The Planets
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Inner Planets Closest to the sun Small and rocky Few or no moons Mercury Venus Earth Mars
Mercury Appearance/terrain-Covered with craters that created when meteors crashed into it. Diameter- 4,880 km (2nd smallest planet) Distance from the Sun- 57.9 million km (36 million miles) Temperature: very hot daytime, very cold night Length of 1 day: 58 Earth days Length of 1 year: 88 Earth days # of moons: 0
Add to chart: Mercury Covered w/craters 4,880 km 57 million km PLANET Appearance/ Terrain Diameter Distance from Sun Length of 1 day Length of 1 year Mercury Covered w/craters 4,880 km 57 million km 58 Earth Days 88 Earth Days
Venus Appearance/terrain- very similar to earth with mountains, continents, and even areas where oceans could be (if there were any water). Diameter- 12,100 km Distance from the Sun- 108 million km (67 million miles) Temperature: thick atmosphere traps gases making it the hottest planet. Length of 1 day: 243 Earth days Length of 1 year: 224 Earth days # of moons: 0
Add to chart: Venus PLANET Appearance/ Terrain Diameter Distance from Sun Length of 1 day Length of 1 year Venus Very similar to Earth NO WATER 12,100 km 108 million km 243 Earth Days 224 Earth Days
Earth Appearance/terrain- Mostly blue(3/4 water), brown and green continents and white ice-capped poles. Diameter- 12, 756 km Distance from the Sun- 150 million km (93 million miles) Temperature: varies by location Length of 1 day: 24 hours Length of 1 year: 365 ¼ days # of moons: 1
Add to chart: Earth PLANET Appearance/ Terrain Diameter Distance from Sun Length of 1 day Length of 1 year Earth ¾ water (oceans) Continents, ice capped poles 12.756 km 150 million km 24 hours 365 ¼ Days
Mars Appearance/terrain- Very rocky, red colored soil because of large amount of iron. Diameter- 6,800 km Distance from the Sun- 250 million km (142 million miles) Temperature: varies. 2 polar ice caps Length of 1 day: 24 Earth hours Length of 1 year: 687 Earth days (app. 2 Earth years) # of moons: 2
Add to chart: Mars PLANET Appearance/ Terrain Diameter Distance from Sun Length of 1 day Length of 1 year Mars Rocky, red soil from iron deposits 6,800 km 250 million km 24 Earth hours 687 Earth days (app. 2 Earth years)
Outer Planets Farthest from the sun Much larger Consist mainly of gases Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune
Jupiter Appearance/terrain- Covered with three thick layers of clouds. Made up of all gasses. No solid surface on planet. Diameter-142,800 km (largest planet) Distance from the Sun- 778 million km (483 million miles) Temperature: -234°F Length of 1 day: 10 Earth hours Length of 1 year: 4,331 Earth Days (app. 11 Earth years) # of moons: 63 known (4 large)
Add to chart: Jupiter PLANET Appearance/ Terrain Diameter Distance from Sun Length of 1 day Length of 1 year Jupiter No solid surface. 3 thick layers of clouds 142,800 km 778 million km 10 Earth Hours 4,331 Earth days (app. 11 Earth years)
Saturn Appearance/terrain- Made up of all gasses. No solid surface. Diameter- 120,000 km (2nd largest) Distance from the Sun- 1,427 million km (885 million miles) Temperature: -288°F Length of 1 day: 10 ½ Earth hours Length of 1 year: 10,759 Earth days (app. 29 Earth years) # of moons: 52 named
Add to chart: Saturn PLANET Appearance/ Terrain Diameter Distance from Sun Length of 1 day Length of 1 year Saturn No solid surface. All gases 120,000 km 1,427 million km 10 ½ Earth Hours 10,759 Earth days (app. 29 Earth years)
Uranus Appearance/terrain- Made up of all gasses. No solid surface. Appears bluish-green in color. Diameter- 50,800 km Distance from the Sun- 2,870 million km (1.7 million miles) Temperature: -357°F Length of 1 day: 17 Earth hours Length of 1 year: 30,687 Earth days (app. 84 Earth years) # of moons: 27 known
Add to chart: Uranus PLANET Appearance/ Terrain Diameter Distance from Sun Length of 1 day Length of 1 year Uranus No solid surface. All gases 50,800 km 2,870 million km 17 Earth Hours 30,687 Earth days (app. 84 Earth years)
Neptune Appearance/terrain- Made up of all gasses. No solid surface. Appears blue. Diameter- 48,600 km Distance from the Sun- 4,498 million km (2,795 million miles) Temperature: -353°F Length of 1 day: 16 Earth hours Length of 1 year: 60,190 Earth days (app. 164 Earth years) # of moons: 13 known
Add to chart: Neptune PLANET Appearance/ Terrain Diameter Distance from Sun Length of 1 day Length of 1 year Neptune No solid surface. All gases 48,600 km 4,498 million km 16 Earth Hours 60,190 Earth days (app. 164 Earth years)
Compare and Contrast Inner Outer Planets Planets Mercury orbit the Sun *Jupiter Venus * Saturn Earth *Uranus Mars * Neptune Small, rocky *large and Few or no gaseous moons * many moons
Solar System Brainpop Video
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