestant must be an Indian citizen.
Title Sponsorship Mileage Pre-Event Promotion Campaign… Logo Presence on : Print Advertisements Press Kit. Application forms to be filled by applicants. Back Drop in Road shows/Promotional Events to be conducted for event awareness in the particular locations. Posters used for awareness campaign to be conducted at various Prestigious ladies clubs of the states. Pamphlets to be distributed during road shows for general awareness inviting participation from the ladies. Invitation cards inviting VIPs, Judges and who’s who of the city. Name to be highlighted during all PR and Press exercise scheduled as event awareness campaign.
1. Mileage During Press Conference: [Day 1] Logo Presence on: Venue gate & décor material. Reception desk backdrop. Center back drop of the stage. Emcee announcements. Kit cover to be used by the Press. Branding on speakers panel desk. Representative presence to address press. Title Sponsor…
Mileage During Sub-Title Contest 2. Preliminary Interview Round [Day 2] Logo Presence on: Venue gate & décor material. Center back drop of the stage. Emcee announcements at regular intervals. Kit cover to be used by the judges. Branding on judges panel desk. Application form to be filled by contestants. Participant badges. Reception desk backdrops. Representative as member of jury. Title Sponsor…
Mileage During Sub-Title Contest 3. Personal Interview Round [Day 3] Logo Presence on: Venue gate & décor material. Center back drop of the stage. Emcee announcements at regular intervals. Kit cover to be used by the judges. Branding on judges panel desk. Participant badges. [New] Reception desk backdrop. Refreshment area branding Waiting area branding Representative as member of jury. Title Sponsor…
Mileage During Sub-Title Contest 4. Talent Round [Day 3] Logo Presence on: Venue gate & décor material. Center back drop of the stage. Emcee announcements at regular intervals. Kit cover to be used by the judges. Branding on judges panel desk. Participant badges. [New] Reception desk backdrop. Refreshment area branding. Waiting area branding. Representative as member of jury. Title Sponsor…
Mileage During Final Contest: 6. Grand Finale [Day 6] Logo Presence on: Venue gate & décor material. Center backdrop of the stage. Emcee announcements at regular intervals. Kit cover to be used by the judges. Kit cover to be used by the Press. Branding on judges panel desk. Participant badges. [New] Reception desk backdrop. Judges panel desk. Media Desk Backdrop. Food & beverages counter/backdrop fascia Waiting area branding. Representative as member of jury. Audience Vote card sheet. Audience & VIP invites. Title Sponsor…
Title Sponsor* Additional Feature & Mileages: Mrs. Home Queen title will be associated with your brand.e.g. “XYZ Mrs.Home Queen.” 5 Mins AV presentation of your company [provided by you] can be scheduled if desired. [All Days] Silver plate engraved with your company brand name & Logo acknowledging the winner can be provided by you. The stall space for your company product display can also be provided to you if desired. [All Days] Sash with brand name & title to be presented to winner. Your company representative will require to reward the winner. Compiled data of all applicants.
Mileage & Benefit’s Press Release and Ads School Activity Ladies Club Activity Hoardings Banners Posters Mall Activity Van Promotion
Press Release
Snapshot Mrs Home Queen Meerut 2015 (20 th March)
Press coverage Sukkon Mrs Home Queen Meerut 2015
Event Sponsorship & Category CategoryTitleSponsorship Title SponsorMrs. Home Queen Rs 2,00,000/- Co- sponsor (02)Runners UpRs 1,00,000/- Associate SponsorsMrs Financial PlannerRs 50,000/- Mrs Kitchen QueenRs 50,000/- Mrs 10 on 10Rs 50,000/- Mrs TalentedRs 50,000/- Sub SponsorRs 25,000/- Each Supported By: Venue PartnerHospitality partnerOutdoor SupportRadio Support Grooming partnerWardrobe PartnerJewelery PartnerCommunication Partner Travel PartnerKitchen Partner
Payment Terms Service Tax will be charged on the total 12.36%. Cost of any extra activity elements and giveaways will be additional. 50 % of the sponsorship amount has to be released as advance against the total generated bill of sponsorship amount along with the purchase order at the time of confirmation of Sponsorship. Balance 25% of payment to be released by the release of 10 April ’ 2015 and balance 25% 7 days before the final.