By: Brittany Morris, John M., Nate S., Cameron A. Period: 8 Jan. 28, 2010
The Rocky Mountains have unpredictable weather which can change rapidly. As with other highland climates, the climate changes with increasing altitude. In general, the Rockies have mild summers, cold winters and a lot of precipitation. The Rockies have very different seasons. In the winter there is deep snow, high winds, and sudden blizzards are common. At night it can get to -35û F. In the spring there is unpredictable weather. It could be wet or dry, cold or warm. In the summer there are sunny mornings, afternoon thunderstorms and clear nights. In the fall there are cool, crisp days, wind and decreasing precipitation.
Snowy peaks These peaks are a playground for riders and skiers. In the winter these peaks average 6-12 feet a year witch are perfect conditions for any powder seeking rider.
Alpine terrain The terrain for this biome is generally steep and rocky. It is harsh terrain for any human to travel. In the winter it is almost impossible to travel this terrain without any modern technology. In this envierment snow melt creates huge gullies and over time creates the vales you see today
Alpine lakes Snowmelt from the previous winter creates these lakes. The rest of the melt flows into reservoirs. Alpine lakes are home to a fish called the trout they are generally smaller then 12 inches and feed on minerals pushed in by melting snow and summer rain storms. Trout spend there winter life in a dark cold wet existence.
There are several plants in the Mountainous/Alpine biome, such as the Alpine Phacelia, Bear Grass, Bristlecone Pine, Moss Campion, Polylepis Forest, Pygmy Bitterroot, and Wild Potato. -Alpine phacelia - Moss Campion -Polylepis Forest -Wild - Bear Grass Potato -Bristlecone Pine -Pygmy Bitterroot
The Alpine Phacelia: A tubular, bell shaped or bowl-shaped flower. It can be blue, violet, or white in color. It has a fringed look. Bear Grass: Looks like a grass, but it really is a part of the lily family. Its about 4.5 feet tall, olive colored, the leaves are tough and wiry. Bristlecone Pine: Oldest known tree species in the world. Lives in only scattered, arid mountain regions. Moss Campion: Grows in the lower alpine regions. It only grows to be about 5-15 cm tall. Its mounded shape protects it from the cold and drying winds. Polylepis Forest: Located in the Andes Mountains. Occur at altitiudes up to 4,500 meters in sheltered areas. Pygmy Bitterroot: They have long, skinny, fat leaves that are about 4 inches long. It grows to be about 4-6 inches tall, and about 8 inches wide. Wild Potato: A relative of the cultivated potato. Is found in the Andes mountains. You can find them where it is about degrees in the Andes mountains.
Mountain Hare- life span of 10 years Predator is the Red Fox Known as the blue hare in summer Very fast Introduced from Sweden Under threat from habitat loss Mountain Goat- 3-4 ft. tall Lbs. Eat grass and other herbs Also known as the “rocky Mountain Goat”
Mountain Lions- 24”-28” tall and Lbs. Hardcore predator Carnivore Males mature and die faster than females Have very few natural predators besides humans Rattle Snake- 16 different species Eat small rodents like mice and rabbits Natural predators are roadrunners, hawks and eagles Can grow anywhere from 3-4 ft. long Their rattle is a defense mechanism
Alpine Marmot- Eat mainly grass and herbs Start hibernating in October Closely related to squirrels Grow up to 50cm long and weigh up 6 kilos Also very cute!