Week 4 Week 3 Week 2 Week 1 Week 5 2 last week…
This week... Where do we go from here? 3
4 Worship Your text here
5 The Color Purple
6 “maybe God is trying to tell you something”
‘After three days they found him in the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions.’ Luke Jesus in the temple
Prayer Connection & support Listening and Following God’s Call 8
9 Image courtesy of freeimageslive.co.uk / fmanto The danger of the new... The danger of the old...
Prayer Connection & support Loving Service Evangelism & Disciple- Making Forming Community Evolving Worship 10 Listening & following God’s call
To God –in Scripture –in the wider society –in your community –in yourselves –in partners in church and society 11 to whom are we listening? “360 listening”
12 listening for mission
Consolation Desolation For what moment today am I most grateful? For what moment today am I least grateful? When have I been aware of God at work today? When have I sensed the absence of God today? 14 the examen
For what moments of this course am I most grateful? When have I been touched, or joyful, or excited? For what moments of this course am I least grateful? When have I been troubled, or anxious, or angry? 15 the examen
16 Our Coffee Break
Discover what you know already Do some initial research Listen more deeply Reflect and test God’s call with leadership Presentation and action in the community 17 how to set about the task
18 The view from here
19 next steps Teach Mission- Shaped Intro! Organise a Vision Day for your area * Check out the websites: org Check out the Fresh Expressions section of Crux
Mission is seeing what God is doing and joining in 20
21 prayer Lord, we are honoured that you call us your friends. Call us afresh to know and experience your love; For you love us and want to enjoy us forever. Fill us afresh with your Holy Spirit that we may use the gifts you have given each one of us with courage and compassion; For you love us and want to enjoy us forever.
prayer Open our eyes Lord, to see your grace at work beyond our church buildings and institutions; For you love us and want to enjoy us forever. Help us Lord, to work with you in building communities of faith allowing your mission to be expressed in our hurting world; For you love us and want to enjoy us forever. 22
23 prayer May we proclaim afresh your faithfulness and constant love in a changing and uncertain world; For you love us and want to enjoy us forever. Let us see with the eyes of faith; For mission is seeing what God is doing and joining in. For the building of your kingdom and to the glory of your name; Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
24 “Here I am, Lord!”
Your text here worship 25
May the fire of Christ consume all indifference to God, The light of Christ illumine our vision of God, The love of Christ enlarge our longing for God, The Spirit of Christ empower our service to God, And the blessing of God Almighty The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit Be among us, and remain with us always, Amen. 26 blessing
Go in peace to love and serve the Lord! In the name of Christ: Amen!