Objectives We promote interdisciplinary collegiality among Agronomy graduate students and faculty. The club sponsors monthly meetings, club projects, and social events. We serve as a liaison between graduate students and the department regarding issues of mutual concern. The club has members who actively serve on multiple departmental committees. We support the department in encouraging agricultural awareness. We assisted in the development of the Dr. John Pesek Sustainable Agriculture Lecture Series, cooperate with the Soil and Water Conservation Club, and volunteer time in the local community. Graduate Education Students incorporate varied coursework and research to complete a Masters of Science or Ph.D. degree in one of the following areas: Agricultural Meteorology Integrates climatological and meteorological data and techniques into agricultural problems Crop Production and Physiology Includes crop physiology, ecology, and management Forage quality and utilization Areas of specialization in seed or weed science Seed production and physiology Weed biology and control Plant Breeding Improvement of crop plants through the study and application of quantitative genetics, cytogenetics, molecular genetics, agronomy, and related sciences Soil Science Areas of specialization Soil Chemistry, Fertility, Management, Microbiology and Biochemistry, Morphology and Genesis, and Physics Agronomy Available only to off-campus USA and Canadian students as a non-thesis M.S. degree Integrates crop science, soil science, agricultural meteorology, and pest management in a problem solving format Interdepartmental Majors and Minors Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Genetics Plant Physiology Sustainable Agriculture Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology Water Resources Career Opportunities: Agricultural Climatologist Research Agronomist Biotechnology Technician Crop Protection Specialist Crop Consultant Chemical Sales Representative Territory Sales Manager Crop Production Specialist Field Representative District Conservationist Environmental Scientist Extension Agent Fertilizer Plant Manager Seed Production Manager Grain Laboratory Technician Land Use Consultant Field Production Specialist Farm Manager Research Associates Soil and Water Conservationist Range ManagerResearch Station Superintendent Seed Analyst Wetlands Soil Scientist Soil Management Specialist Weed Scientist Assistantships/Fellowships Students can receive financial assistance through Teaching (TA) and Research (RA) Assistantships and through the Fellowship Program. TAs participate in the teaching and/or extension programs and have an opportunity to develop teaching skills, philosophies, and methodologies. RAs participate in ongoing research conducted within the department along with their own research for their theses. These students contribute at least 20 hours per week to project activities and, for those students with full admission status, reduced tuition and fees are charged The fellowship program is based on previous accomplishments and scholarly aptitude.