1 PM - A Skill for every Stage of your Life Kochi, Kerala Tejas Sura Region 11 Mentor – Western Asia 09 June 2012
2 The Need for Project Mgmt. Skills While it is widely recognized that information technology is one of the foundations for the development of a modern society… The capability to transform ideas and knowledge into reality (make it happen) through project management skills is also a key skill required in India, specially among low income families. The application, development, and promotion of project management concepts and life skills is key for development
3 What is a project? What is project management? A temporary and unique endeavor with a specific start & end that produces a unique product or result—and it has ‘deliverables’ along the way. The Application of Knowledge, Skills, Tools, and Techniques to A Set of Activities A Set of Processes Used to Ensure that Various Elements of Work are Coordinated and Understood By Everyone Involved or Impacted
5 What are the Ongoing Project Activities? How Are Projects Managed? Initiating Planning Executing Controlling Closing Managing Scope Managing Change Managing Risks & Issues Monitoring Costs, Schedule, Quality Managing Communications Managing Procurement
6 So, are these not projects?
7 Who are the people connected with project? Project Manager Stakeholder Sponsor Team Members
8 The way Kids define of Stages of Life
9 Stages of Life On a comical note …
10 The Human Life Cycle – The West
11 Stages of Life System in Society (As defined in Hindu scriptures) BRAHMACHARYA (Celibate) GRIHASTAASHRAMA (House-Holder) VANAPRASTA ASHRAMA (The Anchorite) SANNYASA ASHRAMA ( The Renounced)
12 BRAHMACHARYA (Celibate) Student 12 to 24 years age School projects
13 Most kids are not equipped to do Projects effectively! Teachers inexperienced in PM Parents inexperienced in PM
14 Northern Italy Chapter - Primary School Kids The metaphor of a trip
15 GRIHASTAASHRAMA House-Holder 24 to 48 years age Home & Personal projects
16 Marriage Project Scope –Identifying a bride/ groom –Arranging Engagement –Arranging Marriage –Marriage Certificate Time, Cost, Quality, Communications, Procurement Of course, I have no comments on Risks!!!
17 Job Seeking Project: Employers Value Project Management Skills Project management is results-focused and employers want employees who can deliver results – all industries use PM Good project management includes 21st century skills such as critical thinking and problem solving, communication, collaboration, and creativity and innovation Scope –Prepare and Post Resume –Identify Potential Positions –Apply for jobs –Prepare for interviews – expected pay and perks and industry average –Negotiate and secure a job
18 VANAPRASTA ASHRAMA (THE ANCHORITE) Elder Advisor 48 to 72 years age Retirement Projects
19 Moving to a New Home Project Scope –Identify locality –Think of a budget –Identify new home –Verify documents –Purchase new home –Get home interiors renovated –Move into new home
20 Retirement Savings Project Scope –Identifying financial needs for retirement –Estimating Inflation after retirement –Annual investment retirement required –One time investment required
21 SANNYASA ASHRAMA (THE RENOUNCED) Ascetic - Solitaire 72 years age and above Projects relating to Life
22 Making Will Project Scope –Identifying Assets –Identifying beneficiaries –Appointing Legal Counsel –One time investment required
23 Writing a Book Project Scope –Think of a subject –Collect thoughts –Structure thoughts –Write book –Review book –Find a Publisher –Get book published
24 I use techniques I learned as a project manager in my everyday life all the time. Do you?
25 Thanks! Tejas Sura Region 11 Mentor – Western Asia 09 June 2012