My year is shorter than my day! Who Am I?
Even though I am the largest planet, I have the shortest day of 10 hrs. Who Am I?
I am made up of 75% water. Who Am I?
I have a rocky surface with no atmosphere. Who Am I?
My soil is coated with a reddish compound called iron oxide (rust) Who Am I?
I am often known as a snowball in space. What Am I?
I have Very thick cloud covering (5 times as dense as earth) – Greenhouse Effect Who Am I?
I am known for the “Great Red Spot” which is a huge storm. The storm has lasted for centuries. Who Am I?
I am known for my very slow rotation time. (59 Earth days for one rotation.) Who Am I?
I may be an escaped moon from Neptune. Who Am I?
I am Named for the Roman goddess of beauty and love Who Am I?
I am known for my fast Revolution (88 Earth Days) Who Am I?
I am the Closest planet in size to the earth. Who Am I?
I am known as one of the giant twins (along with Neptune) Who Am I?
I have soil that is coated with a reddish compound called iron oxide (commonly known as Rust!) Who Am I?
In ancient times this color reminded people of blood and they thought of a warrior planet Who Am I?
I am often called one of the twin giants because I am about the same size, mass and temperature as Uranus. Who Am I?
My year is shorter than my day Who Am I?
I am named after speedy messenger of the Roman gods Who Am I?
I am Named after the Roman god of war Who Am I?
I have 4 large, inactive volcanoes and Polar Icecaps Who Am I?
One hundred Earths could be strung around me as if they were a string of pearls…. Who Am I?
I am the Brightest planet in the sky Who Am I?
I am so big and bright in the night sky that the Romans named me after their king of gods Who Am I?
I am the 4th planet from the sun Who Am I?
I spins so fast that it I am flattened at the poles and bulge at the equator …. Who Am I?
I have a rotation time most similar to Earth's (about a 24.5 hour day) Who Am I?
I have the same diameter, mass and density as Earth so astronomers call me Earth's twin…. Who Am I?
I am made primarily of hydrogen and helium gases…. Who Am I?
At my core, scientists believe temperatures may reach 5 times that of the sun Who Am I?
I may be an escaped moon of Neptune. Who Am I?
My rings are made mainly of icy particles Who Am I?
I am known for my "Great Red Spot" Who Am I?
My moon is Titan which is larger than the planet Mercury…. Who Am I?
I am known as The Red Planet (rust) Who Am I?
I have a very large storm that has lasted for centuries… Who Am I?
I may be an escaped moon of Neptune. Who Am I?
My surface is probably an ocean of water and liquid methane, covering a rocky core… Who Am I?
I have 4 large, inactive volcanoes, Polar Icecaps Who Am I?
I have the shortest rotation time (shortest day – 10 hours) Who Am I?
My moon’s name is Charon. Who Am I?
I am f amous for my rings My rings are made from rocks and ice Who Am I?
I am the most distant planet that can be seen with the unaided eye…. Who Am I?
I am often called a "snowball in space". What Am I?
I am named for the Roman god of the sea Who Am I?
I am known as the double planet. Who Am I?
I am sometime called…“flying mountains” or “minor planets”
I may be an escaped moon of Neptune. Who Am I?
I am the windiest planet Who Am I?
I am the planet that is tinged with a greenish-blue color. Who Am I?
I am a gas giant covered by a thick atmosphere made of hydrogen, helium and methane…. Who Am I?
I am 4.6 Billion Years old and VERY Hot! 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit! Who am I?
I am named for the Roman god of the underworld…. Who Am I?
I am a satellite is the most heavily cratered in the Solar System and I am made of rock and ice….. Who Am I?
I am covered by an ocean of superheated water that may have been formed from melted comets….
I am a satellite that resembles a pepperoni pizza Who Am I?
If I were hollow more than 1,000,000 Earth’s could fit inside of me. Who Am I?
I am the satellite that is cold and icy… Who Am I?
I am the largest planet Who Am I?
I move more quickly around the sun than any other planet (88 days to complete one revolution) Who Am I?
I am a satellite that is extremely volcanic! Who Am I?
I may be made of rocks, metals or a combination of the two Who Am I?
My moon is Triton, (the 4th largest in the Solar System) which is an unusual moon that orbits in a backward direction. (retrograde) Who Am I?
I am also known as a "shooting star“… What Am I?
I am the largest satellite in the Solar System….. Who Am I?
I spin on my side because my axis of is tilted at an angle of about 90 ….. I spin on my side. Who Am I?