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Presentation transcript:

DNIPROPETROVSK ALFRED NOBEL UNIVERSITY ENGLISH PHILOLOGY AND TRANSLATION DEPARTMENT Lexico-semantic Pecularities of the International Economic Discourse Texts and Translation into the Mother Tongue Slastonova Kseniia PR – m Dnipropetrovsk 2014

is predetermined by the insufficient investigation of the lexico-semantic peculiarities of the international economic discourse texts as well as by the absence of the common idea as to the problem of conveying them into the mother tongue Topicality

is to detect and study lexico-semantic peculiarities of the international economic discourse texts, as well as to find adequate ways of its conveying from English into Ukrainian The Purpose of the Work

The Object of our Investigation is the International Economic Discourse. The Subject of the Diploma paper is Lexico-semantic Peculiarities of the International Economic Discourse and Translation into the Mother Tongue. The Material of the Investigation has included 200 Sentences selected from Economic and Political Articles placed in the British and American Newspapers, namely The Financial Times, The Economist and The Guardian. General Information

is as an abstract invariant description of structural and semantic features which are typical for certain texts Discourse Discourse Typology V.I. Karasyk distinguishes two main types of discourse: 1)Personal, 2)Status-oriented (Institutional)

Institutional Discourse is a System of certain Relations that have arisen in the Communicative Space of some Social Institutes Institutional Discourse Classification Of The International Economic Discourse Texts: Economic Texts Of The Official Business Style, Economic Texts Of The Newspaper Style, Economic Texts Of The Scientific Style

Lexical and Semantic Peculiarities of the International Economic Discourse wide use of terms. Eg. investor, remuneration, think-tank, budget deficit, growth rate and etc.; general vocabulary. Eg. system, process, decade, year and etc.; functional words. Eg. that and that, than, if, as, finally, secondly, in fact, in general, in other words, however, also and etc.; abbreviations. Eg. IMF, CEO, OSCE, GDP, MP and etc.; neologisms. Eg. monetarism, downsizing, millionerd, to trigger, to alarm and etc. Lexical Peculiarities:

1) unambiguousness, 2) exactness of the semantic field, 3) stylistic neutrality, 4) clear interpretation, 5) correspondence to the notions of certain knowledge, 6) system, 7) relation absence to the context, 8) lack of synonymous. Lexical and Semantic Peculiarities of the International Economic Discourse Semantic Peculiarities:

As to the structure there are such terms as: 1) simple (export, import, negotiations, trade, etc.), 2) complex (think-tank, peacemaker, crackdown, etc.), 3) terms-collocations (trade deficit, balance sheet, exchange reserves, etc.). Terminological units in the international economic discourse

As to the number of components there are such terms as: 1) two-component (consumer spending, overseas transportation, etc. ) 2) three-component (company’s compensation committee, senior trade negotiators, etc.), 3) multicomponent (former senior economic adviser, world's seaborne oil trade, etc.). Terminological units in the international economic discourse

Sense Development The prime minister is not the first Russian politician to invoke the long-forgotten concept of autarchy. Дмитро Медведєв це не перший політик Росії, який закликає до старої ідеї автократії. Decompression Loan worth £54m withheld after Ugandan president signed law that imposes harsh penalties for homosexuality. Процес надання кредиту Уганді в розмірі £54 млн. призупинений, після того як президент Уганди підписав закон, який накладає суворе покарання за гомосексуалізм. Lexico-semantic Transformations

Concretization Scotland's immediate fiscal position would be in a worse state than the rest of the UK, partly because government spending per person is significantly higher in Scotland. Фінансове становище Шотландії буде набагато гіршим, ніж в інших регіонах Об’єднаного Королівства, частково через те, що в Шотландії урядові витрати на одну людину значно вищі. Generalization Moscow has a desire to establish its own rating agency, arguing that foreign agencies were biased against Russian corporate. Москва має намір створити своє власне рейтингове агентство, звинувачуючи іноземні організації в упередженості по відношенню до російських корпорацій. Lexico-semantic Transformations

Antonymic And Metonymic Translation 1)The Environment Agency currently estimates that 55 of England's 500-odd beaches have bathing waters that pass current regulations but which will fail the new EU rules. За останніми розрахунками агентства по Охороні навколишнього середовища 55 з 500 вільних пляжів в Англії відповідають сьогоднішнім вимогам, але вони не зможуть працювати, коли в силу вступлять нові правила, прийнятті ЄС. 2) The reason given is that they support the Kiev government's "anti- terrorist operation" against armed separatists in the east of the country. Причиною цього є те, що вони підтримують АТО, що проводить уряд країни проти озброєних сепаратистів на сході України. Lexico-semantic Transformations

Compression By Thursday afternoon, about 37,400 people – or 15.5 per cent of the electorate – had signed a petition calling for a referendum to ask voters whether they want to complete or end the EU talks. О 12 годині в четвер приблизно 37,400 – 15.5% електорату – підписали петицію про призначення референдуму, який повинен "розставити всі крапки над і" та визначити, чи хочуть ісландці продовжувати переговори про вступ в ЄС. Lexico-semantic Transformations