Independent Living Christine Lenske Beth Rudy
Agenda Enhancement Background Review Requirements –Tracking Independent Living Services –Self Reported Outcome Measures Baseline report at age 17 Age 19 Age 21 Outcomes Data For reporting Services Characteristics Outcomes Basic Demographics –Time Line for Design in eWiSACWIS
Enhancement Background Chafee Foster Care Independence Act. National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD) Independent Living Transition Case Plan
Tracking Who does this apply to? –Youth who of the age of 15, and have been in out of home care for greater than six months –These youth are eligible up to their 21 st birthday or age 23 if participating Education and Training Voucher Program on their 21 st birthday.
Tracking in eWiSACWIS The Independent Living pages in the system have yet to be designed. However, we do know that the information identified as necessary will prefill to the perm plan, and we will also have an independent living template that will go into further detail of the services being received. This template could also be attached to the perm plan if desired.
Tracking Education –High School diploma or HSED/GED –Vocational certificate –Vocational license –Associate’s degree (AA) –Bachelor’s degree (BA or BS) –Higher than Bachelor’s degree
Tracking Education Continued –Completed driver’s education –Obtained driver’s license –Completed sex education –School attending/last attended –Most recent grade level –None of These
Tracking Services Received –Secondary academic support –Post-secondary educational support –Career preparation –Employment programs or vocational training –Budget and financial management –Housing education
Tracking Services Received Continued –Home management –Health education/Risk prevention –Mentoring –Family/Healthy Marriage Education –Driver’s Education –Supervised Independent Living
Tracking Plans/Assessments –Independent Living Needs Assessment –Independent Living Transition Plan
Tracking Financial Assistance (including the date and amount received) –Room and board –High School Education –Post Secondary Education ETV funded Non-ETV funded Other Scholarships –Insurance –Household Supplies
Tracking Financial Assistance Continued –Drivers Education –Needed Documents –Food –Medical –Other financial assistance
Outcomes Who are we reporting on? –All Youth who turn 17 while in out of home care. –A sample of youth at age 19. –A sample of youth at age 21.
Outcomes Data –Current full time employment –Current part time employment –Employment related skills training –Receiving social security –Housing assistance –Other support
Outcomes Data Continued –Current enrollment and attendance in secondary or post-secondary education or training program –Connection to an adult –Substance abuse referral –Incarceration –Public Financial Assistance –Food Stamps
Outcomes Data Continued –Homelessness –Medicaid Recipient –Health Insurance –Drivers License –Important Documents
Outcomes Data Continued –Children Did youth give birth or father any children Number of Children Marital status at time of birth –Legally Separated, Married Couple, Single Female, Single Male, Unable to Determine, Unmarried Couple.
Outcomes Reasons for non-reporting –Youth refuses to provide information –Parent/guardian refuses to provide information –Could not locate youth
Independent Living Design Schedule Initial Webcast was Monday, October 29 th Second Webcast was Monday, November 12 th Other Enhancement scheduled for June 2008 Release.